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Posts posted by NewDay2006

  1. I did the pay with miles thing last time my wife went to China. My boss graciously donated the miles. I think the total miles came to around 140,000. And it took a lot of time trying to find the right flight...but of course we had to be VERY flexible in what dates she used.


    It will be a long time before I can take a reasonable trip with the miles... but I figure to get about 700- 1200 a month. I'll wait. Hopefully it will pay off one day




    You just need to use that credit card more often.


    I use it everyday... thankfully,it's not a credit card, it's a debit card. I only have to use my signature when going to someplace like Wal-Mart or Kroger or I say use credit when getting gas... gas alone I'm gettn at least 200 skymiles a month, sadly ... too much money for gas.

  2. I did the pay with miles thing last time my wife went to China. My boss graciously donated the miles. I think the total miles came to around 140,000. And it took a lot of time trying to find the right flight...but of course we had to be VERY flexible in what dates she used.


    It will be a long time before I can take a reasonable trip with the miles... but I figure to get about 700- 1200 a month. I'll wait. Hopefully it will pay off one day

  3. Clark Howard often complains about the Skymiles program saying that it is next to impossible to be able to redeem the miles for any trip that one might want. It's been a long time since I had skymiles and tried to use them.


    Cuzin, I currently have about 50k miles... 10k, gets you a trip that cost $100. I also recently got a Skymiles debit card if used as a credit card, I will get 1 skymile for every dollar spent. Since December I have accumulated about 1700 skymiles just by paying for my gas and groceries, etc with the card.


    I do have to pay $59 a year for the card, but my plan is to always have a way to get quick ticket in case of and emergency or spur of the moment trip. we'll see how it works out.



    Here is an article from Clark's website. Good luck!!




    Thanks for the heads up. I was wrong, it is 25k miles for 100 miles... I guess that is about what you said. since they don't expire, I can always compare when I need a ticket and use skymile or not use them.


    Here's what I just got off of Delta's site.


    How does Pay with Miles work?


    There is no fee for using your Pay with Miles benefit. Pay with Miles redemptions are flexible based on the price of the ticket.


    For base fares less than $100:

    Redeem 25,000 miles to cover the total fare.

    For base fares equal to or greater than $100 and less than $250:

    Redeem 10,000 miles for $100 off the total fare or

    Increase the redemption to 25,000 miles and increase from that point in increments of 5,000 miles ($50 off) to cover the total fare.

    For base fares equal to or greater than $250 and total fares less than $1,000:

    Redeem 10,000 miles for $100 off the total fare or

    Increase the redemption in increments of 5,000 miles ($50 off) to cover all or part of the total fare (15,000 miles for $150 off, 20,000 miles for $200 off, etc.).

    For total fares equal to or greater than $1,000:

    Redeem 10,000 miles for $100 off the total fare or

    Increase the redemption in increments of 10,000 miles ($100 off) to cover all or part of the total fare (20,000 miles for $200 off, 30,000 miles for $300 off, etc.).

    If you choose to pay for a fare with both miles and a credit card, you must use an American Express Credit Card:


    For example, if your fare is $325, you may redeem 30,000 miles for $300 off and then you must pay the $25 with an American Express Credit Card

    How do I use Pay with Miles?

    Log in at delta.com with your SkyMiles account number and PIN.

    Search for flights.

    Select flights marked as Pay with Miles eligible.

    Choose from the list of Pay with Miles options in the "Trip Summary" page, you can select miles, money or the combination of both.

    After you make your selection, simply continue with booking your ticket.

    Current Gold, Platinum or Reserve Credit Cardmembers log in and start planning your trip.


    Additional Information

    As long as you have sufficient miles in your account, there is no limit on the number of times you can use your Pay with Miles benefit—use it as often as you like.

    There is no cap on the number of miles you can use. If you have enough miles, you can pay for your whole itinerary using miles.

    You may use Pay with Miles to book some one else's ticket.

    You can use Pay with Miles for multiple tickets—you just need to have 10,000 miles per passenger available and they must be on the same itinerary.

    If you do not have the minimum 10,000 miles per passenger available in your account, the Pay with Miles option will not appear.

  4. Clark Howard often complains about the Skymiles program saying that it is next to impossible to be able to redeem the miles for any trip that one might want. It's been a long time since I had skymiles and tried to use them.


    Cuzin, I currently have about 50k miles... 10k, gets you a trip that cost $100. I also recently got a Skymiles debit card if used as a credit card, I will get 1 skymile for every dollar spent. Since December I have accumulated about 1700 skymiles just by paying for my gas and groceries, etc with the card.


    I do have to pay $59 a year for the card, but my plan is to always have a way to get quick ticket in case of and emergency or spur of the moment trip. we'll see how it works out.

