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Posts posted by NewDay2006

  1. She just needs to learn a little English to use them. By getting her a Chinese language GPS, you are enabling her to avoid using English. I would try to talk her into a GPS system that will help her, not hold her back. You can help her with the more complex programming, but the day to day use should help her with her reading/listening skills as well as tell her where to go!


    I totally agree with this statement. I'm in the market for a GPS... it will only speak English. I guess first we need a Driver's liscense :unsure:

  2. Thank you all for your input. Being the "Dad" of a teenager is a new experience for me. My sole concern is not for myself or his teachers. My sole concern is for his future. I do know that I have to put together a "team" to ensure his success. That must include his mother, myself, my son, and his teachers. Everyone must do their job for this to have a positive outcome. But, the big job is his. He must take his education seriously and soak up what myself , his teachers, his tutors try to teach him. And, he must ask questions, throw up a flag...something!... if he doesn't understand.


    His mother cannot help him much other than to talk to him. She only has a 9th grade education herself. Teaching him English, Science, Algebra are beyond her educational capabilities. I can work with him on his English. I will hire tutors to help him with his Science and Algebra. These subjects are going to require discussions in the mother tongue, so I am useless in that area. We have five universities/colleges in our neighborhood. I ought to be able to find plenty of help. I'll go to see my friend at the University today. He is the Dean of one of the schools there. He can point me in the right direction to find tutors.


    Giving him Sunday off is a conscious decision. In my work at the middle school in Xinjin, I see these same grade kids not getting enough exercise. They are unruly and way over-amped in class. I firmly believe that the cause of this is not enough exercise. Chinese children, as a group don't get nearly enough exercise. I want to give him one day a week to go out and burn off his week. Putting him in "prison" will not accomplish anything. Kids can't see beyond their next meal, so if he think his life is completely over, he will give up. Depression and apathy will not solve this problem. He will need a balance of many things. Exercise is one of them.


    He has lost his allowance..no need for money..he ain't going anywhere to spend it. He has lost his computer games...time to play? ...time to study! He has lost his nightly outing with his friends...I ask him if his friends would pay his bills when he is an adult...he agreed that while friends are important, education is more important.


    Now, boys and girls...I am not stupid! I know that he thinks this will blow over and that he thinks that as long as he tells me what I want to hear that everything will calm down and life will go back to what he wants it to be. But...it won't. It will take him awhile to realize this and to really understand his options. The truth is this..his options are get a good education and succeed in life or become a street sweeper. His options are accomplish what I set out for him to accomplish or suffer.


    I am not a Chinese parent. I will treat him exactly the way my father treated me and my brother and sister. All money stops the day his education stops. As long as he is in school, he is welcome to live with us and I will fully support him and the cost of his schooling. When he gets money from me, he better be saving some of it. I have told him this. If he didn't take that message to heart, that is his problem.


    I will hire tutors for him for the remainder of this term. If his grades don't improve, then it will be obvious that he just doesn't care enough to bother. If that is the case, I stop the tutoring and let him fail on his own. No sense in throwing money at a problem if it can't solve it. If his grades do improve, then we will continue the tutors and give back "some", but not all of the privileges.

    I feel you, totally!! I'm there right now. My thought and only my thought is that while I understand yor feelings about not having access to school, the bigger is his lack of study and success in school. I also see that you understand this.


    When Peipei's teachers in china knew he was coming to the US, they gave him A's in everything.... Me and his mom knew better. When we took him to be evaluated to enter HS last year, they evaluator kept saying Asian kids generally do very well on the math portion.... needless to say my wife and I knew what the results would be.


    I've told my story with my son Peipei many times here. Peipei does not have good study habits. I have stressed a lot over this in the past year trying many things. I have backed up a bit lately. I can't have a heart attack over a child that is almost 18 years old. As his mother says, it is his life. While I don't tottally agree with that statement, if he doesn't want it.... You can take a horse to the water but....


    There were some Korean kids over my house for Thanksgiving and they are good friends of Peipei's ... they get A's and have the same time in America in as Peipei.


