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Posts posted by Don

  1. X-ray not needed for vaccinations, it was used in China by the medical personnel to look for evidence of TB.


    Yes just the first part (Biographic info) and last part (Vaccinations) needs to be done, you do the Bio info, the US Civil Surgeon does the vaccinations section. The medical section was handled in China for the visa interview, the medical information was in your visa packet that you turned into USCIS at the POE.




    Just to add a little. You most likely do not need the x-rays anymore, but make sure you have them going thru your port of entry (airport). They might ask for them. If they do not, then they are yours to keep.

  2. The Chinese stock market is very unpredictable. Many people seems to loose a lot of money. It seems that the market is high manipulated by some group with super user status. The software that links you into the market shows many strange and large trades, that never really appear, they only get booked.


    What i am saying is that this market is very difficult to watch and you must sure of it every second. Very hard to just invest and wait for trades later. It has very big swings duirng the day and you must time your trades very carefully.




    Many grants and scholarships require US citizenship, not all but many.




    Small business grants for woman are not always easy to get, there are some but hard to find. In the business and acedemic world Chinese are not really given any advantage as a minority. So i doubt you will find grants for that.




    This is all my experience, but hard and fast rules.

  3. Does anybody who are Texas residents have the same problem as me? I entered the US on 8th July of this year, and got my I-94 valid for 90 days till 6th October, which is today. I went over to the DPS of Texas in August and was told that my primary ID is not acceptable since my I-94 is only valid for 3 months, and they said the law of Texas about driving license was changed early this year. I was pissed off at first of course because I am an legal alien as I wait for my AOS.

    I called the DPS again today to enquire about what documents that I have to have to get the driving license, and was told to use the green card as the primary ID and Passport as the secondary. But the waiting process for green card could take about half a year. The problem here is my I-94 which is supposed to be my visa validation expires today, and in between now until I get my green card the US government still accepts that I am lawfully present in the US, but wouldn't give me any kind of documentation for proof, and that is what I need to show to the DPS to get my driving license.

    It's just a night mare to not be able to drive living in Texas, cuz the public transport sucks. So can anybody help on my confusion? Even in other states, you don't have the problems in getting the driver's license, but still have the same problem of having the proof of legal status on the visa. Anyway, I am just totally confused about this issue now.




    When you filed the AOS did you also file for a EAD? Many states will take a EAD card as proof of legal residency. It comes much faster than the green card. I know in CA that you take the EAD, and your passport & SSN to the DMV (plus marriage licence if you changed names) to get the permit or the State ID card.

  4. Monterey Park and Alhambra are the best place to find very good chinese resturant. I would not bother going downtown. I think the MP area is better.






    I think Irivne (maybe Tusin) has a korean maket called Freshia, if so than that is a great place for fresh produce. I like the produce better and it is often cheaper than Ranch 99. Ranch 99 works well for the basics you need to cook chinese style, but Freshia has it beat for produce.

  5. I got my degrees so I could work. I pick areas that i liked, but also provided good employeement. I am not sure that I feel a degree is just to educate us, i think it should get us ready to work in some occupation. I can and do educate myself on mnay topics, but they are my responsiblity i am not sure I would want to go to schools just to learn a basic background in some clasic area.

  6. I would like opinions on the advantages of keeping her Chinese name as her legal name vs taking a "married" name.


    We changed her name to mine, she wanted that. It was not hard, but it set the order we filed her paperwork.


    1. Marriage


    2. SSN #


    3. Get SSN#; need marriage license and her passport


    4. State ID, need ssn#, marriage license and passport


    5. Joint Bank account, needed state id, ssn#


    6. Joint Credit cards: needed state id, ssn# and back account info.




    All of these things require the step before and we found it easier to do in order. The name change did not make it easier or harder, but she wanted to do american style.

  7. Thanks everyone for the congratulations.




    We took so long for visa because of her name. We did the green card fairly fast. A little slower than others, but not like the visa. She was surprised it was so fast after the visa issues. She seems to understand, so no issues. PLus, she had spoken with other woman at the SoCal get togethers and many took longer, so she was happy with our speed.


    Those luncheons do help.

  8. Hi Everyone,



    We had our interview yesterday and got the approval. They gave us a piece of paper with their stamp, but must wait for actual card before we can travel.


    All they wanted was updated info including 2007 tax forms, I filed before my taxes were done.


    Plus, they did asked for proof of joint relationship


    I gave them:


    1. Bank account with both names; just a print out of my statement.


    2. Scan of credit cards; one with my name and one with her name


    3. we just got a car, so we had both names on car



    That was good enough.


    Did not want more pictures or anything else.


    We should get the card within 6 weeks by mail.

  9. Laopo owns a house in the tiny Hunan village she is from (pop. 1.5 million)... :P She was working for one of those long gone government entities that provided a house for employees and when the whole shebang went private, employees were able to buy their house for very little. It was old and small and it shared an undividable entrance with the next "house". She had been renting it out ever since for the princely sum of 200 RMB/month. It did sit on very prime real estate however being right next to a river and about two blocks from the main city intersection. There were a series of these buildings and she was sure that some day a developer would come along and bulldoze the places and build new and she would get a house in the new development as compensation... :huh: I was never sure... :( Were property rights strong enough in China to force that??? :P


