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Posts posted by michaelt

  1. Either this has terrible instructions, or I am too dense to understand it. Is the biographical information supposed to be about my wife or about me???? Or maybe 2 of each?? I'm so confused!!

    By the way, there should be a fillable version that will duplicate your answers from first page and fill out additional 3 copies. Each copy has note on the bottom left where they go (for USCIS use).

    Also, my wife is from Kaifeng!

    Good luck!!!

  2. Michael,


    Understand fully. Wife also heartbroken over this. Can Fang get contact number to niece? Perhaps update her on the situation? She may not know of the recent problems. I feel helpless also, but wishing for a more solid solution to her issue at hand.



    sorry for delay, website hung up. Can not get contact info due to lady's shame and fear of hearing "I told you so".

    I will call USCIS tomorrow, not use MSC#, and present "what if" type scenario, and recourse, both minimal and maximum, I may pursue.

    Thanks for your support and kind words. Give your wife a hug for us!!!!

  3. Thanks Michael.

    I have understood Wen Li correctly. She informed me of all you write.

    Waiting to hear more. A very sad situation. Perhaps it is time to stir nest.


    I agree with you 1000% and have restled with this for several weeks. It has brought Fang and I to tears sometimes and that is what makes me the angriest. We are both very concerned for this lady but know that if we call anyone, USCIS, the police, anyone....we are commited to this lost cause and certainly making things worse in this lady's home. We do not have the financial resources to do much for her. I am not convinced the husband is behind all of this. His health is bad (he say's lungs are bad from car accident...I say cigar smoking). His 2 last hospital stays were brought on because his rotten daughter brought over bottle of whiskey. Perhaps she is trying to kill dad for inheritance....he invests in casinos...sounds like he's worth big bucks (and NONE of his kids work). They do not like Chinese lady for obvious reasons.

    I do not even know where nice lady is??? Rotten daughter hustled her off today, telling her to gather her clothes (when she discovered almost $2000 missing). I think daugher brought nice lady to be with her husband who I think is staying with another daughter while he recuperates.

    I will call USCIS and present "what if" scenario tomorrow. I will not share MSC#. I can not see doing much more except advising nice lady. Fang say's nice lady sounded to be having a panic attack on the phone today. Perhaps 911 from nice lady to police may get the ball rolling? I don't mean to sound as if I am distancing myself from this, but quite honestly, my anger at this man and seeing how upset my new wife is when she talks to lady, tells me this is a can of worms that should not be opened by us. It will put a strain on our new marriage. We will advise calling 911 if necessary, but I do not want to initiate something that will surely destroy any home life or shelter she might have now, or take on the financial, legal, and perhaps violent burden (he has a family of nut-jobs) that can come from it?

    We are still in the process of refinancing and do not have anything to contribute to this lady's financial situtation. It could also mean months of lawyers, court, USCIS, having a room mate and many other legal problems.

    Sucks to be us, huh?

    I told Fang I would pay to fly lady back to China, but I really don't have it (unless I want to jeapordize house refi, Fang's tentative health insurance, and tentative life insurance on me for Fang). Don't want to do that!!!!

    Perhaps USCIS can she some light? Perhaps nice lady needs to work this out herself? Also keep in mind, she came here because she was marrying a rich American. That is why she has told me that she can not return to China. She has told this to many people in China, and is ashamed to return. She also has a niece in California, but can not go there because niece told her NOT to come to America. Perhaps niece knew or sensed something that we don't?

    I have told Fang that we will not let her be on the streets, but must view from afar and only intervene when really needed. I think nice lady needs to initiate action before we do....

    Don't really need this in our life right now!!!!

  4. michaelt,


    Any recent developments on this?

    Fang and Wen Li have been discussing this and we would like to learn if anything more positive is in the near future for her.

    If not so positive, is there not someone/agency/community within your city that can assist her before she is "put out" on the streets?

    If I understand Wen Li correctly, his family members have shunned her and the marriage and are trying to make sure she is not included in any financial gains of any kind in case of death.


    Clayton & Wen Li

    Yes. it is not looking good and I will post more details after I take Fang to English tonight. I'm very worried for this nice lady and am torn between getting involved and opening a hornets nest or not. Latest on USCIS is another RFE mailed to him on May 30. Also sounds like one of his rotten daughters has stolen about $2000 from her. I am also guessing this rotten daughter has turned off the house water while the miserable husband was in the hospital (from possibly alcohol overuse last weekend). We think daughter is trying to destroy her fathers health. He is wealthy.

    Sickening and creating a bit of turmoil in my house.

  5. Congratulations, Michael and Fang!


    Gino - why did your biometrics take so long? did you have time conflict and rescheduled? My biometrics is scheduled for 6/24. =) Hopefully EAD and green card don't take too long too. Good luck to you and Lu lu!

