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Everything posted by Markscuba1

  1. I have been visiting this site often over the last several years and everyone has been a great help in assisting me in getting me through the visa process. I was fortunate to have mine go smooth but it was still much stress until my wife received her approval. Now onto the reason for my post. My wife currently own's 4 properties in China. Two of which she purchased prior to us meeting. The other two she placed a deposit around the time that we met and we just finished paying them off. She says that the first two don't have a goverment book on them. As such she says that they are not worth as much. The two more recent properties will have books on them. I would love for somebody to give me some clarification on how she or we can own property without a book? Is this like owning the property but not having title? She is also telling me that she needs to be in China in order to get the book on one of the new properties. The property is new and is one of many in the development. Is this correct or are there other ways in getting this accomplished? Any assistance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Mark
  2. :DI am so happy for you. After reading the ordeal that you have been put through. I am glad that you are finally seeing the light. I am impressed with how well you handled it. Congrats. . Mark
  3. I also met my wife on CHNLOVE.com. I also concur that the interpreter makes a lot of false statements about the individual they are representing. Luckily I spent much time with my wife before getting married and found out most of the ones that were not true. It seemed like the interpreter would read the man out and respond to how they felt the man would prefer. But I must say that I have been happy with the sight and I would use it again or recommend it to another. The bottom line is that you need to know the individual as best as you can before you step into such a huge commitment as marriage.
  4. It would be great if that would happen. I don't however see it happening. All men seem to smoke there. We are even giving construction workers a pack of smokes a day in addition to pay for moduling the new pad in Suining. I would never have agreed to this but my wife says that it is expected. Also whenever you meet friends for a meal, the first thing they do is try to give you a smoke. It is worse than it was here 30 years ago.
  5. Robert, I am sure this is frustrating. I am confident you will overcome this quickly. I can only imagine how frustrating it is to deal with this issue since you already had what they are asking for. Hand in there and enjoy the time with your love. Mark
  6. No, I didn't go to China for her interview. I was just there at Christmas. I did tell Sansan that I would go if she wanted me to. She preferred me to save the money. She also felt very confident that she would get a pink visa because of the number of times I have visited her and due to her english being so good.
  7. Hi all, I just heard from Sansan and she received a pink. I am very relieved. I know I have not posted much but I visit the sight often and it has been very helpful in getting me through this time of uncertainty. Last night I had a great conversation with Robert on Skypefor a good period of time. If you read this Robert I wish you the best. I think you are well prepared and I don't think you will have a problem meeting the financial responsibilty portion. Once again thanks, Mark
  8. Hi all, I have enjoyed reading all of the useful information and this sight has helped me out very much so far in the visa process journey. I finally have encountered a problem that I hope someone can give me some recommendations on. Sansan, my fiancee finally received her P-3 packet. We are very excited, we feel we are getting close. Unfortunately she also lived in Singapore for one year. So we filed out all the paperwork for the Singapore police certificate and had her friend deliver to the Singapore authority. The response that her friend is getting from the Singapore authority is that we need to have a letter from the U.S. consulate with Sansan¡¯s name on it and the paper should be on the consulate letterhead. They won't take the letter that was sent in the P-3 paperwork. Our attorney has emailed the consulate and is trying to contact the authorities in Singapore. I however don't think he is going to have much luck. From what I am hearing I finally think there is a government out there with more red tape than ours. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Mark
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