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Posts posted by Scott@Hong

  1. Was wondering how GUZ looks at ages when considering petitions. Both the actual ages and the relative ages of petitioners. There's a 16 year difference in age between ChunMei and me. Is this going to create problems?


    And I'm 63 years old; she's 47. Do they look at us "elderly" people as more or less likely to engage in marital fraud?




    62 and 49 age difference here. At our last Interview, Dec 09, the Interview Officer made negative comments on our photos, in reference that my beard is white, (has been white for many years). My wife looks alot younger than she is, and my white beard makes me look a little older.


    I've got the same white beard issue you do, but recently shaved it off, per the request of ChunMei. She and her family say it makes me look 20 years younger. soe does my 15 year old daughter.



    Be careful with that beard shaving, someone might accuse you of Santa Claus discrimination. Reading that stupid hamster story anything is possible.

  2. 2 Years and 4 months since our Journey started we will once again be at the finish line trying to finally be together. I hope this time we can step over that finish line and not get sent back to the start line.


    Interview scheduled March 24th



    Best of Luck Scott. I am going over 31 March, I think. Maybe see you there....



    Look forward to seeing you, we should be back in Chongqing by the time you get there. Celebration dinner on me =)

  3. I think Beijing is the worst place in China, when I am in Chongqing it feels like almost clean air compared to Beijing.


    Beijing has the lowest suicide rate in China also, I think it is because jumping out windows doesnt work, the air is so thick that your falling speed is the same as if you had on parachute.

  4. I would make sure your fiance knows everything surrounding your divorce, the why's, the when's and the what's.

    She is going to be grilled on this subject at Guangzhou but if she is well versed on everything I would not worry about it to much.


    Divorce date to petition filing being a short time is a red flag, just be prepared to handle it in your EOR and at interview.

  5. Depends, there are a ton of the QQ games etc or if you are more of a gamer there is the big online games. Only one I can think of like World Of Warcraft that you could get on same server is Aion. Aion allows you to log into Oceanic servers from the US and actually has very little lag if you have good internet here.

  6. Great subject


    When I first met my wifes mother, my wife tells me "My mom likes to talk A LOT, just ignore her". And she was right her mother talked to me for 3 hours without taking a breath, didn't matter that I only understood about 5% of what she was saying because she spoke so fast in Chinese.

    Now whenever my wife starts rambling on for a long time I just tell her she sounds just like her mother, she shuts right up, because she hates being compared to her mother for talking to much.

  7. Put yourself in her shoes, which is easy to do. Think about your first trip to China, that feeling being totally lost and not in control of things around you, the feeling of not understanding anything that is happening around you but at the same time the feeling of wonder and excitement.

    If you really think about the tons of emotions you felt when you first got off the plane in China you start to understand a little what she will feel that first time she steps off the plane in America.


    Now take that feeling and multiply by 100, because you had a return ticket, she will not have this fallback position.


    When you were in China, who was your support system? It was her and you were almost 100% reliant on her being there to help you do almost everything. You will need to be that person for her when she comes to the States.

  8. On our original K1 which was denied for "non-bonafide", had 2 trips prior to petition, one during petition and 1 for interview.

    Now with CR1 in process, 4 trips prior to marriage, 4 trips during processing after marriage, and I will go for interview in March.


    I really don't think number of trips matters unless there is another red flag on case that would make them dig into this more to support or refute their assumptions.

  9. I first went to China in 2004 also, and back then I was amazed how cheap everything was and I used to tell people the exchange rate was 7 to 1, but cost wise 1Rmb = $1. Back then you could by a soda for 1 or 2RMB same as buying a soda in the States for 1-2 dollars.

    Clothes were the same, shirt costs $50 in the states was 50RMB in China.


    Fast forward to November 2010 (last time I was in China), now everything the same or more expensive in China

    That soda is now 7-10RMB, That shirt is now 300RMB.


    I actually have Chinese relatives and friends now wanting me to buy them things in the States and bring to them in China every trip because it is cheaper, especially with electronics.

  10. Interesting model


    You have learned the hard way that being naive is equivalent to not a bonafied relationship.

    But really, lets look at this as an outsider.

    You didn't put any of this in your post, but just for interest sake, lets see how close you fit the pattern?


    1)You are between late 40s and early 60s.

    2) Your wife is between 10 and 15 years younger than you.