    Hi Amy

    I have no idea either. USCIS kept on saying they mailed out something to us but we never received anything. Finally we received 3 Biometrics appointment letters in one day ;) :D :D It's not as bad as waiting for the P4 since we are together right now :unsure:

    Lulu got her green card interview date today so thing are going to the right direction.

    Congratulations on the interview date, and good luck!!! Keep us all posted. : )

  6. We had our GUZ interview on the morning of May 12.


    My fiancee was nervous, but prepared and over these past months I have told her what I expected. Told her a white slip was the worst as far as I can tell because that is saying they doubt the validity and true nature of the relationship. Blue slip would be bad, but then again there are many different blue slip reasons and delays.


    The first test I believe begins when they ask if they can speak English or just Chinese. My fiancee answered in English and was sent to a brunette CO who asked her one sentence in English and then spent the rest of the time speaking in Chinese. My fiancee says the CO's Mandarin was slightly better than my own.


    The crazy thing was they never asked about my ability to speak Mandarin, how we communicate, etc. They seemed to assume because my fiancee could speak English that is what we used. If she could only speak Chinese I'm not sure how they are supposed to find out our Mandarin or native language proficiency because we are not allowed to go in there with them.


    The notarized I-134 and your backup proof is a major factor here. This packet has to be really thorough and detailed. Our government really just wants to check to see if the immigrant will become a state burden. That is a primary focus. I had 3 years tax returns, 3 months pay stubs, employment verification letter, and everything for this part neatly detailed out.


    Have your passport with your fiancee or if you are not there, have all pages of the passport photocopied. Heck, bring a photocopied version to give to them even if you do have your original there. They wanted to see where I traveled, when, and also questioned my fiancee about my visits to Taiwan. Why I was there etc.


    Do write a letter explaining your relationship development from the time you filed the I-129F to the time of the interview. Mine was not notarized, but I did sign and date it.


    Most questions focussed on basics revolving around my work and family. Where did I work? Where did I go to school? Where does my father live? Do I have brothers and sisters? How old are they? Where do they live? What sort of work do I do? How did we meet?


    The CO asked if we had photos together, so my fiancee handed over the album and it was flipped through quickly. The entire time the CO is checking the computer, stamping papers, etc.


    My fiancee offered to show the CO other evidence (I told her not to volunteer anything and just sit back calmly and smile, but she didn't remember or got excited)


    The CO didn't want or need to see anything else. Our QQ online pictures, 10 months phone records, email printouts, hand written letters, photocopies of her letters and postmarks I sent back, were never even looked at or touched.


    At this point I believe we had it. The visa was ours.


    We didn't have the additional scrutiny of divorces, children, past criminal records, or things of this nature.


    What we did have was she joined the Communist party during the middle of her college career.


    The CO asks the dreaded, "Are you a communist party member?"


    This is where my fiancee made another mistake. She had stopped paying dues and had officially withdrawn from the party. I told my fiancee to say "No," to this question and to see if they would ask the follow up, "Were you ever a communist party member?"


    She said she was no longer a member, but was before. The CO then asks when did you get out. My fiancee then offers her letter of why she joined and why she left as well as the official withdrawl form, but at that point there was no way to avoid the blue slip.


    I told her if she saw a white or blue slip to ask exactly why we were being delayed or denied and to ask what steps we had to take to overcome or seek a change.


    The CO flat out told my fiancee that she felt we qualified for a visa, but it was US law to delay the visa for additional checks in this situation and there was nothing she could do. She said my fiancee had to wait for 3 months and should hear back from GUZ to come and pick up the visa, but to contact them if there was no word after 3 months.


    My fiancee then asked if we needed to prepare overcome documentation or do anything more. The CO told her we had done enough, they had what they needed, and to just relax and wait for them to contact us.


    Overall I'm proud of my fiancee. She was heartbroken and in tears, which was really heartbreaking. I told her for a blue slip this was the best we could hope for because there is nothing more we have to do, except wait. A white slip could have been far more trouble.


    In the back of my mind I wished she had honestly said,"No," to the communist party question and seen if we could have skirted by and remained 100% honest.


    I don't think her volunteering our letters, emails, and other evidence mattered, but I think sitting back smiling, relaxed, and being excited is best and not volunteering stuff they do not ask for.


    If your other half is a party member I think writing the reasons down and formally withdrawing before the interview is best, but my girl really gained no benefits from membership, wasn't in a government job, etc., so leaving the party before the visa is issued made no difference to her, but I think it did help us in the interview.


    If we get her visa within 90 days or before, then everything is fine and still works within our time frame. There is no overcome for us to perform like some of the other folks I have read about. I think they just need to check back stateside and run another name check on my fiancee and hopefully the visa will be issued.


    Wish me luck everyone. I know there is still a chance I could be stuck in limbo for a long, long time, but hopefully I can post about us getting the visa soon and be of some help to others who are going through this process.