    Nothing more to say on Peipei, but if you plan to come stateside with your son... push him as hard as possible now... I guess even if you won't come statside just the same. Good Luck.

  3. As the leader of the only super power in the world he should be bowing to no one.


    This is the second time he has done this.


    Ah, this reminds me of the chest-thumping bravado of the Bush administration. That worked well didnt it? :unsure:

    Agreed, not sure if anyone noticed or not... the status quo is no longer valid.


    My opinion is that being the Guy with the Big gun without manners is not working when we think of how many in the world view us as being bullies or just trying to be the police of the world.


    I'm not saying that we need to give up our postion of strenght, but everyone has thier own style and there are different way to do things.


    I think the world knows we have big guns and we are not afraid to use them. But look at us and our economy, we are using the big guns and we are spending over a billion dollars a month and losing young men and women to peope who hate us and we are mostly standing alone.


    It is one thing to cut off your nose to spite your face, but what about my face and your face and the millions of faces in this country.


    I for one am tired of the fighting and wars and suicide bombings and hearing people saying we are not so powerful anymore and that we have many here in this country that depise us... maybe that fool in Fort Hood was an isolated case, maybe it wasn't.... but everyone must agree, this is a different world from when we were younger. What kind of world do we want to leave to our Kids and Grand kids?


    Something needs to change!! I don't know what it is as I'm not that smart, but something needs to change.

  4. After posting the prior post which I wrote, "we knew?", I read one of the comments in the article and it made sense... the guy they arrested in NYC a few weeks ago, the NYC police arrested him too soon and we lost the opportunity to gather intellegence... his contacts probably just burrowed in deeper. Scary days we are living in.



    Sorry, the link doesn't work.....

  5. Since we are forced to live in a politically correct society now we must always be on guard with what we say or do. The 21st century will go down in history as the brain washing and decline of America and the American populace will believe and endorse mediocrity.

    I don't see any connection between racism and being politically correct. Are you saying it's OK to be a racist but people are afraid to be because it isn't politically correct?

    When I was growing up I was taught that abilty puts you on top. Now being a politically correct ass kissing coward puts you there. This syndrome is starting to crack now. Bottom line I do not care what race or nationality a person is. A person must earn the respect of their fellow man. My Father did. He was called a WOP, A Dago, a Greaseball. He refused to let society grind him in the mud. He earned the respect of his adopted fellow Americans by building a good life and supported his family. He did not look to the government for help. This would have been a disgrace for him to do so. I am racist against superficial phonies, on going ignorance and slothfulness.

    How does any of this apply to the JOP in La.?

    I don't see the connection either.


    But to the comments you made I see just the opposite in that racism prevents one race from having the same choices as another. The very nature of racism precludes any respect because one is of the 'wrong' race.

    This judge, like all judges, swears to uphold the US Constitution. He failed to do that by any measure.

    Good riddance of him.


    As for Political Correctness ... that's referencing any generally acceptable public speech. It doesn't prevent anyone from their having their own values that differ than those of society. And if someone wants to march with the Nazis, Skinheads or KKK they are free to do so under the US Constitution.

    Well said my friend!

  6. Don't know what the arguments are about, but, I was poor over 30,35 years ago and probably not as poor as I'm stating, but that picture really looked sad and it was probably only a year or so ago. Are there poorer people? Yes, I'm sure there are, what difference does it make? My thought would be to feel Blessed that we are in love and are able to live together with our wives.

  7. And yet, as bad as these stories are, there are worse stories in China.


    And as bad as the worst stories are in China, there are worse stories in India, or in Myanmar, or Laos, or rural Alabama, or inner city New York.



    Very true. I thank God everyday for the roof over my familes head. I was very poor when I was growing up, we always had enough, but I didn't live with my mom from 4-8 years old because she could afford to take care of me. I was sent to South Carolina to live with a family of someone in her church.


    My Mom asked me months before she died, did I hold that time against her... I said no, I just figured it's what she had to do. Still, I know many had it much worse than me.

