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Everything posted by Amaro

  1. I am going to jump on this thread to rant. I think its rediculuous that prices can flucuate during seasons. There should be a set price I think all around. Grrr I mean im sure all of us here could drop 3000 bucks on a round trip ticket. But the question is do we really want to. Its kinda crazy things are like this. dam you airplane companies!!!
  2. Im sorry to hear about the problem you encountered. I assure you that this post will help me in the future. I tend to "wing it" a lot. I will learn from this situation. Hope you have a speedy recovery from this error and you are together once again.
  3. Amaro


    Congrats!! Heres to many more happy years together!!
  4. We can talk all day about mainstream media. Lets talk about something the mainstream media doesnt report. Lets talk about the inner workings of the u.s government. The direction I am referring to is the FBI and CIA secrelty capturing "terrorist suspects" when they have done nothing wrong and sending them to a little place called guntanamo bay for questioning. I really do believe that this happens a lot. Also, I think the U.S should racial profile, the U.S constituional rights should only apply to american citizens. That would be the loop hole we need to treat non-citizens the way the government feels. We let planes get hijacked and many lives were lost. If the TSA officer at the airport racial profiled and was freely able to do that, we would probably still have 2 towers and 4,000 people alive today. I think if we want better homeland secruity, especially with whats going on in the middle east today. We need to cross that line and we need to do it hard. I think anyone with east asian decent would have nothing to worry about. Disclaimer: I based my opinion of being a naturalized citizen myself. I was born in India and came to america when I was 6 years old. Became a citizen in 2005 when my parents got approved for citizenship. I love this country and to show it, no better way then serving in the military for the last 5 years of my life
  5. congrats!! quick turn around time for you guys
  6. I purchased my ticket from cheapoair.com last time.
  7. Thanks guys. I am indeed relaxing in sunny Orlando, FL for good this time around.
  8. I finally got around to mailing the I-129F package to the Vermont Service Center today. I followed the cover letter and guidance on VJ. Far as support documentation that we met, I included plane tickets, receipts, phone call history from skype, a picture of the e-mail list and 26 pictures with a couple of me with the family and her friends. Well time to play the waiting game.
  9. Awesome, congrats on the good news. It seems like everything was processed extremely fast in your situation. Good luck at the interview.
  10. I agree with the tourist season. The Round trip ticket price if booked for next month from Florida to Xiamen is $1000, but if booked in July its $1400. It seems flights are really expensive in July. You could try finding a date in August, I noticed the fare dropped down to $1200.
  11. Haha Jim Julian's hand? Do I really want to ask what that is all about? Either way, Ill take it that theres nothing wrong with this picture. Thanks for the input.
  12. I had my girl take a picture for me. So she did, and sent the file through email. I am going to go to a walgreens or something in the states and get it printed out to 2 x 2, im sure they can do that right? Also in the picture I notice a weird spot on it. I circled it with a red circle. Do you guys think that would be a issue or just have her go retake a new one? I dont think that weird spot will be to visible once the picture is 2 x 2? http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g238/hcivicbreaker/xiaoyan.jpg
  13. Ah thank you for the reply. I can see the meaning in your words first hand. We have been chatting a little bit since I returned back to Japan, and I could see that she wants me to be very certain with every action I plan to make with her. If I give any hint I will not able to follow through she catches on very quickly. You are definitly right when you says her future is in my hands because she says the very same thing to me. She wants me to make sure this is what I really want because if it isnt her life could be ruined as well.
  14. Well its over. I am no longer in china. As I type this I am in taiwan at the airport. She was really sad when I left her. I tried to cheer her up and out of no where, I told her I would come see her again in 3 months. Realistically, yes I could do it, but I dont know if its the best decision right now for me to take another break from things. Well theres only 1 thing left to do and that would be to start the K-1 Process. I can formally say now I am in the same boat as everyone else that is waiting to bring their SO to America.
  15. Just got back from shanghai. I got to do most of the stuff you guys mentioned. I couldnt find the Haagen Daaz on the Bund though, they were doing contruction work on the entire area, so it was all closed down. Went up on the Jin Mao tower at night to this bar called Cloud 9, she really liked that one. My favorite was the sightseeing in the Oriental Pearl Tower with the see through floor, that was amazing and scary. Shanghai was definitly worth it, I highly recommend anyone thats ever in china to make a trip over there. Overall I am extremely happy from the experience. I can leave china a happy man. I felt like I was in America for some parts of Shanghai. Running into stores like Best Buy and restuarants such as Pizza Hut, Burger King, and Papa Johns!! They just needed a Taco Bell. There was tons of Shopping to do, and I didnt buy anything since I was a little disappointed. I ran into this place called Metro City which was a electronics paradise. Thinking to myself, China + electronics + made in china, I was hoping to get some sweet deals. But the prices were a little bit negotiable and nothing that was a steal that would have made me buy it now and there.