  5. Bitter Melon works to bring your sugar down. It's documented, I'll eat if my wife makes it, but I don't like it. Like the vinegar I mentioned in a earlier post, using Bitter melon and Vinegar would probably work best for you if you are eating the carbs and sweets sometimes... but just the same ask your doctor. I haven't, but I'm not that smart.


    Bitter Melon


    Wow thats crazy. I actually went to Ok State so I am a cowboy fan. But anytime OU isnt playing OSU or Florida I root for them. Where in Oklahoma are you from? I am from Tulsa and thats where I live now.


    I lived in Broken Arrow for 1 year in my early 30's... I moved from NYC.... I didn't adjust very well... I moved to Atlanta and have been here ever since for 20 years.

  7. Sorry to hear the news, Carl,


    Diet will be ultimately important. Father in Law has the same problem, and is pushing 80, green tea is his solution. sips it all day. Seems the consensus is moderation and slow release --- not to overwhelm you body. i particularly like short grain brown rice. high in fiber, and the carbs release slowly through the husk. plus it tastes good. Time to do your research online.....


    Very good advice... so much information online.

  8. I was diagnosed last year with Type 2. I am over weight. I take Meds and try to excercise. I didn't have any symptoms, but it does run in my family. I'm mindful of what I eat. I do eatsweets, but on a very limited basis now... don't eat starches much, but I do... I just try and a lot more veggies than I used to. My wife sometimes makes a pasta made from green beans, but I never saw the packaging to know what carbs are in them. My number are good. MAke sure you go to a opthalmogist at lieast onse a year. I have a friend who is one and he told me that when I told him I had the Big D. My last check up the Dr. gave me a high five because my A1C count was good and I lost 20 pounds... I hope to lose 20 or more this year... I guess I need to get started. Make sure you keep on it... my sister was diagnosed 3 years ago and she didn't take it serious and ate everything she wanted... She was not overweight then or now. Unfortunately last year she had 4 heart stints put in last year. She doesn't excercise. I'm pretty active, but I want my activity level to increase more.


    If you work hard at it, you can come off the Diabetes medicine, but they should have put you on aspiring regime, Cholestorl meds and High Blood Pressure for the rest of your life, but with Diabetes we are susceptable to heart attack, Stroke... make sure you check your feet often also. Stay at it and it should be fine. I check my Blood sugar every morning. Also, I stop eating eggs much. I do eat Egg whites, no Chlestorol. I know I didn't answer your intial question, just wanted to share how I've dealt with it since last June.


    I do love Spicy Tofu.

  9. South of ATL all we got was Fing Ice...Chains don't help with that...and yes I have a set...

    I played it smart and stayed off the road with all the none drivers around here and worked from home. Might do the samething tomorrow.

    My daughters been having a blast




    Yep that's where I am, stuck in the ice. My driveway is 150 yards and a steep incline so I can't get out until it melts. Lawd knows when that'll be.


    That's a tough one. Might be Friday before the temps rise... I hope the sun melts some today. staying home all day is for the birds.


    My just found out no work again today and she is off tomorrow. She will go home to China next week and she said it is cold at the beach that is home to her.

  10. Atlanta is closed today, no airport, schools are closed, I even got a call from work at about 5:45am... we are closed. Being from NYC, a storm of the size that is now hitting us, would not shut down the city. Then again NYC uses public transportation primarily. I beleive it was a lttle less that 2 feet of snow that shut down NYC a couple of weeks ago.


    My wife is supposed to work at Wal-mart tonight... I keep teling her she won't go, she wants to go just the same she has only missed 1 day in almost 2 years... I may have to tie her up or hide her car keys ... I don't know what it will be like tomorrow, we maybe shutdown tomorro also.



    Awhile back I put in for a vacation day for this date and I got turned down. Looks like I got it afterall.


    WSB radio said you guys in Buford got 8 inches. Is that true?


    I don't think we got 8 inches... looks more like 6... but still shut everything down... I went to work yesterday at 12.... today we were supposed to go in at 10am today... I tried... so much ice... I went back home. I'll try again tommorow. I heard NYC got 9 inches today and the schools are open, as they are equipped to handle the snow... Ga just doesn't get much snow. I started to get a snow shovel the other day, but I thought in the 20 years I've been in Georgia, I can only count on one hand the number of times I needed a snow shovel.


    Normally it snows here and a day or later it is 50 degrees and no more snow...now? the cold stayed and made it very difficult for all

  11. Atlanta is closed today, no airport, schools are closed, I even got a call from work at about 5:45am... we are closed. Being from NYC, a storm of the size that is now hitting us, would not shut down the city. Then again NYC uses public transportation primarily. I beleive it was a lttle less that 2 feet of snow that shut down NYC a couple of weeks ago.


