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  1. Honestly, she may be better off. Medical care in this country is a joke. Doctors are either too afraid or too greedy to actually fix anything. If a doctor actually tries to fix something he is running the risk of getting sued if the slightest thing goes wrong... either that or you won't come keep coming back and paying therefore he cant afford that new mercedes every year. But that is another rant...
  2. Yeah, My wife got her police certificates where she lived. She says all that stuff is transferred with her Hukou. So where ever her Hukou is, that is where she needs to go to get her police certificates. Unless she has lived outside of China that is.
  3. Another fine example of what I mean by the term "Government Drone"
  4. Congratulations to you both! My wife is also named Fang. One word of advice for her... be prepared to be called "fang" as in the tooth variety *SHUDDER*. My wife has since changed the spelling of her name to Fong to reduce at least most of the confusion. This has quickly become one of my big pet peeves!
  5. heh, this won't help... just my opinion on the subject. I say give the girl citizenship, kick the guy out of the country
  6. After your fiancee/wife arrived in the US, what were her plans? Did she want to stay home and be a housewife? Did she want to go to school or get a job? If she got a job, what kind of job did she get?
  7. Dunno if you have seen the Stephen King mini-series "Storm of the Century"... It kinda reminds me of the sorcerer in that... "Give me what I want, and I will go away!"
  8. I feel your pain Hank. I am in a region on NC where there are alot of people from elsewhere in the US. They all say that Fang speaks better English that the native North Carolinians
  9. We are in the same situation. We got here in the beginning of May. She got one of those Social Security cards with "Valid for Employment Only...". She went for her Learner's Permit tests which she passed only to find out that. on the past friday, the North Carolina legislature passed a law requiring that she have an EAD card.
  10. My fiancee has her social security card marked "Valid for employment only with DHS Authorization". She took her tests for a DMV learner's permit which she passed but the DMV officer said that a new law was passed this past friday requiring people to get a document from DHS showing dates of employment. I called around DHS and talked to someone who obviously wasnt the brightest bulb in the box and couldnt understand what I was trying to explain to her and she said that I had to wait until we got married. Does anyone know anything about this or has anyone heard anything about this? Is this a federal law or another example of screwed up backwards legisation from the great state of North Carolina? This is outrageous! Yet another example of how the governement is making it harder for people that are trying to do things the right way and easier for those to come into the country illegally. I should have told my fiancee to change her name to Consuela and fly into Mexico City then walk across the border. Then they would have rolled out the red carpet for her then.
  11. Another resource for your SOs learning and practicing English... I am told that alot of libraries in China have "English Corner". It is where a bunch of Chinese people get together and practice English. They are usually attended by an English professor or maybe even a native speaker. I know Guangzhou library downtown has one that meets every Sunday.
  12. I'm not sure if this is proper or not but I thought I would offer it to you or more specifically your Chinese SOs. My Fang has been writing in her blog during much of the process and about our journey together and her experiences. One thing I have noticed is that there is alot of bad information being spread around about the visa process among the Chinese SOs. This blog might clear up alot of the misconceptions people have. It is all in Chinese and the address is http://blog.sina.com.cn/FangWang Hope this helps! David
  13. In case you havent seen my other post, we passed the interview. Fang said that the VO asked for the I-134 which she seemed to look over very carefully, but she did not raise any questions about it. So either I got lucky or assets are ok
  14. I recommend www.chnlove.com. There is an affiliate office in the GDTV building in Guangzhou not too far from the Garden Hotel. This is where I met my fiancee from. I believe the affiliate agency's name is Guangzhou Xinxin Marriage Introduction Agency
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