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Posts posted by Don

  1. It WAS kinda hard to tell which the Doc was more enraged by, Rog's hyperbole-tinged reference to his skepticism, or the fact that he had the audacity to repeat the suggestion of shoddy construction.


    While I don't necessarily begrudge Jim the former, it was kinda lost in the sound and fury of the latter. :eatyum:


    I'm with Rog on the gist of the story. Of course we have no fool-proof way to get the evidence needed to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that no rebar was used or that any other corners were cut for that matter. The Chinese gubmint's well-documented ability to clamp down on any sort of dissemination of that type of information makes it nearly impossible to do that, at least to the degree Jim seems to require.


    But IMHO before that wall of silence was raised there were enough eyewitness accounts in the immediate aftermath both by people on the scene and people familiar with the construction practices in that area to make a reasonable conclusion that what was being said was very likely true.


    Would it hold up in a court of law? Maybe not. But not everything presented as "evidence" in a court of law is necessarily true either.


    I guess the only way we can now more is to ask the locals. Any locals care to comment? I know some of the school officials and CP individual have expressed great regret over the schools. Plus, I know the one school principle that made himself very unpopular during the building of the schools by watching everything and insisting on high quality is now a hero in the people mind. A few CP individuals have now committed suicide over their regret for their actions. It seems like there is a smoking gun behind this.

  2. I think this is the extra stipend that the government gives some of their top researchers on top of their base salary. I know that many of the best Chinese researcher can make even more extras. I know a few of the best US based Chinese national researchers have gotten offers of a lot more for the first three years and several millions to set up labs. Of course several millions is not much to set up a lab now days. So some are going back to China now to set up their labs and continue their current work, but in China.

  3. I guess i am speaking more about the pharma industry. I am a chemist and do know a little about the pharma industry. Not a lot,but i do know a few chemist in that industry and I stick by my statement you think is unfair.


    Do not cure a disease if you can maintain it.


    Plus, what about natural product. I have seen numbers in respected journals that abut 70% of all drugs "invented" over the last 30 years have come from or based on natural products. The one example i know well is red yeast rice extract. and Lipitor.


    The chemist took red yeast rice extract and found the active ingredients. than found one that had most of the bio-activity and made it. Than proved that reduce cholesterol. Stain drugs were "invented". No where did they publish that red yeast rice is as good and maybe better since it also increases HDL numbers and has been used in TCM for a long time for the same reason.


    Plus, i understand all drugs including food have side effects. Plus, I understand herbs and leaves are all drugs.

  4. :D

    "Chinese soup spoons"..."toxins being drawn out from my body"... :P :drunk: Evidently you get the good stuff out in Cali... ;)



    Count me among the skeptical. :D Heck, I'm usually feeling much better after three days of just advil and chicken soup. :D

    Roger, Dave, my brothers, you've got to learn that healing starts by having a little faith. B)


    Here's all the FAITH I can manage... :huh:


    It probably won't hurt... :ph34r:


    Actually the plastic one you pasted above with a pump can hurt. The pump can pull hard and the plastic edge is sharper than the traditional glass ones I prefer. The glass is rounded so it wont cut as the skin is pulled into the cup. I've seen the plastic ones break the skin several times. Once it was me when I agreed to try them instead of the glass cups.


    I tend to think that the american medical industry is not really about making people healthy just making money. Wait till the person is so sick that you need to cut something out. Many of these techniques focus on wellness and helping people stay healthy. I like many of the TCM and the massage techniques. The Placebo effect might be part of it, if we believe it will make us better.


    The Placebo effect is also part of the success of medicine. Blind testing has shown about 20% will get better just thinking they have taken an effective medication.


    Call it a placebo or the power of mind over matter.


    I agree the placebo effect is strong for most of medicene and big part of its sucess. The pills we take give us faith we will improve and our body heals us. Now do not get me wrong, i think that food and pills do change us and can help heal but there is more than the chemicals involved. What i do not like in medicene today is the focus on managing the symptons. I wish more time was spent on a cure.

