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Posts posted by georgeandli

  1. rogerinca brought up a good brief from the Consulate. I think what you want to know is can you get the info into the packet BEFORE the interview, right? Go and try, beats getting a blue. IMHO when you go to ACH with documents to get checked out and ask about the process things run much smoother. Getting your foot in the door shows concern on your part.

  2. I don't want BrokenHeart to think I'm second guessing his way of going about this. My heart goes out to him and everyone who's chain is yanked. IMHO if you are denied find out why and resolve the problem. If you can't, go through the same consulate and refile.

  3. The ugly not bonifide rears its head again. I'm not taking the DOS side here but you're in a pickle. They tripped you up twice from two different consulates, right? IMHO take every piece of paperwork from both cases and the kitchen sink to GUZ. Get as high up the chain of command you can and start asking questions. What do we need to do to get this thing moving. The HK thing was NOT meant to be an end run.

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