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Everything posted by 3timescharm

  1. I have a friend in California that recieved his P2 notice in the mail. 2 months later they still had not recieved his file at NVC. This happened this year. He called USCIS, NVC and wrote letters to his Senator. finally after 3.5 months they recieved it at NVC. Never gave explination why. I hope you have better luck than he did. They recieved and interview date 45 days later in GUZ, they got white on July 6 this year
  2. I have the IRS transcripts so I will not worry about the W2's. How long are the letter from the bank and letter from the employer good for? Should I get them now or wait until we get the P3? Employer letter is considered to be good for as long as the affidavit of support, do this just after P3. The directions included with I-134 are very old, USCIS has no reason to update them since USCIS has no application for that form. The consulates tend to treat the I-134 like a mini-I-864 as so prefer the same financial evidence as the I-864. In our case this what the I-134 included. I-134. SIMPLE Tax transcripts from the IRS for past 3 years, (Redundant for the (1040,W2,1099) but are free from the IRS <a href="http://www.irs.gov/taxtopics/tc156.html?portlet=1" target="_blank">http://www.irs.gov/taxtopics/tc156.html?portlet=1</a> Photo copy of IRS form 1040, and W2s for past 3 years (Not necessary if you provide the transcripts) Letter from my employer stating annual salary, job responsibility, and that is full time, on company letterhead. Photo copies of past month or so of pay stubs up to a few weeks before the interview. My income was well above the povertyline so I did not include any asset data (LIKE BANK STATEMENTS or property values). If your income exceeds 125% of the povertyline when counting yourself, prospective immigrant and any dependents, then don't bother with assets (401K, Bank balance, Stocks etc..), it is just extra un-needed data to provide, the consular officer is most concerned with INCOME. So if I am well above the poverty guidlines, do I need a letter from the bank stating my account balances?
  3. I have the IRS transcripts so I will not worry about the W2's. How long are the letter from the bank and letter from the employer good for? Should I get them now or wait until we get the P3?
  4. It has been about 100 days since I recieved my P1 at VSC. I am starting to get the paperwork together to send my fiancee in China. I got the last 3 years Tax transcripes from the IRS. The problem I am having is.......I can only find my W2 from 2008 . Is this a real big deal? The only tax return with a joint filer is 2006...my best single year as far as salary. I have a copy of my Social Security Statement that does list this info, can I send that instead for 2007 and 2006 if the W2's are required? Also How long is the letter from the bank and letter from my employer good for.......should I wait until after we get the P3 for those?
  5. I will look in to this if I can not find local. Thank you for taking the time to look that up. Robert
  6. Thank you for the good info. i will start looking next week on line for someone in Atlanta area. by the way........Duluth is about 70% Korean.....not many Chinese . You are right about Chamblee though.
  7. I want to write my Fiancee's father a letter to send when I send her my financial information. I need a good quailty translation. I do not think an electronic dictionary or Google translation will be good enough. This will be a personal letter and I want him to understand what I am telling him. He was very nice and we got along real well while I was in China. Anyone have any ideas? I had this done along time ago when I married my ex from Russia, I sent the letter to a service and they translated and sent back to me by email. they do not do Chinese Robert
  8. I also had a previous K-1 marriage that ended after 4 years to a woman from Russia (don't ever do that). I just covered it very well in my I-129F and it will also be covered in my EOR letter that I give to my fiancee to take to interview. It is good to hear that there seem to be alot more Pink lately. Robert
  9. Congrats...and good luck on your future together
  10. Congrats...more good news for Pink . I would be interested in what language they spoke in as well during interview. Robert
  11. Seems like I am just full of questions these day's. This is more for addvice though than question. My fiancee has a 9 year old duaghter. Her ex husband has custody, apparantly this was the only way he would give her the divorce. My question is this. I told her that she needs to talk to him soon about bringing her duaghter with her to the US. The plan is for her to come and we will bring her daughter over about 6 months later, give us time to settle in. Her ex is like alot of USC in that he uses her to get things from my fiancee.....clothes for school ect...if she does not buy her the stuff...she does not see her. I want her to talk with him very soon so we will know his answer about bringing her here. If he agree's there are papers that need to be written and notorized. If he says NO........then we need to have a good answer to tell the VO when they ask....and they will.......why she is willing to leave China without her daughter. Robert
  12. Thank you for all the very good advice. I was already planning on using the 8.5 x 11 paper. Robert
  13. I have a question, I am reading alot about the evolution of Relationship letter. I have been working on mine for sometime and will continue to do so. The problem that I see is the pictures. 75% of our pictures have no dates on them. The problem is that my camera is fairly new and keeps track of date and time and so forth.....but will not put it on the picture, it is embedded in the digital signature of the picture. There is no option to put it on the picture. Will this cause a problem when they are printed without the date on them. We have plenty of other evidence....reciepts, tickets and such that have dates. Just wondering.
