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Posts posted by chengdu4me

  1. The way the law is now, no matter who comes through the doors of an emergency room, they must be treated. This should change to read that anyone requiring emergency life-saving treatment should be treated until they are stable. They should be able to turn anyone away that is not a bone-fide emergency.


    But, I don't think this law will change. There are liability issues that hospitals are not going to want to have to deal with.


    Illegal aliens should not get taxpayer paid health insurance beyond that emergency life-saving treatment. Illegal aliens should not get anything taxpayer paid except a ride back to the border.


    LPR should be treated the same as a citizen with the exception of voting.


    Not treating them as such is the same as inviting someone for dinner and then not serving them. LPR have jobs and pay taxes and they were invited here.

  2. next lets look at these ;


    1. Wet-cured Ham- brine cured and mild

    2. Smoked Ham- Hickory smoked usually

    3. Country Ham- Special diet salty


    Wet-cured hams are most common, soaked in brine or injected with it to flavor and preserve freshness with minimal refrigeration and having a mild and sweeter taste. It¡¯s all about preserving moisture.


    Smoking Hams ¨C it¡¯s the most popular in America, yes but often done poorly with vaporized fake smoke flavor. Good ones are smoked using hickory, peach, pecan or others. Its more about flavor.


    Country Ham- Pigs fed a special diet then the ham is cured in salt.


    clearly the all develop and change over time, but which method is really the most tasty?


    Now here is something one can really sink their teeth into... :mf_sleep:

    Once again Jason has gotten deep into the the true meaning of things. :P



    Is he trying to tell us that our legal system is more like a hambush? :D

  3. I'm not going to advice you to not get married of you don't get pick, but I will say that you should understand that if you do get married, everything you have done so far is out the window. You will have to start at the very beginning with a different visa type.


    Just think PINK. Let her know that no matter what, you are always with her. Prepare her, go over questions and answers and make sure she can pull anything that she needs in seconds with having to fumble through everything. If she gets nervous, she can ask them to do the interview in Chinese. She should at least try to demonstrate her English skills, but they don't need to be perfect. She can switch to Chinese for the more indepth questions/answers.


    Good luck!

  4. I found this place. I got the Diamond Plan for my Dad so he can call whenever he wants to. He can't use a computer and anything that isn't absolute simple, he will screw up. He's 92. Electric can openers baffles the hell out of him.


    It is 2.5 cpm with a one-second rounding. As long as you use the card at least once every two years, it never expires. There are no fees at all. If there is no local access number (and there isn't in my area) it is an additional 1 cpm. For a $50 card with a $10 discount, I got him over 1,400 minutes of use. It can be PIN or PINless and there is a network number to call, your PIN(or not),then you put in the destination number. I put the network access number on a speed dial button for him, so all he has to do is push one button, wait a few seconds and then dial my number in China.


    It may be a bit more expensive than other plans, but if you have aging parents or such, this is easy for them. With the Diamond plan you can call anywhere in the world with this card and I think the highest rate is 4 cpm. You can also get this and use it IN China to call here.


    This website has all the details.



  5. In theory, the rule of law is meant to protect everyone from any threat against their person, property, and liberties.


    In practice, it allows those with enough money to skirt the laws as long as the crime isn't too bad.


    Old sayings get to be old saying because they are true. We live by the Golden Rule. He who has the gold, makes the rules.


    I don't think I have ever heard of a poor person getting a law passed if some rich folks didn't jump on their bandwagon with them.

  6. just the link




    Anyone have experience, use them ?



    BOC America is no different than any other US bank. They have no direct ties to BOC China, meaning that you cannot link your accounts together and they have no special relationship with each other. They do have a department that deals with BOCA-BOCC business, it is fee based as if you were dealing with any bank and their is no discounts for "staying within the family". Federal and State laws govern BOCA which prohibit international account transfers.


    I spoke to a BOCA account rep last year because I thought it might be an easier way to move funds back and forth at less cost and hassle.


    What I just stated is in regard to personal accounts. Business and corporate accounts have different rules. This website outlines what is possible for business accounts only.

  7. My marriage to Yan came with a son. He is 14. Will I/we buy or give him a house...No..we won't! We will provide him with the best education we can afford and that he can get. We will provide him with all the financial counseling he needs to make sound and wise decisions. We MAY help with a down payment if it is necessary. He will inherit whatever we have when we pass on. Anything else he wants, he works and saves for, just like I did and just like his mother has done.

    A question: Is that 14 year old boy going to accept you? This is a question worth it's weight in gold. Something to think about and be aware of. I'm only asking.



    Well, I think he already has! He calls me Papa and every time he sees me, he has a big smile and either a hug or knuckle bump (depending on who is watching)

  8. Won't let me vote and leave the bottom two blank...


    She is divorced and has a child.


    She like China...knows and cares not about America, (so far). American is too far away to think about for a girl that has never even been out of the city that she was born in..To her, Chengdu IS the universe.

  9. My marriage to Yan came with a son. He is 14. Will I/we buy or give him a house...No..we won't! We will provide him with the best education we can afford and that he can get. We will provide him with all the financial counseling he needs to make sound and wise decisions. We MAY help with a down payment if it is necessary. He will inherit whatever we have when we pass on. Anything else he wants, he works and saves for, just like I did and just like his mother has done.

  10. Travel insurance is a wise, expenditure. One reason and not the only one, that I buy it, is that if I die I will not be a expense to my family to have my body shipped backed, I understand this could cost at least, $10,000.00, then there is the emergency medical and the refund of your ticket cost under certain circumstances.


