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Jing Quan

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Everything posted by Jing Quan

  1. It sounds like ×ßÂíÕò, which is near the borderline between Hubei and Hunan (per Google map). Are you still there?
  2. I'm curious to know the Chinese characters for Zhouma. I was born and grew up in Hubei and my An lives in Wuhan right now. I plan to be in Wuhan on May 18 (with a one-way ticket) and stay on until she gets her visa then we can come back together.
  3. Rob, what are you saying here? My birthday is not until April.
  4. Wholehearted congrats! An rarely calls me for the obvious economic reason. Will it be a problem?
  5. You may consider using USPS's registered mail. According to them, it is the most secure way to mail something. I used it before and encountered no problems.
  6. It seems like you, Rob, and I are very close to each other. Happy circling.
  7. Someone please remind me of DOS number, again. Thanks. And also, since I was told to call back once a week in March when I called last time, which day of the week is the best? M or F?
  8. Congratulations! Yours seems be on the fast track with 5 months from the NVC out date to the interview.
  9. Based on Yaya44's timeline, it seems to take about 180 days from the NVC out (9/25/07) to the interview (3/26/08). Is it the norm?
  10. Rob, Sorry to hear. When I called DOS a wee ago, the " SPECIALIST" told me that my case was "loaded." What does that mean? Jing
  11. Not that fast. P2 was on its way to GUZ and I have no idea when it is going to be picked up.
  12. I did it the other way around. I first responded to you knowing perfectly what you were talking about and then made the correction to the record to avoid any possible future confusion.
  13. Thanks. I think I'm already in the circling bunch. Just to look ahead, how many months is from P3 to the interview? I'd like to have it in a June-July timeframe because I'll be there then.
  14. Rob, I think I've caught up with you. Now we are only one day apart. Jing
  15. It was from NVC to GUZ according to my conversation with the State Department, although I have never received any confirmation on this. They also told me the case was "loaded," whatever that meant.
  16. I just received the following email from CRIS informing me: The last processing action taken on your case Receipt Number: EACxxxxxxxxxx Application Type: I129F , PETITION FOR FIANCE(E) Current Status: Approval notice sent. On December 17, 2007, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E)...... This email travels much slower than a snail.
  17. Darnell, It was very nice to meet you and Yanyan in Wuhan on the day you were married. We enjoyed your and Yanyan's companies very much. I hope your trip to Chendu was as good as to Wuhan and your trip home tomorrow is not affected by the snowstorm. Jing
  18. Tsap Seui, I live in Salisbury. How about you? I hope you can come over for the Chinese New Year. It is too bad that I have to miss it by a week. Jing
  19. Good luck. BTW, do you live in the Washington DC area? I live on the eastern shore of Maryland.
  20. Too bad, I'll be in Shanghai from 1.25 to 1.27 on my way back to the States.
  21. Darnell, Welcome to Wuhan. I've been here for more than 40 days now. It has snowing for the last week. It is strange because this is the first time I came to China in the winter since I left more than 20 years. I'm not used to the cold anymore, especially to the fact that there is no heat inside most of the houses. I'll leave for Shanghai on the 25th on my way to the US. If you happen to come back to Wuhan before then and would like, we could meet. It would be nice. Jing and An
  22. I know it has to be PINK just for the sake of baby carrying run.
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