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Posts posted by chengdu4me

  1. People, in most developed countries...not only in the stupid, evil U.S.A. :roller: , make a decision to pay a fee, in the form of interest, for using someone else's money now, instead of saving their own money to use later. Both parties are benefiting from this agreement. Of course, before a company allows someone to use their money, they want to assess risk and the customer's ability to repay.


    By the way...it's illegal to charge someone more for paying with cash instead of using credit, it's also illegal to refuse cash...who is "forcing" people to use credit?



    Actually, it is not illegal to refuse "cash". There are a few stores that do it; especially in high crime areas. They can't force you to use "their" credit card, but they can refuse cash and insist that you pay with a debit card.

  2. More riot police now there..


    Leaders at all levels are telling that those that commit violence will be executed...






    Good. Anyone on the street for that purpose ought to be.



    Yes, I agree...I have a very hard time feeling "sympathetic" for anyone that has a grievance, but chooses to use violence rather than intelligence to get a solution. Regardless of how frustrated you are, there are so many other ways to get attention to your plight.


    In this case, other cases around the globe...authorities should find a leader of the group or a spokesperson, listen to what they have to say, tell everyone to go home, then work together to create a solution. And without any further nonsense, that should be the end of street justice.


    If it isn't the end...make it the end. Everyone of those people that are burning cars, beating people, killing people, ...they know the law... they know that their actions are going to get them executed if they are caught...they have no valid complaint about "justice".

  3. Take her to a day spa and let them pamper her. Then, after she has had a day of torture and bliss, then start your personal celebration. Carl is right. The first anniversary is paper, so get a really nice piece of stationary and write her a letter. Make it one that she will either want to frame or at least keep in a special place...

  4. I'm thinking that Hu just found the labor needed for that railroad expansion they have been working on. Got too much free time on your hands to riot and complain? Cool! Come with me...


    From what we have seen, and of course what we have seen is what they want us to see, the police have been quite calm and rationale. Time for that crap to stop. Tell them once. Then end it.

  5. Whether there was a overt action by outsiders remains to be seen, but this Kadeer needs to shut up. She is making the case for the Chinese government that this is an outside job, whether it is or not.


    Why is it that there is always somebody in America that thinks they have the "authority" to tell anyone(everyone) how to run their country. Geez!


    When will these people learn to mind their own business!!!!!


    I hope that the Chinese government get tough with these people..All of them...this kinda crap needs to stop and it won't stop until the consequences are so bad and so swift that you aren't going to have time to say...Oops!


    Protest are one thing. Violent protests are something else.

  6. JMHO...the Chinese government should have swooped down on these people ( and any people) that are committing any violent acts and put a stop to it in whatever way is quickest and easiest.

    Hard to argue with and I quite agree. On the other hand, isn't that what caused the outrage about Tibet? Seems the government can't win - they are either brutal or woosie because they don't handle things like we (in the US) do.



    Governments never win when there is violence in the streets...No matter what they do, they are going to get blasted by someone. Better to end, end it now, end it permanently. The shorter period it goes on, the less blasting they have to take.

  7. Here's a question for ya; who needs credit anyways???


    Credit has become a big scam and as far as I'm concerned, I could, (and can), live just fine without it! I say this because my happiest times were days without credit cards, loan, etc., and I lived happy and conented for years like that, in not using credit. Jin has a point about it. I can live happily without being a slave to the crooks. Like I said, who needs credit anyways? Just pay with whatever cash you can obtain and be happy with it!

    So that's worked out pretty well for ya?


    Saved up cash for your car?

    Saved up cash for your house?


    Sounds Chinese to me. Well, I guess they do borrow from family.



    Thats a hard thing to do, Don! I did it. If I had it to do over again, I would not put myself through that long of a period of absolute fanatical self-discipline and basically denial of anything resembling a normal life. I bought every car and motorcycle I have ever owned with cash. I bought my first house with cash and then after that, since I now had sold for lots more than I paid I stuck to buying whatever I liked,but stuck to the cash purchase theory. There was no borrowing from banks or family. No gifts from family.


    I'll tell ya...you can't do that if you have a family or want a family.


    I do appreciate the Chinese thinking, however. If you can't pay for it, you don't need it. Moving to China, I guess I will be in a cash and carry society. But that suits me fine. Life is much simpler when you don't wakeup every morning and have to answer to your creditors.

  8. JMHO...the Chinese government should have swooped down on these people ( and any people) that are committing any violent acts and put a stop to it in whatever way is quickest and easiest. If you are unhappy about the price of goods, you boycott the store..if you are unhappy about your prospects for employment, you get creative. Committing violence on unarmed people is not acceptable behavior. Burning buses and stores is not acceptable. This is a violent, terroristic behavior that should not under any circumstances be allowed for even one second...it doesn't matter whether it is Uighers, Han, other any other group in any city, anywhere.


    If you march down the street in Dallas, Texas and start beating people that you think are from Austin, somebody is gonna shoot your ass and the problem will be over. This is what needs to happen on whatever scale it takes to stop this.


    How do you say it in Chinese? If you don't start none, there won't be none!