    What would Travel Insurance pay if you were quarantined for a week and missed connecting flights?



    Depends on the fine print. Some will define that as a medical emergency and refund your ticket price for the flight(s) you missed.

  11. I run MY house! And when I get to Chengdu in two weeks, I will continue to run....probably any direction she tells me to! ;)


    We have an agreement. I set the total amount that can be spent each month for living expenses...she manages the details of that in any way she chooses. I'm not interested in the details, just her ah..the bottom line.

  12. American thinking:


    I can buy rims for my truck if I'm willing to do nothing for a month but eat peanut butter...I should pay off that credit card or put the money in savings...but I work hard for my money..if I can't have what I want, whats the point?


    Rationale...ME! NOW!


    Chinese thinking:


    I work hard for my money now, but someday I may not be able to...I will save 25% for my retirement, 25% for child's college, buy food, invest some, and use a little to make surprise for Mama!


    Rationale...future, family, more family.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................me

  13. Uncle Sam wants 675 more dollars times 3(wife, daughter, son).


    What happens if and when 10 year Green Card expires?





    When the 10 year expires, you need to renew it. Failure to do so would hamper travel and re-entry. I believe the current cost is $370 for renewal. Who knows what it will be in 10 years?


    The term "permanent legal resident" is a correct term. Their status does not change when the GC expires. But, by law, they are required to have status documents with them for ID purposes as well as for re-entry to the U.S. The GC was given an expiration date back in 1989 to prevent fraud (yea..right!)

  14. Buy a roundtrip and put the return date as far out in the future as the system will allow. Then if she wants to fly back home, you can change the date for a fee.


    One of the reason the price is so high is that it is non-stop and it looks like there is one seat left and I'll bet it's gone before I get done typing this...

    Ah i didn't know it only had one seat left...wow ,i guess business is good then,if its already sold out in june for an August flight....no need to sell cheap tickets,when people are paying top dollar for them.Good idea about the two way ticket,return date far out in the future,but then i still will have the dilema,when the wife returns back to USA,they will screw me ,with a one way ticket more money than the two way ticket....hahaha...... :blink:



    Here's the trick on that...buy your ticket directly from the airline...now, when its time to use the other half, they have two choices, they can cancel it, credit you the cost, and you buy a round trip ticket from them or they don't and they lose your return flight business as well as "gratis" and "goodwill" fees from the hotel industry..Remember what I said about the difference between one-way and round trip cost differences? You won't get to pull this on an online ticket agent...only the airline..

  15. Buy a roundtrip and put the return date as far out in the future as the system will allow. Then if she wants to fly back home, you can change the date for a fee.


    One of the reason the price is so high is that it is non-stop and it looks like there is one seat left and I'll bet it's gone before I get done typing this...

  16. For your "visitor" permit/stamp...this is what I know of it....you will go to your neighborhood police station (PSB) and get a document of some kind. I think this is a verification of your address and identity. Basically, you are registering with the PSB that you are staying at a private residence. Then, you take this document to the main PSB in your city and get the official stamp/permit in your passport. This stamp overrides the limitation of the visa.


    Once you have this stamp, then you can come and go as you please as far as travel back and forth.


    This is what I have been told by quite a few people. I haven't actually done it yet. I will be doing this in about a month, so if you're not in a hurry, I post what happens...


    As far as a tourist visa for your wife/gf to the states, just get that out of your head. When you see the real Superman, win the lottery, get struck by lightning, and survive a shark attack all in the same day...yea..that would be the day that she could get a tourist visa!

  17. A riot broke out in Shishou in the Hubei province as authorities allegedly tried to cover up a murder, making it look like a suicide. The article states that there are as many as 80,000 such riots every year.


    Tens of thousands of Chinese fight the police in Shishou



    The story about the man is true, but the claim of "80,000 such riots" occurring in China every year is absolutely without merit and unverifiable. If it were even close to being true, everyone on earth would be hearing about it. Really destroys the credibility of the story.




    "most people put the figure at around 80,000 and the vast majority go totally unnoticed. "



    If they held a riot and no one came . . .



    What is the definition of a riot in China? Is one man being upset because his car got towed and he is yelling and throwing rocks at the PSB office a riot? In China, anything that upsets the social harmony is a riot.


    When Tsap get to China, the laughing and screaming coming from his home will probably be classified as a riot.

  18. Dan, I think I remember that...my question deals strictly with me, my wife, and our son living in China and wanting to proceed with adoption if that is where life takes us. I'm wondering, is this a Chinese gov. thing ( I would imagine so), an American gov( I would imagine so if I wanted to bring him to the US) or both(just so everybody can get some of my money!)...

    There is a process for a step parent adoption in China, as in the US the worst of the annoying adoption requirements are waived. Have your wife check with an attorney in China.



    Thank you, Lee! :worthy:

  19. Dan, I think I remember that...my question deals strictly with me, my wife, and our son living in China and wanting to proceed with adoption if that is where life takes us. I'm wondering, is this a Chinese gov. thing ( I would imagine so), an American gov( I would imagine so if I wanted to bring him to the US) or both(just so everybody can get some of my money!)...

  20. Something popped into my head and I began doing some research, but all I can find is the process for adopting orphans. Does anyone know how a USC goes about adopting a child of his Chinese wife while living in China? Is this a Chinese government procedure or an American one? Both?

    I'm curious because, God forbid, anything happen to Yan, then I might also lose Yangzhi without proper legal custody.

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