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Everything posted by Calvin

  1. Seriously, I just called GZ the night before my fiancee received her EMS, and what did they tell me? "We still haven't received any clearance from State Department yet." The left hand in GZ doesn't know what the right is doing, period. Regardless, now I feel like a mountain as just been lifted from my shoulder. The sky seemed sunnier today even though it was somewhat gloomy. What a feeling! By the way, does anyone know where I can get the best airfare to China? I will leave here (California) middle of next week to bring her back.
  2. My fiancee finally received her EMS today. No more waiting, no more worry. I would like to thank everyone here for giving me the support and assistance during this time, especially to Eric & Yuhui, Robert S. and Azwolfman. By the way, they ask for new police report and the difference in fee increase from my fiancee. I'll be leaving here in a week or so to bring her back here. Hope everyone else who are still waiting will get yours soon.
  3. You are welcome, Mick. Azwolfman, how do you add the web links to the body text like you just did? I am a not that good with this technology.
  4. I went through there three times, latest one was this past January. Yes, U.S citizens and non-citizens use different line, but the lines are very close together so no need to worry about losing sight of her.
  5. I think this is the same batch that was sent back to GZ a few weeks ago. Someone already mentioned that 3500 cases were cleared and sent to GZ a while ago.
  6. I didn't mean to bring up this topic as a mean of making fun of those three men for it's a tragic story. However, ever since I read the post by Robert. S in which he wrote: "Their just aim their bowel right in front of their face and shove their food in their mouth," for some reason my mind becomes fixated on anything that has to do with bowel, toilet, etc. Get this, CNN just reported that brothers were found dead half buried in your know where: septic tank! Investigation is underway. I think Robert. S must have unintentionally hypnotized me with his words. My mind is on cue to zoom in on any news that relates to BOWEL. Worse, the image of a Chinese guy squating on a stool naked, hurriedly downing his big bowel, no bowl of noodle with chopsticks just keeps flashing in my mind constantly. What have you done to me, Robert??? Hey, Robert. S, thanks for the laugh. I know you have already correct the spelling, but I just have to let this out. This will be my last post on this subject.
  7. Recently there was a post on cell phone, which I believed started by PJ. Don't buy any cell phone, PJ! They are dangerous toys to have! No, it's not because they may cause brain cancer. It's worse! Read about it in Oddly Enough section on Yahoo: "Three Men Died Retrieving Mobile Phone from Latrine." Stupid but true.
  8. Azwolfman, What a different a day and night made! Told you I smelled your EMS coming your way. Mine is just days away, I believe. I am howling for you too!
  9. Tony & donahso, Ah, my dementia is here early than I have expected. Must be set off by the long visa delay! I was looking at the INVOLVED LIST in VISADELAYS.COM and thought that was part of CANDLE. Thanks a mil...billion for the info, Tony!
  10. Candle's administrators/moderators/members: Is there anyway someone can update the status of the people on the INVOLVED LIST link? It would be nice for us to know who is still/not waiting for the visa. The polls we took earlier have very little new info. There must be at least 10 on that least who already received their visa.
  11. ttt, Welcome! I log on this site 4-5 times a day even just for a few minutes during my break. I find it emotionally satisfying just being able to read the news here. I confess, I am an addict!
  12. Onesuite.com calling plan allows you to set up your phone access on their website so that you only have to press four or five buttons to complete your call to China. For me, three buttons to access my last dial number and one for the phone number. No need to dial the PIN or phone number. Darn, I feel like a salesman for Onesuite.com now!
  13. Azwolfman, You have the right to vent your feelings. I knew that was going to happen when I read ChrisD's entry, especially with the advices to PJ. I too, developed my relationship with my fiancee over the internet and phone months before I even met her face-to face. I see nothing wrong with it. Suggestions or opinions are ok (sometimes), but definitely not advices when unsolicited or when one is under stressful/painful situation.
  14. I too, use onesuite.com. It's by far the best and cheapest of all the calling cards/plans, and you get to see your bill online. You also get free faxing if you use over $20 per month. No minimum charge either.
  15. I agree with you, ChrisD, on the Fax. However, I feel that if enough people voice their concern, DOS/CA will notice it, whether by fax, email, or letter. But he quickest and most effective way is to talk dirrectly with CA. I have tried emails, faxes, letters and what I got back were formed letters or they can't do anything for my case. But I have not had any serious problem getting CA to talk to me. And as you said, being calm and polite with them will open the door for us. I think that is what I have with A.S. He even apologized that "they" are taking too long on my case.
  16. Vince, No, I got the info from talking to A.S. from the CA.
  17. I think all the August blackhole people should send the fax to CA at the same time. It will be more effective in getting their attention to work on our case when more than one voice is heard. Azwolfman, I could smell your EMS coming out of GZ's door!
  18. Vince, Not yet. I don't expect to hear from GZ for another week or two. After that I will contact them if there's no EMS. So for now, I am just waiting patiently and hoping that everyone else hear will get good news soon.
  19. Ok, I am closing this thread. We are running low on memory due to so many responses to this original topic. Just kidding! Only a newbie here! I find it very interesting to read about all of your cultural experiences, especially this one with the chopsticks. In some areas, two sets of chopsticks are used, one for picking up food and one for eating. This is done for health concern. As for the hardest thing to pick up with your chopsticks, it has to be sea cucumber! That thing just has a mind of its own. It just slips and slides all over the plate. Sometimes the best way to get it is to JAB or STICK it with the chopsticks, or use the good, old USA way: fork and spoon. Interesting conversation!
  20. Azwolfman, If CA did indeed send your case back to GZ, then they should have a State message number or cable number which they sent along with your case. Call CA and ask them to provide you with that number. Ask CA for the date they cleared and sent the case to GZ, then contact GZ with the info. That's what I am planning to do if I don't hear from them in two weeks.
  21. Mick, We sure hope it will be as fast as yours. Last night I had the first good sleep in a long while. I even dreamt of having a banquet in China to celebrate the event.
  22. I came back with over 400 dvds from my three trips to China last year. A real bargain! Be careful of the faked ones though.
  23. Yes, you must call CA line. DOS info line doesn't have the updated info. I know so because I called DOS after having spoken with someone from CA who told me my case was cleared and sent to GZ. DOS couldn't give me that info when I asked.
  24. I got through last Friday without even having to wait. I think it was luck that I just dialed and it went through. But the person who answered my call was useless. He didn't have any info to give me.
  25. Hopeful, I spoke with CA personnel. I called him three times last weeks and each time he requested someone to look into my file. He said my case was ok at that time but did not know if it was sent out yet, that's why he had someone checked on it for me each time. This morning I called again but this one lady didn't let me talk to him. So I called again later and got through him during my lunch time (that's why I didn't eat lunch. I teach and have only so much time each day to call). He remembered me right away, double checked my fiancee's name and birthday, then confirmed that my case was sent out last Friday along with the cable number. He said he requested someone at a higher level to do that for me because my case should have been claered a long time ago. I should use the cable number to check with GZ if we don't get the EMS in two weeks. I really think that there are cases which are just laying around at DOS or GZ without anyone even taking a look at them until we bug them to do so. So don't wait. Keep calling and calling and ask to speak to someone other than the info people. The 1225 info line is useless, same with GZ info line. Use the CA number which can be found in the resource link on this website. I am looking for better news in next coming weeks. But just like Azwolfman said, Until my fiancee has the EMS and visa in her hand, these people are still capalbe of making all kind of mistakes and delay. Hopefully the war (inevitable) won't cause anymore delay. Good luck to all of you who are still waiting for the clearance.
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