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Everything posted by Vkearney3

  1. Do any of the forms need to be notarized? Like the I-864 or something? One more question, do you think its ok I put all the tax information in a folder along with everything esle? Because I have a joint sponsor and we have a lot of papers for our taxes, especially my joint sponsor and its for three years. His are like books when mien re like a couple of pages. I don't think I can fasten them in those folders everyone says to use. Thanks again everyone.
  2. Thanks guys for the fast replies. I always appreciate your advice.
  3. thank you for your answer, she doesn't have the yellow book, so we did get the two vaccinations she needed today. Thanks for clearing things up for me.
  4. I was just wondering, since K1 aren't in need for a new medical exam, when I send in for I-693, should photocopy the entire red book they gave us from the medical exam in Shanghai for GUZ? Ohh one more sorry, when I send this form in, since we didn't have the medical, should I include the entire form even with the blank areas of the medical exam? or should I just send in page 1 and part 5 of page 5? Thanks everyone.
  5. My situation: I am a K1 visa petition and my wife just went to have her medical exam today for us to send our AOS packet in. Now..the civil surgeon has really pissed me off and made me extremely frustrated and confused. My wife did her medical on China for GUZ and received her little red book of medical information, issued 02 June 2008. I printed out all those things that say my wife doesn't need a new medical exam just her immunizations shots. The civil surgeon said I was wrong and argued with me for about an hour. Finally she said I will do what you want but I will see you again because the government will send you back for the medical exam anyway. What have I missed here? If I get a RFE I will go crazy. Should I get the new medical to be safe? Also, I here talk that we need two added shots to the immunization, liek a TB skin test and something else. Well i asked the civil surgeon and she said no, I will only do that if we have a full medical exam. Someone please help me out. I am going crazy. So In the end we paid $185 for two shots (MMR and Tetanus) and a blood test to check if my wife ever had a shot for chickenpox, if she didn't then we will return to get that shot because adults who have had it already may get side effects. So two shots, thats it? We are a 02 June 08 medical from GUZ..Do i need anything else? Thank you for yoru time and I am sorry if my post seems rough, Im just extremely overdone with work, school, greencard process, bills, then this bullshit from the civil surgeon. Thanks everyone. -Vin
  6. Well Im about done with my paperwork and ready to start putting supporting docs together. But I have some questions and I know they have been asked before so please forgive me. 1) A#...this is above my wife's name on P1 corrrect? if not where please? 2) On form i-765 question 16.. I put C 9 as the code, correct i hope? or is there another one. 3) What is the "Nonimmigrant visa number? this question is on form I-485 part 3. ***4) Do I go get a medical exam now? my wife is a K1 so should I have a medical document already? This is really the most confusing part for me. Any information abotu the medical form is much appreciated. Thank you Thanks everyone and once again Im sorry for any repeats of other posts and I have 100% belief my questions are repeats. Thank you and have a good week!. Good luck to all!. -Vinny
  7. And after getting Green-card, EAD is no longer needed or renewed. Thank you so much for your responses, that really clears things up for me.
  8. Well we received the new SSN card today and Im very happy about that but I feel like an idiot because in about a week or two we are gonna have to go back and change the last name to mine when we receive oru marriage certificate. But I guess it's good I got one. Does the number change? after we change the name? Ok well my real question for today is abotu the SSN card.. Its say's "Valid for work only with DHS Authorization" on it as well as her SSN number. Is this good or bad? Is getting a SSN card not really that important because she cant be employed until she has her EAD card?? Im just a little confused.. And she read that the EAD is only good for one year on a chinese website, is this true as well? This really just confuses me all the time. Im sure all of you are saying "read it on the net, A**H**E....but Im just so damn lazy today.. sorry..
  9. So I was looking over the SSN form, there is a question for "Legal Alien allowed to work" and "Legal alien NOT allowed to work"... So Im guessing she cannot work because we haven't done AOS yet or EAD card. So then Im guessing she is "not" allowed to work. So with that said, what is our god given purpose of my fiancee allowed to obtain her SSN card? Cuz they mention this on the form. Thanks everyone.
  10. Well I have a question regarding the SSN process. I just got married today legally!! whooo. Im very happy!! . But I will not get my marriage certificate for about 2 or 3 weeks at most. I really want to go get the SSN but Im guessing I will need my marriage certificate. So my questions is, can I still go there and apply for it in her family name? then change it later to my last name, or will they do a background check and find she is married then deny it? I just don't want to wait any longer to apply for it. Another question but about AOS.. I had a co-sponsor for my petition, should I send my co-sponsor taxes as well with mine? Along with the written notarized statement again saying they will help support as we build our lives in US? its my step father. Thanks again everyone for the help.
  11. Thanks everyone for the info, it really helped me a lot. So i guess i will get married first, I do hate standing in lines and twice would not be fun! . So thank you again and Im sure Ill be back with more fun questions about AOS.
  12. Hey everyone, again i just to thank all who have helped me over these months. Thank you! well we finally made it and now we are both in New York!. We just arrived yesterday July 15!. I still cant believe it. So today I called the SS office, the 1-800 number. I wanted to be sure and ask what i needed to apply for my soon to be wife number. Now this guy didnt even know what I was talking about at first and he said I need the "I-551" to apply for her SSN. Is this true? To my research the I-551 is a greencard. SO now Im really confused. I tired to explain to him that she is a K1 but he kept asking me what forms do I have, but all the forms were taken by immigration, the only forms I have are the original petition and her x-rays. So im really confused and need some direction again. thanks everyone, Sorry for repeats once again. Oh and this is my idea in this process. 1) Get SSN 2) Get her name on all my bank accounts, life insurance. 3) Try to get her NY state ID 4) Get married 5) send documents out to change status 6) after married change her name on SSN and Bank accounts, Ny ID to married name. 7) Wait for approval and two year green card. Is this correct?? seem liek the process or am I missign a whole lot of steps? Am i right that once packet is approved she gets 2 year greencard by snail mail? no interview is the interview just for 10 year greeencard? Im just really confused. Like always.
