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Posts posted by Scott@Hong

  1. Been there, done that. Second time around can be rough as your case will get watched more closely. The only real red flag will be how when and why your previous relationship ended. Is the previous wifel in the United States? Did she get 10 year green card then you divorced? How long was the relationship?

    In our case, the previous visa cause my current wife to wait almost 2 years for Visa, caused me to get called in to the local USCIS office and I was interviewed. It caused a initial denial in Guangzhou and we re-applied.

    The reason for all the hassle? I was never sure why we failed the first interview until I was called into interview when we re-applied. The Officer here in the states told me flat out "I know you are profiting from bringing women to the States". USCIS and Guangzhou felt I was commiting immigration fraud for profit.


    You are in a battle now, you need to prepare prepare prepare your wife because she will get hammered at interview about your previous relationship and she will have to prove not only is your relationship bonafide, she will also have to prove your previous relationship is bonafide and was not immigration fraud. I know this sounds stupid that Guangzhou puts this onto your current wife, a woman who had no idea of this previous relationship until you told her.

    Here are some questions my wife was asked at the first failed K1 interview:

    1. Do you know you husband was married to another Chinese woman?

    2. Why did he marry her and bring her to the States?

    3. Where does she live now?

    4. When did he divorce his previous wife?

    5. (This one was blatant lie by VO in attempt to through wife off) Do you know he received $50,000 from previous wife to bring her to the United States?


    The last question actually sunk Guangzhou's case against us, and when I was called into interview it got ugly in the room with 2 more officers called to the room because after about 10 minutes of being nice and answering questions I cut loose and tore into them about the lies spewed by the Guangzhou Officer, and the petty questioning that was occuring.

    After 45 more minutes I walked out vowing to win at all costs against these slime balls, and actually as it occured by the time I got home (1 hour drive) my phone had a message that our application was approved and being forwarded to Guangzhou.

    At this point I enlisted the big cannon Marc Ellis, his troop on the ground in Guangzhou briefed my wife, he sent letters to the leader of the Officers in Guangzhou. My wife walked into the interview with fire in her heart, dumped 20lbs of paper on the little counter in front of the window in full view of the officer.

    Visa Officer begins the interview, it was all nice questions, basically small talk, and says Grats you passed.


    Now, my wife has been here almost a year. Her son has joined us here in the States. I am happier then I have ever been in my 50 years of life and everyday I wake up next to a woman I couldn't feel more thankful for.


    You have begun your process with the second wife, don't give up, you have to fight for what you want. But moral of the story is be prepared. I hope you are one of the easy ones, one that they say OK you passed and give you Visa, but be ready to be labeled one of the bad ones like me.


    Best of luck to you

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  2. My wife first came to the U.S. we would talk for hours every night. Then I bought her a birthday present, a smart phone with unlimited international calling. 3 months later and now when I want to talk to her I need to hide her charger so her phone goes dead. She is catching on to this tactic now, last night it was "bad laopo, you hide my battery again?" I responded "no, I don't know where it is". Big mistake, 95lb woman beats the crap out of me until I gave it up finally.

    Obviously a joke, but she does love the smart phone with unlimited calls, makes her feel more comfortable being able to call family whenever she wants.

  3. Moral support more then a suggestion, but the living there would not be option for me I would rule out that option right away.


    If the employers want her so bad, have them help arrange transportation. They can afford a nanny, how about they pay for a car service to pick her up and drop her off each day?

  4. Star Alliance member myself, which is Air China, United and many others. With 13 Trips to China I cannot tell you the money I have saved with all the miles (kilometers) built up.

    Though I have never used them on international flights except for upgrades, I have never paid for a domestic flight in China. I just walk up to the counter, give my card, say where I want to go and I get domestic ticket for about $10 in fees.


    One note, make sure you add your dependants onto your Frequent flyer program or you will not be able to use miles for thier ticket. Tickets have to be purchased even with miles in the travelers name, and if you have not added them you will not be able to get them the free ticket. (almost free).

  5. I don't think your screwed but CSC is moving very slow right now so even though difficult try to have patience. Your other option is to talk to your congressman and have them try to get a status for you, but don't hope for much from that angle.

    Being a member of the 2 years to get VISA club, 155 days is still a short amount of time. Our total time was just over 800 days start to finish.

  6. I hope the best for you two and GUZ finally gets it resolved positively. I trully believe there is no real reason anyone gets denied other then the VO having a "feeling" the relationship is not real. Nobody will ever know the inner workings of the visa process, if it was public knowledge it would be to easy for scammers to get visas. If the VO has a that "feeling" I think they just deny it and see if you come back for round 2 and show the ability and desire to fight their decision. It is rare to see denials when people fight the original decisions and cases get reaffirmed by USCIS and sent back to GUZ.


    Consider yourself lucky on one point, because if I bought my wife expensive gifts I would be walking around with black eyes and fat lips from all the mop slaps. "Stupid man why you spend so much money?"

  7. My bed was the first thing to go when my wife came here. We found a Sterns and Foster extra firm bed at Raymour and Flanigans that is surpisingly comfortable for me to sleep on being 200lbs., but hard as a rock for my wife to sleep on at 100lbs., so it worked out great.