  8. Wow my wife has been here a week and is already to go back. How do you find a job for someone who just quit a teaching career for 8 years and suddenly is worthless (her words) and needs to send money home for a mother going through cancer treatments that are expensive in China?


    I feel culturally overwhelmed and have few answers!!!

    I am also recovering from a heart attack last month and have my own issues!

    Very to sorry to hear of your situation. Nobody said this would be easy... it hasn't been for me and I see it isnt for you.


    Be patient, be understanding and remind her you love her and that is why she is here. IT will be ok. Tell her to be patient... She can talk to my wife if you like, she is the Mother Teresa of everyone in the USA :ph34r: .... My life isn't perfectm but we make it work and my wife is a good woman, I must say, shedrives me crazy... one thin I love abot abot her, she always asks how the Giants did and knows when they play,,..... not a big deal I know, but no other woman could care less :D Get yourself well and relax my man. Relax and let her know you love her. That's why she is here !!

  9. Just make sure that she understands that in America, the one biggest difference - The rules need to be followed.


    She understands this. The whole point of learning how to drive before we head to the States, is for her to learn basic fundamentals that are universal in any country. For example, learning how to anticipate stops, on coming traffic, etc.


    Obviously, the rules in Missouri are different than the rules in Hubei - and she'll have to learn them later on. Understanding that, it'll also be nice for her to have a DL, whenever we return to China for a visit.


    Really, this is important for her to do - so I'm going to encourage her to do it. Although she may have to learn a lot of it over, I believe this a process for her to gain confidence behind the wheel. When she gets to the States, she'll be that much more confident when she takes her test. Perhaps it's just a mental thing, but what's the harm in doing it? I don't see any.

    I think it would be good for your wife to learn to drive in China, I think mostly, even though in China the rules as in America aren't followed all the times, I must say, they drive slower than here in the US.

  10. This teaching to drive thing was a true test of our relationship and i have many more white hairs on my head from it.


    I highly encourage you to pay for a driving school instead LOL


    I can certaintly understand this thought. Teaching your wife to drive can be very frustrating, it was... in the beginning. I must say 10 months later she is much better now. I'm not sure if a driver instructor would have been able to teach what my wife has learned in this time. There is an experiece factor.


    There is a Chinese guy here in Atlanta who will guarentee to get someone to get thier driver's liscense.. this might be desired, but I question if the people will know how to drive other than pass the test.


    My wife has been driving to work for about 3 months now. she is still feels scary sometimes. My point is experience and time is what will gain confidence for your wife, but of course it is a personal choice.

  11. Funny, the other day I had to blow my horn at an Asian woman for almost cutting me off, she stopped. But at that moment I thought of the days when my little lovely will drive alone :D


    ... She said she likes the time we get to spend together and talk and will miss that when she starts driving alone.... I say, I will look forward to the day when she can have some independence and maybe get a day job and we spend even more time together ;)

  12. Ford issued the largest single recall in its history Tuesday as drivers of an additional 4.5 million vehicles were alerted about a fire hazard from a faulty switch.

    The following Ford models: 1995-2003 Windstars, 2000-2003 Excursion diesels, 1993-1997 and 1999-2003 F-Super Duty diesels, 1992-2003 Econolines, 1995-2002 Explorers and Mercury Mountaineers, 1995-1997 and 2001-2003 Rangers and 1994 F35 motorhomes.






    quality production usa style B)

    Probably not a good comment.


    Still, the good part is, Ford is making the correct move to fix the product.

  13. As a country we have come a long way in the past 150 years or more on this topic. My own grandmother had a black cat. Yep, she named it the "N" word.

    We have come a very long way. No need to share any of my stories here as a BIA, but there were many sad stories.... I did have to shake my head about the cat.... :huh: ... but at the same time, I must laugh too. I can just imagine your grandmother calling him. :ph34r: ... Many people just inherited these negative thought and feelings from generations before.

  14. what can we say, Latino illegals good, chinese bad :P


    anglo America always hate chinese moe than any other ,its a history thing.

    They think we are lowest people,its pure racism.


    sorry i post this on robs login.


    but things will change now china will lead world soon, hope not retribution and be the same to westenj/usa and deny you all visa in future.