  13. I made an album from present to past. I just went to staples bought a very thin binder and those picture inserts. I had over 200 pictures from 3 visits. The VO seemed to like it although my fiancee told me they almost broke it sliding it through the window, we also had loose photos to show if that was the case but the VO just said, "we can do it, pass it through".
  14. Thanks everyone for your answers, they are really helpful. I didnt knwo abotu JFK giving the 90 day EAD. thats great cuz I knwo my fiancee wants to work, i think its a good idea for her to, she can get otu meet new people and so forth. She is a very independant woman, she wont accept my offer of having her stay at home and do what she wants, i guess thats great. i didnt think flying through interbational ariport was a problem thank you for the assurance. i think JAL will be oru coice, I really hear so mnay great things about that airline. And I will be travelling along with my fiancee as i am currently in china with her now, I wouldnt leave her to do this all alone. Thanks everyone.
  15. Well I didn't know where to put this so hopefully it's in the right place. Since we received oru pink slip we have been trying to figure otu oru way home. has anyone flew on JAL Japan airlines? The price and service is absolutely the best but Im not to sure if we should do it since we need to go through Japan. Does anyone knwo if that would be an issue for my fiancee with her American visa to go throught Japan? or is best and safe to just go United and fly to Cali? Plus .. I worry if I fly JAL I go to japan then right to New York where I live but I worry that NY immigaration is dumb and Cali must be more experiecned with fiancee visa. I just feel San fran must be the number one 1st entrance into US from China. Any thoughts?? Thanks everyone. Maybe I think to much..ha
  16. So I kno AOS comes next, but is there a link to guide me on all the forms and what to do? We should arrive in America by end of July. Just want to get the heads up on oru next journey. Thank you everyone.
  17. Jay and Ping, Im very sorry about the blue slip, but it seems to be ok and simple to overcome. goodluck. Im sorry I have no good advice just give you my thoughts that things will smoothly for you two.
  18. Well I just want to thank everyone for all the help you have given to me on this process. I couldn't have done this so smoothly without your advices you had given me on the forms. thank you. So on June 18, 2008 my finacee had her interview and the result is..............PINK!!!!!!!!!!.. yeah it went very well. Process: We arrived at 7am waited outside in this awful heat and humid air but all worth the wait. They finally let people in around 8am. We arrived at the forth floor and she was sent up and I waited in the coffee lounge on the forth floor. By the way its 39rmb to sit there. Then after 45 minutes she came down with a big smile and pink in her hand. First she met a woman (chinese) asked some questions ( Have you been to US?, Have you been to Hong Kong?, Are you in the Communist Party?) Her answer is all NOOOO.. Then they ask have you applied this before? Then they took her finger prints. Then she waited for her interview. At 9 am they all stand and swear a truths aloud together. An oath. all you military men should know about this.ha. Then her interview, Questions: 1) What's yoru fiancees name? 2) Whats his job? 3) Where does he live? 4) When did you meet? 5) has he met yoru family? ( Then she showed some pictures) 6) Have you met his mom? ( She showed my moms plane ticket to come to Chine this month for our celebration) 7) Asked for my taxes.. I had a cosponsor, didn't want to see my step fathers info just mine, just asked who is my co-sponsor. he briefly looked over my taxes. She mentioned I was in college through those years so many salary is part-time, I work full time now and do side work in plumbing with my real father. Thats about it, after she showed my moms plane ticket out cme the pink slip!!. She showed all our photos, we made an album. from 2008 till 2006. She showed the news paper from her hometown where we took wedding photos and they put us in the news paper as advertisement cuz Im probably the only foreigner to use their services. haha And thats about all she wrote. Thank you for everything and good luck to everyone in your future. Im sure I will post again and again as we come to America together to begin our greencard process and most importantly...life.
  19. Now I know the answer already but I just want to make sure Im not crazy. Last time I visited my fiance I applied a tourist visa for single -entry 90 days, as usual. This time I told the kind lady I was visiting my fiance and little did I knwo by that great discussion we had to gave me a tourist visa but this time it says (M) for entries and each duration of stay is 120 days...issued Jan 2008 and ends Jan 2009. So my question is, did I really get a multi entry visa and I can use this bad boy again and again until jan 2009 for 120 days each time i enter China? Forgive that i ask this here, I just rather get some feedback then spend 100 dollars on gas to drive from Long island into manhattan to ask the Chinese consulate. Thanks everyone, I know Im being dumb but I like the assurance.
  20. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!. Really so happy for you both. I hope t have great news like this myself soon. Enjoy yourselves, you did it.
  21. As long as your name is on it, and it is about you, it doesn't matter, IMO. My letter from my agency personnel department, was addressed to me. Most likely, they won't even look at it, just the I-134 and/or last tax return, based on the last few dozen interview de-briefs. Your probably right!> Thats also what i figured but I guess its best to be safe. Thanks for the reply!.
  22. I was just wondering how to address the letter. Should I just have my boss say "To whom it may concern" or " Dear Consulate".. Thanks for the advice.
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