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About markimwaiting

  • Birthday 11/17/1956
  1. Hi everyone, Its been a long time since Ive been on line here. Now my wifes nephew would like to visit and maybe go to college here. I see A Mafan got a visa for other family member than parents. My question is, how hard was it to get this visa? or is there another visa type that may be simpler? For those wondering, Kim and I have been very happy since she's been here.
  2. The Government has an Office that is supose to keep all the other departments in check. I think it is the General office of Accounting, GOA I wrote to them a few time in my times of the Black Hole. I dont know if this will help, but the more presure from all over cant hurt.
  3. MAN, you new folks are tougher than I was, lol You all do need to work as a group, there is power in numbers and frequency. Hammer those Bas%%$&'s, they work for us. From what it looks like, the process has changed but has not got streamlined in GZ, if it still takes 14 months. This should not be tolerated. Write the letters, call your Congress, Senator, the DOS, General Accounting office ( they have to account foe all Gov actions and laws) Ask to speak to Harty.
  4. Thanks Tine, I need to get this going, the info will def help. As for a reunion, lets see what we can put together. Im in Charlotte NC, lets find a good central place.
  5. thanks Donahso Last time i did a visa I sent it to an agent in Atlanta to do for me. good, 1 down, 1 to go (bring mama here for a visit)
  6. Has anyone brought a family member here to visit? What is the process? How about a family member to live here? Also, we want to go for a visit to China this year, Im hearing you must apply in person for a visit visa to China, is this true? And, maybe I should change my name here since we're not waiting any more.
  7. Ahhh, almost forgot about the BLACKHOLE GANG PJ, How are you?
  8. Any new people here from the Charlotte NC area?
  9. Hi Donahso, Long time! I see PJ is still here also. How you guys doing? Kim and I are still yet to even have any sort of disagreement. Even went through a full kitchen remodel, she is quite a wonderful woman It was worth the long wait. We are planing a trip to China about mid year. How many more of the origingal gang still around here?
  10. Its good to see this site still going stong. It sure was my salvation in the dark days of visa delays. Keep the faith and most of all keep pounding the DOS. It will take team work. Seems the DOS hasnt changed much. 2 years ago, we sure had the DOS on their heels.
  11. Hi all, Well, as of Jan 23. Kim will be here 2 years Everything is wonderful How is everyone doing?
  12. Hi all, Its been a long time since I have been here. Here is a short update. We are doing great! Kim has her SS card, drivers license, a temporary job, going to school, and enjoying it here. She has learned so much in the 8 short months here. We both are enjoying our happy life and love. Well just wanted to say hello to all. Good luck to all.
  13. This is strange !!!! You might want to make sure it is real before spending to much money and time. Congratulatins! When was the name check submitted or resubmitted?
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