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Posts posted by chengdu4me

  1. non-stop explained and answered, thanks
    But is it explained correctly? I have never been on a nonstop flight that stopped. Have you?


    Actually, no..it isn't...I am going to correct myself in that the terms "non-stop" and "direct" are sometimes used, although incorrectly, to describe the same type of flight.


    A direct flight is any flight between two points by an airline with no change in flight numbers, which may include a stop over at an intermediate point. These are often confused with non-stop flights, which are direct flights involving no intermediate stops.

  2. Tai Chi...I like Tai Chi...it's like standing still...only faster! Seriously, We use Tai Chi esque movement in our training of Tae Kwon Do patterns and the more complex counter-attacks. It gives us a chance to correct the most minute details and errors in the movement.


    For religion, I have my own. It is the religion of self-worth. Be the best I can be everyday. Set my own moral and ethical compass and follow it. Do not rely on others to determine your worth to the world.

  3. An airline can list a flight as "non-stop" as long as the flight number doesn't change. "Non-stop" in airline lingo mean the flight doesn't terminate before the advertised final destination.


    So, a flight from Houston to Tulsa, to Chicago, to Newark to Beijing could be a non-stop flight as long as the flight number designation stays with the continuing leg of the flight.

  4. She can eat deep-fried Yak ass if that's what she wants. She will be the only one eating it. The only hard line I would have to draw would be foods that the sight of, or smell of, would make me hurl, don't come in the house. If she love pickled beets, she can go out to a restaurant and eat all she wants, and then she can go get a hotel room to stay in for a couple days until they have gone through her system and there isn't the slightest smell of them on her breath.

  5. The funny part about that was at the time,I was a Air Force Drug Dog Handler. I love dogs! I was training attack dogs before I went in the AF and I owned a kennel/training facility after the AF. I have been "in the dog world" for over 30 years. Training, breeding, showing, working...


    The first time I didn't know it was dog. After I found out, I was a bit disgusted, but I also know that what I had eaten tasted good...and , it was meat...looked no different than the beef on the table right beside it...that being said, nothing could make me butcher my family dog and eat him...

  6. Chawls, Lab on a slab, hickory smoked, is pretty good with the right BBQ sauce. Had some Filipino friends that used to have a BBQ every holiday...Lots of dogs running around their yard...all of them had holiday names!....Cat...no! too stringy and greasy...takes way too much preparation to make good meal! Internal organs...yuck!

  7. IMO, I think being polite might be something to consider.

    If you don't like it the food, don't eat it. I would however not condemn it because you don't like the look or what it is. At one point, China had millions starving to death during the Cultural Revolution when there was not enough food to eat.


    I would dare to think if there was no food for you to eat, you would be glad to eat what was available.


    I happen to like the Chicken feet served with morning tea in China.

    I didn't eat anything too exotic like Dog, but I didn't turn my nose up to it.


    Now see, I've had dog many times..Quite good BBQ'd! Chicken feet...naw!!! Intestines, all that other gross stuff...naw.....

    I can't think of any situation that I could possibly get myself into that could make me eat it, but you and anyone else that chooses to eat it, that's fine with me.


    If you had read the entire thread, I pointed out that I understood how these came to be on the dinner table, they just aren't ever going to be on MY dinner table!

  8. The smell, no matter how faint, of pickled beets will make me hurl, and I mean right now! The taste, not smell, of Lima beans will do the same.

    Just the opposite for me. Taste beets. http://www.websmileys.com/sm/obscene/eck15.gif Smell lima beans. http://www.websmileys.com/sm/obscene/eck15.gif

    Ok guys, tell me what you think of soybeans? My wife cooks them and they are oh so good!!!



    Soybean.....nature's cardboard....

  9. I just googled "nutritional value of duck chicken intestines"...hahahaha.....guess what??? DOG FOOD!!!! No substantial nutritional value. Not easily digestible....in other words..it's just filler...


    Case closed!



    suggest you read chinese websites on nutritional and medicine value instead.




    or you can waste just money on pills, its usa way right :P


    I dont worry for you as you have KunMing woman who will train you right :o


    I don't eat pills for a substitute for nutritional food. I also don't eat dog food.