  9. China is getting into consumer credit now, too. There is an entire credit system being created right now so you can buy your TV and make payments, buy your refrigerator and make payments, take a vacation and make payments. The evil credit beast knows no particular home. It wil go wherever it is welcomed.


    Chinese government is doing this to encourage domestic spending. It will bite them in the butt, just as it has everyone else, sooner or later.


    Credit is good. Abusing your credit capabilities is bad. Temptation is the driving force behind the abuses...buy today! take it home today!

  10. I look at U.S. news everyday.

    Then i look at China news.

    The story no same.


    I am Chinese woman so i believe china new more.

    I feel U.S. news lie and not tell truth.


    You believe China news because you want to. It is called loyalty. There is nothing wrong with that. You are living in America now. America and China are like two separate planets. It will take time to get used to us "aliens" and the way we do things. Be patient with yourself. Most of all, be flexible in your thinking.


    U.S. news doesn't lie. They report the facts, but putting whatever emphasis on particular facts may tilt the meaning of the story one way or the other. American newspapers and TV are in business to make money. They will tell a story in whatever way they think will get more people to pay attention to them.


    Chinese newspaper and TV are owned by government. They tell you what they want you to know. If they don't want you to know it, you will never hear about it.


    I been in U.S. almost 3 years now.


    Three years is about right for these feelings. You miss your family. You miss your friends. You are comparing your old life to your new one. You have been here just long enough to begin to see the differences, but not long enough to understand and accpet them yet.


    I remember old president and i was here to see new president go to work.


    Why new president lie?

    He say ago he help people and now he take job away.


    President hasn't taken any jobs away. He doesn't have the power to do that. He also doesn't have the power to give anyone a job. He and his people may try to influence or create an atmosphere that will make big companies want to hire people, but he can't put anyone to work himself

    I see no help just people with no job and sad.


    I think when i come to U.S. it be good.

    Now i want to go home.


    Our economy is not good right now. It is a cycle that must be rode out. It happens. It will happen again and again. China economy is not much better. By the last report I read, over 200 million people in China out of work. That is a much greater percentage of the population unemployed than in America. Life anywhere is what you make of it. If you are unhappy, you will be unhappy anywhere you go. There is always something missing. If you life is happy, then that happiness goes with you wherever you go.


    Why U.S. lis to me?


    I don't think anyone lie to you. I think you were not completely knowledgeable about America when you come here. It is difficult to learn about another country until you are actually there. Many people can tell you about another country, but no one can tell you everything you need to know.


    Hang in there, Zhenghong! Life is a roller coaster ride!



    Larry, Thank you, for you are a good man.

    Yes i understand I'm still learning and know that U.S. government is busy.

    But i still feel that i am being lied to by government.

    He say that he will save jobs but all i see is many friends jobs all gone :greenblob:



    To keep things in perspective, think of how many jobs would be gone if all those big banks just shut down? How many jobs would be gone if all the auto makers just shut down? How many other jobs would that affect? This mess we are in is not anything the world has ever experienced before. It isn't over yet! The next wave of catastrophes is just around the corner and it is headed this way. All the plans that were put into place by both Bush and Obama was to stem this tide. Some of it has worked, some hasn't. It is all an experiment because it has never been done on this scale before. But...and this is an important point...I believe in the resiliency of the American people..it truly is one of our best qualities...that goes for every race, nationality, religion of every type in this country..."Americans" can and will persevere ...things will get better.

  11. HAHA....soon, there will be a quiet, yet noticeable conspiracy...the Han...setup shop to sell their wares and now...overnight...subtly, the laowei price is for "those" people..... :ph34r:
















































    We will not take your jobs...but we will take all your money.... ;)

  12. Is there anything unpredictable about this? Is there even one person in all of China that doesn't know what happens when you decide to upset social harmony? The Uighers may have a legitimate complaint, but they also know what happens when you handle your complaints in this fashion. Right or wrong..this was the predictable response.

  13. Thats just the tip of the iceberg, Mike. I looked into this quite extensively. Green Cards (D visa) are only approved in Beijing. It takes a long time. From the information I could gather, there aren't 100 people in all of China with a Green Card.

    I read an article that A Chinese Nobel laureate got his Chinese green card after a lot of fanfare. Another lady donated over $220,000 to help many orphans with schooling also received her green card.



    I don't doubt it. My point was that the "real" rules are a lot more subjective than the "official" rules, so thinking that by looking down that list and saying to yourself...yea, thats me!...is a pipe dream. "Officially", the D visa is not revocable...how true do you think that really is?

  14. Thats just the tip of the iceberg, Mike. I looked into this quite extensively. Green Cards (D visa) are only approved in Beijing. It takes a long time. From the information I could gather, there aren't 100 people in all of China with a Green Card.


    While the "official" requirements are those that are posted, the reality of it is that it will take 100's of millions of dollars of investment benefiting Chinese employment along with family ties and a partnership that is setup to negate any chances of you pulling your investment out.


