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Everything posted by garfield529

  1. Just a few quotes from the wiki entries mentioned earlier in the threads. It becomes obvious that the Japanese were disproportionately affected compared to the much larger Italian and German populace. "Attorney General Francis M. Biddle assured enemy aliens that they would not be discriminated against if they were loyal. He cited Department of Justice figures: Of the 1,100,000 (sic) enemy aliens in the United States, 92,000 were Japanese, 315,000 were German, and 695,000 were Italian. In all, 2,972 had been arrested and held, mostly Japanese and Germans. Only 231 Italians had been arrested.[11]" "Somewhere between 110,000 and 120,000 people of Japanese ancestry were subject to this mass exclusion program, of whom approximately two-thirds were U.S. citizens" "A total of 11,507 people of German ancestry were interned during the war, accounting for 36% of the total internments under the Justice Department's Enemy Alien Control Program." "In 1988, Congress passed and President Ronald Reagan signed legislation which apologized for the internment on behalf of the U.S. government. The legislation stated that government actions were based on "race prejudice, war hysteria, and a failure of political leadership"." "Those that were as little as 1/16th Japanese could be placed in internment camps.[23] There is evidence supporting the argument that the measures were racially motivated, rather than a military necessity. For example, orphaned infants with "one drop of Japanese blood" (as explained in a letter by one official) were included in the program." ~~it was racial Every time a Predator drone fires on a group of "insurgents" and kills some teenage boy's father, we create another "insurgent." How can we solve this problem? Every time investors collectively drive companies to keep costs low and profits high, we create a demand for low-wage labor that will be filled by illegal immigrants. How can we solve this problem? Just curious for thoughts...
  2. I am interested in the history of this "visa killer" because that is who we had in March and Yi said she was a really sweet lady. I wonder if we just had her one day of the month she is not on her period....
  3. The OP mentioned tax transcripts, so she probably meant her I-134 and not I-130. This is my read on the situation.
  4. NEVER....NEVER..tell a Chinese woman you will do something this big for her and not follow through. You will lose face and she will downgrade her trust in you and your words will have less meaning. You will spend a long time gaining this back. Keep in mind, you just left a young woman alone with only hopes of her future with you. If you said three months, then buddy I would start saving and planning for three months. OR, tell her now that three months won't be realistic. Always be upfront and straight forward with her. You are not dating an American, you just joined a new culture, whether she tells you or not..you are no beholden to new rules my friend. Good luck!
  5. Frontloading is a big plus for China, but not critical at the USCIS stage. It will help once you get to GUZ, the VO will have seen all of the frontloaded material and possibly be able to make a decision in your favor before your girl is even at the window. As far as comments, people on this site are saying that? I haven't seen anything in the upper forums, but if so that is just messed up. These are the same people who have either been hurt in the past by their own ignorance or have generally negative views of others. Nothing you can do but report them or ignore them. Good luck!
  6. Yi had the black woman and said she was very nice. I wonder why she comes off as nice to some and very mean to others. She said that many of the Chinese there were very worried about having her..some even called her slur names. But she asked Yi 5 simple questions in about two minutes and handed over the pink. Congrats to you!
  7. PINK!!! Wooohoo...well, it is actually orange..but we got it! Two minutes, two whole damn minutes...five questions..and didn't want to look at anything Yi brought!!! Yi almost demanded that she look at our logs and pics..but the woman said "you have more than proved a real relationship." And that is that. I am in a post-pink mental haze...I don't know what to do with myself....
  8. Thanks Kyle, While Skyping tonight, Yi received the mail and it contained our P4!! So, we are quite relieved. She also made arrangement with Mr. Yang to stay at his apartments for her interview. I think we are ready to go with paperwork and arrangements. I am still hoping that the visa fee is not bumped for two more weeks. Woohoo!
  9. Hi Guys, I haven't posted here much (spend some time on VJ). We are scheduled for March 10th according to DOS, but we still haven't received our P4. I have emailed GUZ to request an email/PDF version of the interview letter so that Yi can pay the visa fee and ask for time off from work. I hope this is resolved quickly....it sucks that this delay due to CNY at the end could possibly affect our interview. Good luck everyone!
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