    Jin, read the user ID..... :P Chengdu woman! :D haha

    Hey, Chengdu, my pig feet are nearly done. Why don't you zip over here to Alabama and try them? They are not that horrible, really. The skin of them is supposed to be good for your skin, and they do have a little meat, with some really good tendons (which I need for all my typing).




    hey chengdu, hope you like it spicy :ph34r:



    I LOVE spicy! No such thing as too hot! :P

  10. Thats the funny part. I do have a cast-iron stomach. I have never had heartburn, indigestion, or a stomach ache. Once it is in the stomach it is no longer an issue. Getting past the eyes, nose and taste buds is a different story. For example, The smell, no matter how faint, of pickled beets will make me hurl, and I mean right now! The taste, not smell, of Lima beans will do the same. It's not just Chinese foods. It just seems like there are more varieties, tastes, types of Chinese foods that have this effect on me..I'm sure it is because they actually do eat anything and everything. Every trip I have made to China, I eat well enough, so it really isn't that big of a deal...mostly I was just wondering how many others there were that have a serious problem with the substances that they call food.

  11. I just googled "nutritional value of duck chicken intestines"...hahahaha.....guess what??? DOG FOOD!!!! No substantial nutritional value. Not easily digestible....in other words..it's just filler...


    Case closed!



    suggest you read chinese websites on nutritional and medicine value instead.


    or you can waste just money on pills, its usa way right :P


    I dont worry for you as you have KunMing woman who will train you right :blink:


    I don't eat pills for a substitute for nutritional food. I also don't eat dog food.


    Jin, read the user ID..... :P Chengdu woman! :D haha

  12. I like it all, remember we dont waste and its healthy and balanced.


    the one thing I cant eat as I think its rubbish food are Wendys and Mcdonalds burgers :sleeping:


    some mexican food is good but usa/uk is tastless, boring and wasteful of the best.



    Ok Jin...tell me...what is the nutritional value of intestines, duck, chicken, etc.? Iron? Calcium?


    I agree with the rubbish that is McD's, Wendy's etc. I don't eat fast food unless I am actually in a hurry and on the go..and that isn't very often.


    I understand the "not wasting food". With over a billion people to feed everyday, I see how some of this stuff ended up on the dinner table, but that doesn't mean that I have to eat it....I will gladly let any of the 1.3 billion other people have my share!

  13. Don't ask what it is.

    I agree with Don, sometime it is best not to ask what it is before you eat it. That way you can't prejudge it....


    Although if you only knew how some of what you eat was made here in the US you wouldn't want it either..... :lol:



    Asking what it is has nothing to do with it. I can tell by looking at it that it isn't meat. I've cleaned and dressed enough animals, fowl and fish to tell that this is something I am not going to want.


    I guess what I am asking is, who likes this stuff? Do you force it down to keep your sweetie happy or do you actually like the taste of this garbage?

  14. You can look in older American cook books circa 1950 on back. You will find recipes for groundhog, squirrel, bear, buffalo, raccoon, oppossum, owl etc. Back in the "good old days" many people had to fish, hunt or trap their next meal. There where no Mickey Ds or Safeways along the path for Lewis and Clark and the brave pioneers that moved westward.

    If we ever have a major technical power failure here in this country after a month there will be Donner party on every block.



    I like squirrel, bear if it's cooked right, buffalo is very good. When I was a kid, we had rabbit stew many, many times. I've had BBQ rattlesnake meat. It was great! Catfish right out of the lake, bass, crappie, trout...I eat meat..not intestines, not feet, not brains, not stomach, not sinew, not hearts or eyeballs...

  15. I can't even stomach the taste of tofu. I tried duck intestines in a hot pot and had to get up and go outside for a minute to get some air or I would have hurled all over the table. Maybe I have a more sensitive taste/smell system than most, but I don't care who cooks that stuff, I ain't eating it!

  16. I gotta ask this...I've been to China a few times. Been to HK many times. Been all over SE Asia.


    I grew up on meat and potatoes. Good ole' all-american stick to your ribs kinda food.


    I can't eat that crap they call food in China. Duck intestines? Chickens feet? I can't even try it because the thought of eating it just makes me want to puke.


    Eating intestines, to me, would be like eating a sewer pipe....basically, thats what it is...


    You all know what I'm talking about. The list of "things" that Asians call food is endless and, IMHO, 90% of it is disgusting...


    How do you guys eat this stuff without puking?????? :lol:

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