    3) She earns less than 5,000 yuan per month in China.

    4) She has 1 child, and that child is a daughter.

    5) She was divorced (before you married her).

    6) You met on an internet site.

    7) Her english is not very good, and perhaps your letters to her were translated by a third party (with or without your knowledge).

    8) Your Chinese is not very good.

    9) Your opinion is that even with the language issues, you communicate quite well over the internet using either machine translation or some other way.10) You only traveled once to meet her and marry due to financial limits, yet you know you will have enough to support her and yourself when she gets here.

    11) Oh, is she from Naning or Fujian region.


    Whats the grade, do you fall into 50% or more of the "standard" scenarios?


    36%, though with some refinement this could be a very good model to help people look for red flags in case preparation

  11. Wayne unfortunately the Department of States system is just very backwards when it comes to the Visa Officers at consulates around the world.


    The problem is the hiring process for Foriegn Service Officers, as anyone can apply by taking the Foriegn Service Officer test, completing a medical exam some background checks etc.

    Once you are hired to become a Foriegn Service Officer you are required regardless of the career path you have chosen be it diplomat or management to serve as a Visa adjucation officer for a period of time.


    The problem is you have your most inexperienced employee making the ultimate decision on bonafide or non bonafide.


    Any person who thinks about their own work place, and sits back for a moment and says, "Lets have the new people make that important decision" would laugh at the thought. I know in my business I would not allow someone who just got hired to make the decision on hiring and firing of other employees, life changing decisions. However, that is exactly what DOS does, they have brand new employees with little or no experience making life changing decisions and often times making the wrong decisions.


    Keep fighting, you will be together with your wife, its just a matter of time, patience and persistance.

  12. Welcome to CFL


    There are far smarter people on this board then me so I am sure they will chime in with some suggestions.


    I think the biggest thing you need to overcome as you progress through the appeals process is meeting and marrying on the first trip.

    If you re-file or write appeal you will need to search everything about your case and try to determine as many red flags on your case as possible and then address each one.


    Its a long long process with Guangzhou, and many here have taken years to complete, but don't give up eventually you will win through.

  13. From the exhaustive amount of questioning , again, what is the real reason for denial ?( I'm sure you know... )

    Are you financially more affluent than your fiancee ???

    Do you think possibly that the officer saw you potentially using your fiancee as a stepping stone ??? either with his knowledge or without .

    You should try to reason hard and not to be too feisty .

    I am sure the system works ; if you are innocent you shall prevail at the end . There is no need to spend those big $$$ for lawyers and then later blamed them for the wrong advice. You sounded very educated ; not many Chinese can write as well as you do here.


    Please understand where the officer is coming from .... China is a high fraud country . Too many bad apples to spoil good people unfortunately. again, take the time and be patience, if you are innocent , you shall prevail .



    I apologize, but that is 100% bull excrement.

    We KNOW of recent VOs that were removed from their positions because of receiving financial incentives from outside people.

    We KNOW of people here who's relationship has existed in limbo for YEARS, and that have been denied multiple times. Their relationship is OBVIOUSLY not fraudulent but they are denied.


    There is no guarantee of any kind of justice in this scenario.

    In my opinion the statement should be:

    1) Consider how to avoid becoming visible.

    2) Hide in the masses and be as unremarkable as possible

    3) If there is anything remarkable about your situation, kill it in America by including it on the application, and even this is dangerous .. better rules #1 & 2



    I agree, there is no system working in Guangzhou, they pull numbers out of a hat and someone gets a Visa. This consulate constantly craps all over USCIS decisions with no justification. They constantly hide behind "non bonafide" BS and have to answer to noone. The only point I will agree on that Bullmastiff made is yes China is a high fraud country, but why? Maybe because the consulate allows it to happen with all their back door dealings zero accountability to anyone.

  14. The actual Visa applicants have to line up outside in the morning regardless of weather at Guangzhou. People that are just there for moral support can wait inside many places. I think that is the part they will eliminate, is the lining up of the applicants outside every morning. The IO report bashed them pretty hard on the conditions currently and the impression it gives to people coming to Guangzhou consulate.

  15. Sadly I voted today, but could only vote for one person for the House. I could not in good faith select either of the Senate candidates in CT because one is a corrupt long term politician and the other made millions running a fake sport.

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