  5. :D

    "Chinese soup spoons"..."toxins being drawn out from my body"... :P :drunk: Evidently you get the good stuff out in Cali... ;)


    I AM SKEPTICAL... :blink:

    Count me among the skeptical. :angry: Heck, I'm usually feeling much better after three days of just advil and chicken soup. :D

    Roger, Dave, my brothers, you've got to learn that healing starts by having a little faith. B)


    Here's all the FAITH I can manage... :huh:


    It probably won't hurt... :ph34r:


    Actually the plastic one you pasted above with a pump can hurt. The pump can pull hard and the plastic edge is sharper than the traditional glass ones I prefer. The glass is rounded so it wont cut as the skin is pulled into the cup. I've seen the plastic ones break the skin several times. Once it was me when I agreed to try them instead of the glass cups.


    I tend to think that the american medical industry is not really about making people healthy just making money. Wait till the person is so sick that you need to cut something out. Many of these techniques focus on wellness and helping people stay healthy. I like many of the TCM and the massage techniques. The Placebo effect might be part of it, if we believe it will make us better.

  6. Another thing to consider is the competition in China for the good schools.




    In the US much easier to get into a good school than in China, even with his English skills. He can do a local two school while he improves his english and than transfer to the 4 year school. He can do his BS in the US at a decent school and than go back to China. Jiaotong and other very good Chinese schools really want US students to come over and do a Masters or one year of study during BS. He can get Jiaotong on his resume while being a US student. That will really help him in China. Even if only one year for exchange program. That might really help him back in China and he might not be able to do that from China but can from the US.

  7. Yeah, I spoke to some ppl here (Chinese) who lived in Atlanta. They didn't like it either.


    I am not a big fan of Irvine, I live up in LA county. I like this area better. I live in South bay. Not so many Chinese, but a lot of Koreans and Japanense. Quite a few Chinese, but they are spread over the cities. I see the chinese school every saturday morning and it is packed. If you want a good chinese school, you might want the southbay area or the Alhambra area or Irvine. I know these areas all have large good chinse schools for extra work. I have to work some in Irvine now, maybe full time there soon. Some thing about Irvine leaves me cold.


    Many of my Caucasins friends from the upper midwest all want to move to Huntsville. I am not sure of the Asian population, but Huntsville has done well with high tech and the early Walmart money. I guess Sam Walton got many early investors from the Hunstville area and now they are doing well.

    Just for the record Don, Alhambra public schools aren't that great. Alhambra High is predominately Latino. Not to disparage Latinos, but they generally are not as academically motivated as Asians.


    In the San Gabriel Valley, Arcadia and South Pasadena Public schools are the cities where Asians want their children. I have helped a few Chinese families relocate to South Pasadena for this reason. Both families wanted to get their child out of Alhambra public schools.



    BTW, I purposely sold my Pasadena home and moved to South Pasadena and now rent our apartment here...reason was to have the best school for my former Nanning lady's daughter to attend.


    Cerittos, PV and Torrance all have very good schools. So if that is important, than consider some of them. Plus, in torrance you can walk or ride bus many places. The car is not really needed. PV is very pricey, but nice. Cerittos is pricey, but has very good schools and looks more like OC.

  8. On top of the $586 BILLION economic stimulus package unveiled by the central government, the provinces are kicking in $1.4 TRILLION of their own... :roller: There are some unbelievers out there who see much of it as old projects already in the pipeline or proposed and never funded. But certainly it is a major boost for China's infrastructure spending at a time when many privately run enterprises are being forced to cut back owing to the international meltdown... :lol:







    I wonder; some of us are starting businesses that need to export items from China. I think the laws are changing and they might even be money availible to help export from China. Can we tap into any of this money to help our businesses?

  9. Well, I guess not much sun shines in my area ;-)


    Just compare two places Irvine or LA counties and Sugarland Tx or Huntsville AL.


    I'm sure there's a huge difference in cost of living and all have large Chinese communities.




    LA county is very different than LA, Cerritos, Torrance, and many other areas that are very nice are included in that group. Traffic is very bad, but i drive all on surface roads and it does not really bother me and I live close to my work. If i had to drive on expressway, i would hate it. This is a nice area, the only down side is the housing cost. I do not really like OC too much, to Suburban. You must drive everywhere.

