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  1. Just an update. I have already received the green card which only took about a little over three months since we applied for it. We did not have an interview. We applied for the Green Card, the travel permit and the the work permit. We were travelling around the country so our friends were taking care of our mail for us. Our friends received our work permit in about two months after we applied. When we got the work permit from our friends we found that the work permit is also good for travel. It says so on the front side of the card of the Employment Authorization. Thanks for you guys' help here and hopefully our experience would be beneficial to some of you.
  2. Yep, 6,7,2 are correct. I called USCIS but what I got from the phone is the same as what I can see on line.
  3. I did not know this but I will try this next Monday. Just out of Curiosity, why is that M=6, S=7, C=2? Thank you~
  4. I tried to put in the receipt number which is 3 letters plus 10 digital numbers but I couldn't put the letters in so it didn't work. Then I tried my A# but it didn't work either because it had only 10 digitable numbers instead of 13. Is there anything else I should try?
  5. Yes it has been transferred to Califorlia. You mean I should put in MSC too?
  6. Hi, all, I applied for the I-131 which is a travel permit. It's almost two months now after we had the fingerprint done. I called USCIS to see if I can find my status but they require the 13 digital receipt number. I know my receipt number but it includes MSC with another 10 digital numbers. I am confused, how should I give them the right number? Thanks
  7. We have got some help from this forum for our visa so we have to share our case with everybody here too. Hope it will be helpful to some of you. I went to the company in the States for training in Nov,2008. My fiance was an engineer there. Our jobs were similar, our personalities were similar and our interests were identical. We hit if off as friends immediately and spent a lot of time together at work and some time together away from work. Our relationship quickly moved into an area that was beyond the bounds that we could allow. A month later I flew back to China and there was a strong bond of love between us with no hope that it would ever be more than just a friendship. Very hard time for us then. In Feb, 2010 my fiance became free and he retired from his job and flew to China. I tried to get a travel visa but it was rejected because of our relationship. We hired a lawyer as most of you do. She helped us organize the materials and filled out the forms that were sent to USCIS. We received a letter from USCIS on 6/21/2010 that told us they received our case on 6/9/2010. After a long time waiting we got an email back from USCIS that told us "On 10/21/2010 we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)." For another two months we did not hear anything from the NVC so our lawyer checked with NVC and found out that NVC mailed the file out on 11/12/2010.We assumed that the file was on the way to Guangzhou consulate.Finally on 2/23/2011 we received package 3 from the consulate. However, they sent the package to my old address. The lawyer called NVC to have my address changed in the database on 11/18/2010 but it seems that they didn't really change it. We sent the completed package 3 back to the consulate on 2/24/2011. Something went fast here. We received the package 4 from the consulate on 3/8/2011. That was a total surprise. However, they sent us the wrong package so we downloaded the right forms from the consulate website. Package 4 told us that the interview was scheduled on 3/21/2011 and we should go to the consulate on 3/20/2011 to turn in the materials. The time was pretty close but we were happy with this since we didn't have to wait too long. On 3/20/2011 we turned in the materials. Since lots of people have talked about this process I guess I don't need to talk about it here. 3/21/2011 was a big day for us. A young man was my officer and he was probably one of the nicest officers even though he gave me a blue slip. Here are the questions he asked: 1. Who is your petitioner in the States? 2. On this form you said that your visa was rejected before, do you know why? 3. How did you meet? 4. What kind of training? 5. Do you have a resume?(I handed him my resume and he looked at it but he didn't say anything about it.It was just a very short resume which had some information on my education and work experience.) 6. What is he doing now? 7. He retired? How old are you? 8. How old is he? 9. He is much older than you. Why would you want to be with him? 10.He had a marriage before? 11.When did he divorce? 12.When did she die? 13.When did you start your relationship? 14.When did you start your relationship romantically? 15.Do you have emails or photos? 16.Is this the second time you are applying for an immigration visa? 17.Who is Lorraine?(He looked one email and Lorren was mentioned in that email.) 18.You traveled a lot? 19.Who is Laurie Anderson? 20.You don't have emails of you two emailing each other? 21.Are you a CCP member? Then the VO started to write something on a blue slip and told me I needed to send them a resume and a travel log. Seeing me look so down he told me twice:"I am sorry to make you down but I have no problem with your relationship." My fiance was sitting in the coffee shop on the third floor and he was so nervous that he couldn't help shaking while waiting. I was so upset to tell him that I got a blue slip. We were very upset but we still had to work on the resume and the travel log. We worked on them very carefully and sent them to the consulate by email in a couple of days. On 5/26/2011 we received the call-in letter from the consulate but the next day(it was Friday) was a holiday so we turned in the passport on Monday. We thought we would definately get the passport back in a week so we booked a flight to the States on 6/9/2011. No, we didn't get the passport back until today, 6/16/2011. We had to cancel the flight and lost quite a bit of money due to that but we got the visa finally! All this time my fiance has been with me and we travelled a lot in China and had a lot of fun and made quite a few friends here. We feel that we were still pretty lucky. Good luck to you too!
  8. We got a call-in letter a couple of weeks ago. The call-in letter we received had the appointment letter attached to it. The appointment letter was the same one for the interview. They must have fogotten to attach it. Probably the consulate people will tell you if you do need it or not when they reply to you. By the way, the call-in letter should tell her when she can go to drop off her passport. To drop off the passport is similar to the process of turning in the documents prior to the interview except that she will turn the passport in at Window 29 or 30. Hope this will give you some help.
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