    Any questions, comments, or concerns posted I'll try to answer.


    Best wishes to everyone and hopefully pink slips for the loved ones on the first pass for everyone else. This china K visa process is way, way, way long enough without additional delays.

    Sorry to hear about your trouble but am confident this will all work out fine in the not too distant future. Hang in there and please keep us all posted. Good wishes going your way!

  7. I am also so happy for you and Lulu!!!!

    You'll have to tell us more about the driving thing. I know it is coming for me down the road, but my sweetheart has never driven and I can't imagine how difficult this will be!!! (although we have ALL been down a pretty rough road, huh?)

    Thanks, Michael

    It's really piece of cake. Just give Fang the key and you sit on the passenger seat :rolleyes: .

    Lulu has never drive before either and she knows nothing about mechanical stuffs. I am very proud of her today!!

    Thank you for making it sound so easy!

  8. Congratulations!! Michael and Clayton

    Hope Lulu's green card is not too far away. She got her drive license today :lol:

    I am also so happy for you and Lulu!!!!

    You'll have to tell us more about the driving thing. I know it is coming for me down the road, but my sweetheart has never driven and I can't imagine how difficult this will be!!! (although we have ALL been down a pretty rough road, huh?)

  9. So it probably will come in without difficulty.



    Her baggage or mine?



    I will suggest that she explain the medicine as for menstrual cramps, colds or headaches..... :)

    let me re-phrase -


    tea from china, well of course, no big deal

    medicine ? hmmm we better check into this


    now, read between the lines


    your bags, you wont freak about official attention like she might

    My gal just put in her "checked-in" luggage without a problem.

  10. Great advice and appreciated nice wishes from you all!!!!

    Yes, accounts being put in both our names, and saving these changes in a folder.

    Thank you all so much and yes, driving will be a must sometime soon...perhaps the scariest part of this process! :0 (Fortunately, additional car and insurance not affordable at this time!!!! : )

  11. My sweet Fang finally got her green card today!!!!! We are both so happy!!!!

    What's next? We already have social security card, state ID, work authorization and bank accounts in her new married name. Should we go back to social security to get card without restrictions (that red label across top)? Anything else to update?

    Thank you all!!!!!!!!!!! : ) :lol: :) :)

  12. Sorry I missed this Michael. Congrats! :) Don't be alarmed when it actually comes. It's not really green at all. ;) :D

    Thank you Dave and all!!! Pretty exciting here!!! Is this daylight I'm seeing at the end of the tunnel or just someone with a flashlight messing with my head!!!!! : )

    Pure daylight me thinks. ;)

    you thinks good!!! Thanks

  13. Sorry I missed this Michael. Congrats! :) Don't be alarmed when it actually comes. It's not really green at all. ;) :D

    Thank you Dave and all!!! Pretty exciting here!!! Is this daylight I'm seeing at the end of the tunnel or just someone with a flashlight messing with my head!!!!! : )

  14. :) :cheering: :cheering: CONGRATULATIONS!!!! :cheering: :cheering: :cheering:


    WOW!!! And we were celebrating only the arrival of Wen Li's "Welcome" letter!!! Hoping we to find the same notice you and Fang did soon. The letter states her GC should arrive within the next three weeks. I feel you are ahead of this schedule.

    Once again, CONGRATS!!!....but we don't forgive you for not calling and telling us first! Seems we have to hear it through the grapevine or here on CFL! Lol.


    Clayton & Wen Li

    Forgive me!!!! Posted here so quick to find out for sure, and then shared with Fang. Did not expect our good friends here to reply so fast!!!

    Thanks for your nice wishes and know my sweet Fang and I are wishing you the same. : )


    This just arrived via e-mail:

    Current Status: Notice mailed welcoming the new permanent resident.


    Same as yours..."60 days after completing ADIT".....cool


    .....Fang has assured me to "NOT be afraid"..... : )

  15. Just got this e-mail from USCIS:


    Receipt Number: MSCXXXXXXXXXXX




    Current Status: Card production ordered.


    On May 23, 2008, we ordered production of your new card. Please allow 30 days for your card to be mailed to you. If we need something from you we will contact you. If you move before you receive the card, call customer service. You can also receive automatic e-mail updates as we process your case. Just follow the link below to register.


    Might this be what we have been waiting for????....green card????

  16. OUTSTANDING.....OUR GOOD FRIENDS WEN LI & CLAYTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My sweet Fang and I are SOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy for you both. You two have worked so hard and are a wonderful example to us all that patience, perseverence, love, care (and yours and mine "anal" characteristics) have finally paid off!!!!!!!

    My sweet Fang and I both send you a much deserved Congratulations and look forward to hearing about Wen Li's "card in hand" in your next post!!!!

    Fang & Michael

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