  14. When I married my Ex wife from Russia, she came through Atlanta. it took her 4 hours to get thru customes and immigration. I was begining to wonder what was going on.
  15. I am writing a letter to my congressman over the next 2 weeks. It takes me a while, I am not the best writer. I will start the letter with the same basic thoughts that everyone else has. We are law abiding Tax paying citizens and we choose to do this legally at great expense both in time and finacially. All the while everyday people are crossing our borders illegally and some even get government benifites. Why should we suffer through this process if they do not have to. When ever you talk to someone in Government they always give you the same answer......FRAUD.......is the reason why it cost so much and takes so long and why some are denid. I do not believe this and I am sure that most of you do not either. Is there fruad.....yes, but I would say that 99% are real. Most people who go through this and spend the money and time are smart enough to know the difference, and there are several places just like this to help out. Instead of just sending a letter bitching about things, I am also sending a suggestion to fix the problem. Iwould like some input on my solution before I finish the letter so i can make any changes per your suggestions. Here is my solution for K visa's and CR 1 family visa's: 1. File the paper work just like you do now....I129F or I130 and pay the same fee and supply the same evidence. 2. After approval from USCIS all remains the same until it gets to the Embassy or Consulate....We will use GUZ as the example. 3. P3 is sent and returned as it is now. SAme with P4. 4. Interview date is assigned. 5. Bring all papers required...Police cert, Finacial info, Medical. show to VO...all papers in order......Issue visa...No interview. Relationship already established when petition filed. This elimantes someone speaking to 1 person of the relationship for 5 minutes to determin if it is real...can anyone really do this????? Here is where the changes are: 6. When you get to the USA..K-1 must still get married in 90 days. CR-1 is allready married. 7. File for AOS...same price. 8. Condtional green card issued...not for 2 years......but 5 years. During this 5 years, if you divorce...she (or he as the case may be) goes home..no questions asked. During this 5 years you will have to every 12 to 18 months prove that you are still married, living together and that you share bank accounts and file taxes together, either by interview in person or by mail. this would almost elimante any fraud and Law abiding tax payers would not have to suffer thru all this just to end up with a Vo that is having a pissy day and decides to give you a white because of it. Any suggestions????/ and who besides Congress amn or Senator should I send it to? Robert
  16. Congrats...very nice to hear. Let's keep it going
  17. Congrats. I hope to be in your shoes soon.
  18. I have a K1 petition at VSC....April 7 NOA1. Over the last few months I have been sending my fiancee 150 dollars a month. She has never asked me for money....I just send it to help her out as I know that she strugles at times. Should she mention this at the interview when it finally gets to that point? I have read that sending money to your fiancee can sometimes be considered bad at the interview in GUZ. just want to cover all the bases.
  19. A friend of mine in California who filed K1 papers left NVC on May 7, 2009. His fiancee received her P3 on May15, 2009. I was shocked at how fast that was. I hope mine is the same.
  20. Just to let you know, I have been a member for only about a week. I recieved my P1 on April 7,2009. After reading this and other websites and reading the Roth memorandum, I wrote to both my Senators and representatives about this very thing. Asking only that they make them follow the rules that are already there. Just like the Government expectes us to do the same.
  21. We decided not to get married while I was there because it was our first meeting and I was only there for 2 weeks. I think getting married that soon would have been a red flag.
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