  16. Thanks for the recommendations. I went to travelchinaguide.com and just printed out all the tourist attractions on there. Most of the stuff you guys recommended were on there. I cant wait to go up in one of those towers, I think that will be pretty cool. I wonder if we can do everything in 2 days.
  17. We are going to go to shanghai for the weekend. We are flying in thursday night and leaving sunday afternoon. Does anyone have a MUST SEE local attraction or recommendations of a really nice restaurant? You know the Shanghai must-do list if your in town.
  18. We stayed at the brothers house which is owned by the parents, the house is in a 20 story building and in a highly populated area. The dad cooked for us the both nights we were there and it was delicious. They eventually got used to me and they are kinda happy now that their daugther is with me. The father shook my hand when we left for the airport and I gave the mother a hug. I called the mother mama lol. They thought I was really funny and a honest fella. They said they like honesty. I got along with the siblings and her sister actually held my hand as well whenever we walked somewhere. I was like a pimp with two women around me lol I also got along with the brother and we talked a lot about many things. Overall it was a good experience and I think I have a good new second family in china. They never really built a marine base per say, It was a air force base, but they changed it to a Naval Air Station/ Joint Reserve Base Forth Worth. It has all 4 branches on that base along with the entire basing doing reserve drills.
  19. the votes are in. I got full support from the family. they will let her go through with this and support us during the visa process. thank you all for the advice. my phone is about to die so I will chat with you all later.
  20. Indeed, the father is actually ok with the idea. the mother is the one that is really worried. the father just didn't want to acknowledge my presence at first but all is better now. either way your right, she wants and is going to be with me regardless what her parents say. I just wanted to get heir blessing and support
  21. One more thing for meeting her family, if you see this in time. It's a custom that when you see them you should address them in terms of their relationship to you (i.e., to your fiancee). Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister, Aunt, Uncle... they'll probably all want to immediately hear you call them by their relation to you. As for drinking, if you go out with "just the guys" I wouldn't shy away at all. It can be a fun and very interesting bonding experience to watch your brother-in-law or cousin rising steadily in his happiness meter if for no other reason than the sheer pleasure of sitting with you and partaking the baijiu... I joke with all the time im going to call her parents mama and papa. My culture is the same way so it wasn't anything new to me. im at their house now, I wasn't really nervous when I was on my way to the house but once I saw the family it was all downhill. I tried to shake the fathers hand and he gave me the cold shoulder, so embarrassing. so anyways we sat and ate dinner and I got poured a glass of straight whiskey. by no means am I a good drinker. so I slowly paced the 1 glass. everytime I drank a sip they cheers me. overall the ucle was there and he said I did a good job as a first impression. whew what a relief!!! the dad left later that night with the uncle and I didn't seem him again for the night. I ended up talking to the brother who speaks decent english, he was xpressing the family's concerns about her going to america. the family was apparently trying to set their daughter up with some other family that owns a factory. so they were saying if she stayed in china they knew she would have a good life. Me, still in my early 20's didn't have a lot to assure them their daughter would not live a life of poverty. I slept in my own room and she slept with her sister, the first night I've been with her and we haven't slept with each other. I haven't held or kissed her in 12 hours! sure enough she sneaks into my room at 6am in the morning and we just kiss. its 0730 now and I can't go back to sleep. Well I have the whole day with them today so we will see how things work out.
  22. My MOS is 6286 Aviation Safety Equipement Mechanic (AME) on KC-130J model aircraft. I was stationed in Fort Worth, TX from 06-08 and okinawa japan from 08 until now. I get out next month.
  23. Hello everyone once again, just a small update. We are leaving for the parents house on friday night. Ive been taking in what you all have said about meeting the parents. I asked her what I should do and she just giggles at me. Well anyways, I just had her watch me shave and brush my teeth and showed her the right way of doing things when it comes to brushing teeth. Well I watched her brush her teeth and OMG!!! I was about to ask her why do you even brush? I am meticulous about the body and teeth is my number 1 item on the list. I just showed her how to brush her teeth the right way, and of course I was expecting it, her gums started to bleed. So we are going to the dentist now and I want her to get a cleaning, shes onboard with it. I am guessing she has NEVER EVER had a cleaning done because she hasnt refused one bit. I hate cleaning's in america, I cant imagine what its like here lol. Ive been reading the dentist thread that you guys had going and im a little nervous for her. But I really want her to take care of her body. A trip to an american dentist is one of the first stops when she gets to america.
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