    I don't agree with these comments for different reasons. One, I would say that 1000's of Chinese in a Latin country is a little strange and they would stand out of the general population and thier reasons might be obvious and they are easier to track since one (Immigrations)might anticipate thier motive for being in that particular place in the world.


    I don't think (White Americans) think Chinese are the lowest people.


    I'm not sure China will lead the world even though they are growing strong. Don't count the the USA out of any race.

  15. I had a encounter with a man when I was in the Air Force over thirty years ago. We were in a small country in SE Asia. We were both trying to not get blown to bits. He was clearly a descendant of African people, and I, a descendant of Anglo's. He was doing everything he could to protect his fellow soldiers, if they were of the same ancestry. Those that were not, were systematically pushed out of the cover we were under as others were moved in. I wasn't about to be pushed out and as he spouted some racially explicit comment to/at me, I took out my knife and sliced the hell out of his hand. Then I did the same to mine and I grabbed his hand and held on tight. After a bit, I let go and I asked him..which is your blood and which is mine? Some of his buddies laughed at him...he got pissed..he also stabbed me as payback...but he found a new respect for me and we all fought on the same side the rest of the night...and we ALL went back to base in the morning under our own power!


    Those of you who don't know this...I will enlighten you..we are all of one set of parents...Adam and Eve...color of skin, physical features, skeletal structure...all are the results of thousands and thousands of years of environmental influence and diet...we all have the same number of bones, one heart, one liver, two kidneys, red blood, and fragile egos...

    Very good post.

  16. "...Last year, I read a book, or I tried to read a book call the "Rape of Nanking"... I couldn't finish it, it was too brutal......."


    Same here---plus, the author, and ABC I believe, committed suicide... tragic epilogue .... although she had a long history of deep depression....

    You are right, Iris Chang, it happened a few years ago after I read her book, she pulled her car off to a quiet place and ...BOOM!!


    Yes, NewDay, you have identified some hot spots in China for residual hatred of the Japanese, but the whole occupation was so brutal, that all except the most remote areas were affected.



    Last year, I read a book, or I tried to read a book call the "Rape of Nanking"... I couldn't finish it, it was too brutal, unbeleivable. Just to think of it now still makes my stomach sick. It still brings tears to my eyes how humans can be so cruel to each other. Books likes "Before the Mayflower" made me very angry of the history of Blacks in this country.


    By the Grace of God, I don't feel a lot of what I felt years ago. Prayer and people teaching thier children to respect all people may make the world better as we go forward.


    I think sitting, fellowshipping and praying with people like Chawlz and his lovely wife is a move in the right direction.


    2 of the people I wanted to meet in my life was Jimmy Carter and Kareem Abdul Jabbar... in the last 7-8 ears I was in the room with both...Jimmy Carter left me with the better impression when I was in Plains, Ga.... when I was in the area in Plains Ga, then, I went to a meeting with the founder of Habitat for Humanity, Lilard Filmore I beleive and he spoke of the situation of the races in the United States... He asked the question, how may of us share a meal with a person of another race.... we all do every night, but that is because of love.... yesterday, I had the priveledge to do sobecause my wife and Chawlz wanted to meet. I found Chawlz to be engaging and a very intellgent man. In my understanding he has had negative encounters with black people, but I felt most welcome and respected in his home.


    My point? I don't know, but we all have an opportunity with our time left on this rock to do something positive to help mankind. Do wait...Just Do it !!

  18. Charles, you are a big dude! Ya make Chawls look like a wimp.

    I am a big dude, someone asked where's the picture of the food... you see my stomach ?? :P .... there you go!


    My wife does look 50% bigger than she is <_< ... she and Chawlz wife are about the size... and yes they some purdy women.


    I had a great time and so did my family. They sure know how to treat some people... lucky I left, I was thinking to stay for breakfast :huh:


    Check out the very nice painting of Huihai on the wall. He's a lucky man , as she is a lucky woman. ;)


    As far as my wife being with Child. There are no fish in the river B)

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