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Everything posted by Corbin

  1. The scent of an old stale and musty room might be more appropriate, because that's what it's going to end up smelling like before they get around to reading it. I suggest saving your money and time from punching and indexing. Their dumpsters are surely lined with all the stuff they throw away. I'm betting they laugh at some of the trouble people go through to send in their packet......
  2. We really have been heading for a global economy since World War 2 was over with. The plans that were put in place then was to set us on this path. The problem is I think, the people that took the reins after this just didn't understand the plan totally. So they have mucked it up in many different ways. Then as China and Russia have started in to join the world as part of this economy the experts just didn't know what to do.
  3. It might be more fun, but I bet you would get the cops showing up many times if you pulled one of these out and set it up to be used....
  4. Great story! I've noticed the same thing in larger cities of China. My wife tells me that while you don't see many police on the streets of China, that most laws are enforced using cameras. It's the responsibility of the driver to check the internet to see whether they've received a citation, and then take care of it. There is no other notification to the driver, except a posting on the internet. I'm guessing that anyone that fails to stop for a traffic cop on the street, will be captured on film, and have hell to pay later... Also take in to a account that over there to have a drivers license it is more costly I believe and I am sure harder to get. So I'm sure when you are told to pull over you do so the punishment will not be any worse and will have a better chance of keeping that license. Now I could also be off base here.....
  5. Being an ex-smoker is like be an ex-drinker..... You are still at risk of picking up the habit again, no matter how long it is between the time you stopped smoking and start again. It is an addiction that most have to fight some what for the rest of their life. May not be the same as drinking, but it still has the same effects. It gets you addicted and in the end will more than likely kill you. Was a smoker 3 different times in my life, so I know a little about it. Have had to fight the thought of smoking again every so often. Even after not smoking for more than 12 years now I believe. If you can stop I say do it, but if not this may be a good sub for the leaf burning version.
  6. The link is bad and I could not see the YouTube video.....
  7. We may get straight to the point with many of our signs here in the US, but I do find it funny how we can sure beat around the bush to tell someone something. This I find happens many times when someone doesn't want to hurt another's feelings. This is were getting to the point gets thrown out the window. I would also say that some of the translations get mucked up from our view point because us Americans no longer speak the Kings/Queens English as the British would say.
  8. Hell no matter what we say as the US in the political arena when it come to China or other places that have a history of human rights issues as defined by other we will be criticized about it. Though I do think that we as a nation needs to not dictate what others should do.
  9. Hey Oscar, the link only brings up the logo for the online paper
  10. I agree with Don, sometime it is best not to ask what it is before you eat it. That way you can't prejudge it.... Although if you only knew how some of what you eat was made here in the US you wouldn't want it either.....
  11. You know this is funny because the US does the same thing as far as I know. Our government control the currency value by raising and lower the interest rates. So why on earth do they point a stick at other countries such as China........
  12. Got to love how the military can screw up a wet dream..... All kidding aside I got lucky that all of the screw ups they did for me were in my favor.... Hope your little mess will be ship shape soon....
  13. May 2009 be the start of the greatest years for you both.....
  14. Oh I know about the fake sport and concert tickets, just never heard of fake train tickets....
  15. Ok, tell me how does one get a fake train ticket.....
  16. My understanding of this was that it was only used to bring into play talks that were already happening. It helped open the door where it looked good for China to do this. I could be wrong.....
  17. No matter how you look at this it is a sad case and many died. Some died that maybe would not have if the building were built better. I don't have proof and will only say that from what I saw as construction of some of the buildings in the area it is a wonder there wasn't more dead. I do hope that those left behind of ones that died find some type of peace. May God be with them.
  18. How are they very distinctive...... I mean a bike has 2 wheels, handle bars, peddles, frame, chain/gears and a seat.
  19. That would be the one, but the one I used didn't have the head light and the seat was a little different. It didn't show the seats front spring and you couldn't see the rear springs that much.
  20. You should have found her one of those vintage Schwinn paper bikes.
  21. I agree that there are many bikes there from the beginning of bikes. It has also made me look on in wonder at how these bike riders do carry all of that water. With tires half flat and chains hanging down real low.
  22. I'm guessing this is the new Doctor Who of which I haven't seen but maybe two episodes. I can only imagine what a Chinatown set might look like in the original Doctor Who. Yes this is the new Doctor Who and they have done a great job with it....
  23. Bad Wolf showed up many places on Doctor Who.... i think by many places you mean everywhere. LOL but in Turn Left they were actually in China town and there were tons of signs that said Bad Wolf in CHinese as well as a decorative font that took you a minute to realize it said Bad Wolf Don't remember that one, but I have missed some of them.
  24. Bad Wolf showed up many places on Doctor Who....
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