    The Chinese lawyer that gave me this information told me..."MAYBE Bill Gates could get one if he moved all of Microsoft to China"

  15. I discovered that my life insurance policy would not pay Yan as a beneficiary. I had to get an addendum to it. I will have to send them my marriage book (translated) and setup a US soil based administrator to my estate that will provide "go-between" services. This required legal services. Once we are married and these documents are provided, there will not be an issue. She will contact my estate attorney and he will take it from there to get her the payout so she is taken care of.


    If this is a requirement for anyone, I would highly suggest that you draw up all the papers you need to collect your insurance and make sure they are prepared in advance so that all she has to do is get the death certificate, have it translated and notarized, add it to this package, and drop it in the mail. Every insurance company may have different rules, so get it all in writing and get it all before you ever move to China. Having a stateside estate attorney will make things a lot smoother for her.

  16. American citizenship will get you more "benefits" worldwide than Chinese citizenship will. That may seem like a selfish reason to be an American citizen, but its the truth.


    Also, you might want to read up on some of the fine print on insurance policies, inheritance laws, etc. Some government benefits are either reduced or denied for non-citizens. Some insurance companies do not have to pay life insurance to a non-citizen beneficiary, even if they are a LPR and living in the US.


    The benefits of being a U.S. citizen are in the details...

  17. I dunno. When I've been there and watched CCTV there have been a number of current issues presented. Some even seemed to be fairly balanced. I also saw some decent reporting on the Shanghai local channel.


    I think the difference is news reporting (China) vs news & opinion (US) .



    THAT is the biggest difference! I don't about anyone else, but I couldn't care less about anyone's opinion or "analysis" of the news. Tell me the facts. I can form my own opinions.


    Zhenghong...one of the other things that you should be aware of..In China , the Premier and the President have power. They order something done and it gets done. In America, the President has no real power to order anyone to do anything other than the military and his own Administation. The President of the United States gets his power from Congress insomuch that he can agree or disagree with them.


    The Presidents main job is to promote an agenda that he thinks will be best for the future of the country. For lack of a better term, he is the National Cheerleader.


    Example: The Chinese government owns the railroads. The President can order them to add track, add jobs, add trains to their schedule. BINGO! Instant employment!


    In America, the government owns nothing. The railroads are private companies. The President cannot order a private company to do anything.

  18. I look at U.S. news everyday.

    Then i look at China news.

    The story no same.


    I am Chinese woman so i believe china new more.

    I feel U.S. news lie and not tell truth.


    You believe China news because you want to. It is called loyalty. There is nothing wrong with that. You are living in America now. America and China are like two separate planets. It will take time to get used to us "aliens" and the way we do things. Be patient with yourself. Most of all, be flexible in your thinking.


    U.S. news doesn't lie. They report the facts, but putting whatever emphasis on particular facts may tilt the meaning of the story one way or the other. American newspapers and TV are in business to make money. They will tell a story in whatever way they think will get more people to pay attention to them.


    Chinese newspaper and TV are owned by government. They tell you what they want you to know. If they don't want you to know it, you will never hear about it.


    I been in U.S. almost 3 years now.


    Three years is about right for these feelings. You miss your family. You miss your friends. You are comparing your old life to your new one. You have been here just long enough to begin to see the differences, but not long enough to understand and accpet them yet.


    I remember old president and i was here to see new president go to work.


    Why new president lie?

    He say ago he help people and now he take job away.


    President hasn't taken any jobs away. He doesn't have the power to do that. He also doesn't have the power to give anyone a job. He and his people may try to influence or create an atmosphere that will make big companies want to hire people, but he can't put anyone to work himself

    I see no help just people with no job and sad.


    I think when i come to U.S. it be good.

    Now i want to go home.


    Our economy is not good right now. It is a cycle that must be rode out. It happens. It will happen again and again. China economy is not much better. By the last report I read, over 200 million people in China out of work. That is a much greater percentage of the population unemployed than in America. Life anywhere is what you make of it. If you are unhappy, you will be unhappy anywhere you go. There is always something missing. If you life is happy, then that happiness goes with you wherever you go.


    Why U.S. lis to me?


    I don't think anyone lie to you. I think you were not completely knowledgeable about America when you come here. It is difficult to learn about another country until you are actually there. Many people can tell you about another country, but no one can tell you everything you need to know.


    Hang in there, Zhenghong! Life is a roller coaster ride!

  19. First of all, sorry to hear this. You have been up a tough road.


    "Legally Authorized" and "Qualified" are two separate conversations..lets not even bother...it is a waste of time


    I would contact an Immigration Attorney. This sounds like a job for Toplaw!





    He is/was a member here. You may have read his blog that turned into thousands of posts.


    There may be good attorneys in your neck of the woods. I have no idea.


    I'm not sure if you even have a "next move" other than moving to China. Others, hopefully will have some ideas.


    I do remember reading that you are almost done with your BA? If you have that now, you can go teach in China if you can get past the convicted felon thing as far as getting a Z visa. I highly doubt it, but it is worth investigating.


    I wish I had better news for you, but this type of thing doesn't come up very often so I am at somewhat of a loss for information.


    If you have the cash after selling everything you own to just move there and not worry about working, just sell out and go....Thats what I am doing.


    Whatever path you take, don't give up and don't let her give up!

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