    Yes, of course, as always she was right and I was wrong... :D She found out recently that the old complex will be razed. She will receive a 60 m2 "credit" on a new house for her old one which was only 50 m2. She will be paid 1000 RMB for "moving expenses" and 500 RMB/month for "living expenses" while the new buildings are being put up. If all of that was not enough she also can buy a house of any size using the 60 m2 credit and paying only the builder's ACTUAL COST for whatever new house she wishes. The new buildings will be 30 stories with the first 8 floors being commercial space and the rest apartments...Do I even need to mention we will be buying the largest, highest up apartment available??? And what of the renters??? It seems that renters rights are ZERO... :bye2:


    Recently there has been some interest in buying hotel rooms in China by our members. For those planning on only being there part of the year it could make sense. We explored it and I did not think it was such a good deal. For starters do you suppose that the hotel developers are selling these rooms in their new hotel so that the room owners can make money??? :ph34r: If you were building a hotel with it's much larger public spaces than a residential building who would you stick with more of those costs??? Yourself or the room owners??? :rotfl: How about the monthly maintenace costs for upkeep??? Yourself or the room owners??? How about when it comes to renting out rooms...Whose would you rent out first??? Yours or the room owners' ones??? :blink: And my final issue would be that I just don't want to live in a hotel room. In most cases you are not allowed to customize your space in any way or leave behind personal belongings. Life out of a suitcase is fine for traveling but not for our home... :angry:




    We have the same type of deal, but ours is still in the planning stages. The developer has started to set up the deal, but it has not been finalized. We knew when she moved here that it might happen. Part of the advantage is the governement agency that started the whole process. The developers and local officals often do not want to anger the party people that might be part of the old company or government office, so the deal goes thru with good benefits to the current owners. I wonder if the deal did not have government backing or orginal government office behind it how many benefits the current owerns would get. We know our building will do well, since local governemtn office is very strong. She should get top dollar for the place. Plus, the change in ownership should clean up some of the deed issues. the current government offices stills control one part of the deed. We hope to do well and maybe sell her old - new house.

  10. I have known a few Chinese women well enougth to learn their stoires and their stories are strong enough to be made into a movie not too different than the Joy Luck Club. Many did experience these kinds of treatments and some even worse. It is a big country and things did happen especially right before and during the Cultural reveloution. The government tried to split the families and make people dependent on it. This kind of pressure caused many bad things to happen. Some newly with power after so many years with no power chose to abuse this new power and did their evil to many. These things have happend all over the world at various times, even in the US, we have seen such movie made about many places not just china.

  11. Conventional wisdom in China is that house prices are now in for major falls also... :ph34r:


    Conventional wisdom is almost always wrong. Those same pundits that were saying "buy" the Chinese market at 5000+ are the same ones that are saying "sell" now at 2400. The Chinese stock market will have it's ups and downs. As long as the Chinese economy continues to grow at around 10%, the stock market almost has no choice to go up on a long term basis. It doesn't mean we can't go to 1500 over the next few months, but in ten years, there is no question that the Chinese market goes much higher. (unless the Chinese economy turns around, which it is showing no signs of doing)




    In a fair market you are correct. Many doubt the chinese market is a real and fair market. A few inisiders seems to have very good info, and the fake trades really cause me concern. Have you watched the market? Everyone has thier laptop programs that watch trades and often huge trades show up on the screen, but than 30 min later they do not really get placed. THis causes many people to try and jump in the same direction as the traders, most losing their money. Very bad info is given to most people about the market and they loose a lot of money.

  12. I thought Sunday was a good day to get married, but my gal said 31 is unlucky...the Chinese like doubles.


    OK...so we are getting married on Saturday, 8/30...


    Do you know how difficult it is to get married in remote Montana?


    No wedding planners....


    No banquet halls....


    No private rooms at the restaurants or pubs....


    No wedding photographers...


    150 mile RT drive to get wedding supplies...



    The menu:


    Deep fried turkey

    Beef tenderloin

    Pulled pork

    Roast duck

    Foie gras


    ...and maybe I'll poach a fawn for the grill B)


    Fixin's galore....


    Top shelf booze, wine and cigars....


    ...and a wedding cake the girls will enjoy....




    It's been a challenge...but I think that we will be ready!



    It sounds great enjoy yourself. Quite a list, it will be great a party.

  13. So far, we have heard 46 times China national song during the 2008 Olympic Games which means China has got 46 gold medals! Do you want to know the song?

























    Arise, those who refuse to be slaves!

    With our flesh and blood, let us build our new Great Wall!

    The Chinese nation faces its greatest danger.

    From each one the urgent call for action comes forth.

    Arise! Arise! Arise!

    Millions with but one heart,

    Braving the enemy's fire.

    March on!

    Braving the enemy's fire.

    March on! March on! March on!


    Thanks for the English translation. My wife has sang it a few times, but I did not know what it said.

  14. Electrical Engineers that can speak good English and Chinese will do very well.

    Accounting does very well also, especially with a CPA license.




    Medical will be good, but not as high of salary as before. Plus, more work.




    High school teachers might do well, but varies from state to state.




    Most of the numbers i have seen on college or no college indicate that college degrees really help. Over a lifetime you can make much more with degree.




    Plus, everyones work and degree changes over time. Often you will not work exactly in the same area as your degree was in.

  15. Hi Don,


    So, I take it that what you are describing is printing on a color printer.

    So all pictures are on computer paper??

    I may have to experiment with a color printer and see how the pictures look......... :stupid:

    Jim did the same thing....Is pictures printed on computer paper ...OK for the VO or would they rather see actual color prints on photo graphic paper??


    Tom and Ling





    I printed our pictures 6 per page. Than she brought about 10 pages and just passed them thru. I added little titles and used Adobe Photoshop elements to organize the selected photos newest to oldest.


    I used photo paper in the printer and they were fine with it. The quality is quite good.

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