    It was a bit pricey, but money well spent.


    New Concepts English books work well, my wifes English is very good, and she has referred the books to others and right now my step son is using the books to learn. You can get these at any bookstore in China or online.

  8. Do your homework, with only one trip there so far and you decide to start filing paperwork you will being running into some red flags. Red flag that her mother is already here, is her mother a US citizen yet? If not, why did she not file for daughter when she filed original K1? Just using the little information you have given, Mother has been here 4 years, was denied a K1, refiled and approved on CR1. Best case scenario that was a 2 year process so daughter was in the 15-16 year old range when Mother original filed.


    All of this is red flag information, you will need to build a very bonafide relationship BEFORE filing any petition. Another trip definitly, establish communication between your son and her via email, QQ, skype etc. or better yet if you can take him with you next trip to meet her in person. Family pictures of the 3 of you would be huge in the initial petition. Build your case, then chose the petition you feel is best for your situation based on your case, and your homework.


    My wife is from Chongqing also, and much like Highlander, we were denied K1/2, Approved CR1/2. Including a rare petitioner interview here in the states. Something that may happen to you with Mother being here already. I think that will be the biggest red flag you have to overcome, because VO will see it as (She is only marrying you so she can come to the US to be with her Mother).


    Not trying to be critical, and please don't take it that way, but the process is difficult and painful and your best shot is to make sure your FIRST petition is PERFECT, addressing any and all red flags. A piece of information I wish I knew when I began the process.

  9. If you are going through any of the east coast airports, JFK, Newark, Logan etc I would give yourself at a minimum 3 hours between flights. My wife POE at JFK took over 2 hours just because so many international flights from non visa waiver countries arrived at the same time. She had no problems there, was just a huge line waiting.

  10. Get the latest QQ international version, just google QQ international. Video should be plug and play, never had problem with ours. Bonus to the international version is built in translator that does a better job translating then any other we have found. Its scary accurate on translations.

    The built in translator is only on the latest version, so if you already have International, go back and update.

  11. Did you call the airline you will be flying on to ask the charges for the additional baggage? I brought 2 boxes each 50lbs from China one time on top of regular baggage and only paid $25 each in extra baggage fees, which was way cheaper then shipping.

  12. Whenever I find a movie I want to watch I just ask the wife and she finds it on the sites in China and we stream it on her laptop. I just plug the laptop into the big screen TV with a hdmi cable. If its an English movie it will have Chinese subtitles, if its a Chinese made movie you can generally find them with English subtitles.

    I will have to ask her for the websites tonight and post them, she has 3-4 different sites she streams movies from.

  13. Make infopass appointment at local office and head there, most offices you can get in today or tomorrow easily. Tell them your situation and see what they can do. Calling telephone operators in my experience almost worthless, but talking to people at the local office can definitly help.


    Having had to use the local office in Hartford CT, I have high regard for them, been there three times and each time they were very helpful.

  14. Sorry to hear GUZ being stupid again, whatever happens don't give up, you can win the battle in the end and several people on this board have walked the path you are starting on, me being one.

    Definitly heed the advice and contact Marc Ellis, he is a master at handling NOIR cases at GUZ and you will find it will be a lot less expensive then other options.

    We used him after being denied on K1 visa, and we were successful the 2nd time around at GUZ.

  15. My sons' interview was just a few months ago, 17 years old.

    First don't let them tell you that your wife or you cannot attend interview, it the child is not 18 you can be present. They tried to tell us my wife could not attend with son because he is over 14. I was ready for this and had emailed GUZ prior to interview to get a reply reinforcing what their website states, that any child that is less then 18 years old can have a parent present.

    Day 1 paper intake, wife present with him the entire time, piece of cake since she had already been through it. No questions asked of son, just asked wife to see her green card to confirm her status.

    Day 2 Interview was easy

    Sponser's name?

    How many times he came to China?

    Are you going to school in America?

    Asked wife to see green card again.

    Grats you passed.


    Did not look at a single picture, did not ask to see notarized statement from father giving permission to leave china, asked for nothing.


    Was piece of cake since wife had already been through it 3 months prior.

  16. Very weird this morning here in central Connecticut, No traffic on roads and outside overcast with zero wind. Right now the local prediction is 75 plus mph winds for duration of over 20 hours beginning late tonight. Me and the wife went to the store last night, it was very crowded but no shortages, the store was not stocking shelves, just rolling out pallets and putting them at front of store of basics, water, bread etc.


    The problem in Connecticut will be downed trees, the normal wind pattern here is winds out of the Northwest, this storm will bring winds from the Southeast and the ground here is already saturated from recent rains. All my crews are working today prepping trucks and equipment for what we expect to be a major clean-up on Monday.

  17. I didn't feel a thing in Connecticut though many people around here keep saying "oh my chair moved, or the dishes where moving". I was at work so I called the wife who felt the Sichaun Earthquake and slept outside many nights because of it, and asked her if she felt anything? Her response was, "What earthquake?"

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