  10. Honestly, I thought that most places in China were pretty low cost... I recommend several places in Yunnan. I liked Lijiang. Just north of there, if you are in to hiking, Tiger Leaping Gorge was awesome (but take the high road, it's more interesting). Around Kunming was great... In Sichuan, Emei Shan and LeShan were nice. The bus ride to Kangding and LiTong were great. ZhouZaiGou (the place with all the blue water) was great too. In most of those places, you can easily find cheap hotels for less than 100 RMB.




    Air fare is still quite costly in China. I second the Yunnan and Sichuan areas. All are very nice. I am not sure about travel time for you. Maybe the south coast areas are easier to get to for you.

  11. Yeah, I spoke to some ppl here (Chinese) who lived in Atlanta. They didn't like it either.


    I am not a big fan of Irvine, I live up in LA county. I like this area better. I live in South bay. Not so many Chinese, but a lot of Koreans and Japanense. Quite a few Chinese, but they are spread over the cities. I see the chinese school every saturday morning and it is packed. If you want a good chinese school, you might want the southbay area or the Alhambra area or Irvine. I know these areas all have large good chinse schools for extra work. I have to work some in Irvine now, maybe full time there soon. Some thing about Irvine leaves me cold.


    Many of my Caucasins friends from the upper midwest all want to move to Huntsville. I am not sure of the Asian population, but Huntsville has done well with high tech and the early Walmart money. I guess Sam Walton got many early investors from the Hunstville area and now they are doing well.

  12. Hi all,


    I'm looking for a place to locate to after my wife and son moves here from China.


    I'd like to get feedback on areas where there's a Chinese population so my wife won't feel so Culture Shocked and my son can attend Chinese Cultural activties.


    Some ideas are:


    Irvine Ca (nice but very expensive)

    Sugarland Tx (I have a Chinese friend who lives here and likes it).


    That's all I have.


    Thanks for any suggestions.


    What do you want? Cheap or nice? In between.




    San Francisco is very nice, but cost a lot. Parts of New York City are very Chinese, but very expensive. East of LA has a long stretch along Interstate 10 that is mostly Chinese, again expensive.




    Irvine is very expensive, but again also very Chinese.


    If you have the money CA is most likely the best place to make your spouse feel like they never left china.


    Talk with your spouse and see if they want city, or country. Do they want to use a bus everyday? Subway? Drive?


    Some do not want to live in City. Some can not imagine anything but living in a big city.

  13. Do you need the wireless portion? If not - disconnect the antennas.


    PPoE TO the computer? that doesn't sound right. DHCP server inside o router, providing TCP/IP protocol to all connected computers.


    PPoE? Ug.




    PPoE is a protocol that many dsl vendors uses to control which computers or routers have access to the network. You must enter a password to get access to the vendors network. It has nothing to do with the wireless portion per say.

  14. No, you forgot to say your router is a wireless router. Make and model?


    I did mention that it's a wireless router, but here is the other information about it:


    Manufacturer: ZTE


    Make: Chinanet-KWSJ


    Model: ZXV10-H608B


    I don't believe there is an English manual available though. It would be nice if there were.






    You need to make sure you have WAP enabled (or WEP if that is all that is offered). You passwork setup by phone company might not be the WAP password. Once you have the WAP setup it will be harder for some one to come in over the wireless. (harder not impossible) Change it every so often if you see others coming in over the wireless.


    WEP takes less than 1 min to break on a notebook computer


    WAP takes a few mins to break.

  15. Do you know anyone that has gotten an adjunt professorship at a local university? That might be a good route. They will have the influence to handle the visa issues. Plus, that is a part time position and you work with other professors, so most will know English. Plus, it keeps you close to a group of people that has lived and worked in the US. I am assuming a good school.


    I know many Chinese Americans have done this, but I do not know any non-Chinese that have done this. They will not pay much, but than you are open to consult for other companies. A lot of money can be made consulting for local Chinese companies.

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