    My wife is supposed to work at Wal-mart tonight... I keep teling her she won't go, she wants to go just the same she has only missed 1 day in almost 2 years... I may have to tie her up or hide her car keys ... I don't know what it will be like tomorrow, we maybe shutdown tomorro also.

  12. I was listening to a radio program this morning and they were talking about inflation and the high prices of food in China now. I guess the inflation includes Real Estate and just about everything else too.


    My wife will go to China in a couple of weeks, I'm thinking she will be very surprised. Has anyone been there recently to comment on this.


    I can remember when I first went there in 2004, I was in shanghai and everything was so cheap... not the case as the years went by... it's been 3 years since I've been there last after going for 5 straight years.

  13. ...Did the chiropractor thing, but 4 months gave no indication that I was accomplishing anything more than spending money.


    Honestly, I don't see how acupuncture could provide any benefit given that my skeletal structure has collapsed on a number of nerves.


    Surgery is the only alternative that strikes me as logical --- other than --- losing weight and exercising (walking mostly) to achieve improved fitness.


    Quite honestly, I don't know how anyone could live "a number of years" with this level of pain and have any quality of life. ...my medical charts describe me as stoic with regards to pain.



    Sorry to hear this... trying Acupuncture might be worth a try... hope it gets better and soon.

  14. I used majic jack when i was in China to call US


    Yes which is great for someone who does have some type of service already, but Newday already has ITalkbb.

    Calling from China the way credzba instructs is absolutely free of charge without getting anything else.

    You are right C4Racer... I don't have my login info at home... won't see it until monday, if I have time... Thanks for the info Credzba... I have time, but my wife was asking me when I started this thread... We have had Italkbb for about 4 - 5 years, but they only use to call China... don't get many calls to the US anymore since the wife is here now

  15. My daughter is studying to be a nurse it is not easy, but that doesn't mean you can't do it. I say just start reading english and reading more... anything to build your vocabulary and reading skills. In my opinion, that is the biggest part of learning, reading.


    Good luck,,, one can do whatever they want... just work hard.

  16. A reputable store will hand each cashier their own cash register drawer with a known amount of money. They will operate ONLY from their own drawer. When people are allowed to co-mingle money like that, it makes it too easy for someone to steal.

    Depends on what you mean as "reputable"... my wife works for Wal-Mart...my wife shares the same register also. If she takes a break someone else just take over. I had these same thoughts about sharing a register. I wouldn't sign any paper... that would be an admission.

  17. Chinese Proverb.


    An elderly Chinese woman had two large pots, each hung on the ends of a pole which she carried across her neck.


    One of the pots had a crack in it while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water.


    At the end of the long walks from the stream to the house, the cracked pot arrived only half full.


    For a full two years this went on daily, with the woman bringing home only one and a half pots of water.


    Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments. But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, and miserable that it could only do half of what it had been made to do.


    After two years of what it perceived to be bitter failure, it spoke to the woman one day by the stream. 'I am ashamed of myself, because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your house.'


    The old woman smiled, 'Did you notice that there are flowers on your side of the path, but not on the other pot's side?'


    'That's because I have always known about your flaw, so I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back, you water them.' For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate the table. Without you being just the way you are, there would not be this beauty to grace the house.'


    Each of us has our own unique flaw. But it's the cracks and flaws we each have that make our lives together so very interesting and rewarding.


    You've just got to take each person for what they are and look for the good in them.


    SO, to all of my cracked pot friends, have a great day and remember to smell the flowers on your side of the path!



    Very nice!

  18. My brother-in-law has a colleague in Shanghai that has suffered a massive stroke. From the sound of it, he is not in a very good hospital there. It seems that I have heard that Shanghai has a very good hospital there that can effectively deal with this kind of situation.


    Does anyone here know of the best hospital there that caters to western people?




    Sorry to hear of the news. I hope your wife is taking it ok. I'm sure it is a bad feeling to be so far when something like this happens.



    Actually it is my sister's husband's colleague. He is there on business.


    Ok, sorry to hear the news, but, I also glad to hear I read it wrong and it is not your wife's brother.

  19. My brother-in-law has a colleague in Shanghai that has suffered a massive stroke. From the sound of it, he is not in a very good hospital there. It seems that I have heard that Shanghai has a very good hospital there that can effectively deal with this kind of situation.


    Does anyone here know of the best hospital there that caters to western people?




    Sorry to hear of the news. I hope your wife is taking it ok. I'm sure it is a bad feeling to be so far when something like this happens.

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