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Everything posted by IllinoisDave

  1. Good luck Steve!! I see pink in your future. I'll be right behind you one month from today. Yeah, the UPS store I went to told me it was illegal to copy passports in color. Go figure. Can't wait to hear how it goes. I'm sue Aiwen will do great! Go get 'em. btw. Where did you book your plane tickets through? Did you get a decent price?
  2. I can't do any better than what these guys have done. You've got some excellent advice and observations here. The only thing I would say is that you're the only one who can have a "feel" for your SO and whether her request makes you comfortable or uncomfortable based on your relationship. If you're comfortable, go with it, at least for the time being. If not, some more conversations probably needs to take place. You know her best. Go with a combination of your head, heart and gut. Best of luck.
  3. Actually, it can seldom be said to be the country's fault. In the latest toy recalls, Mattel also shares part of the blame, though, IMO, not the majority of the blame. They should never trust suppliers and need to check to make sure the products were made to specs. Ultimately what Mattel sells to American consumers is mattel's responsibility should anything happen. It isn't actually difficult for them to analyze each batch produced. Mattel should take the blame. Mattel can blame its suppliers and do whatever to penalize the suppliers if they didn't conform to Mattel's design and specified quality standard. However, Mattel is still responsible to its own customers in US. I agree. Mattel is ultimately responsible for it's products. Companies in other countries using sub-standard materials in products shipped for sale in the US is nothing new. Mattel should have been aware that this possibility existed and should have had measures in place to check. Unless, of course, they didn't really want to know...
  4. Just a suggestion here David. Maybe you could edit out the personal jab stuff within the posts and leave the rest? I thought much of the debate was honest,sincere and on topic.
  5. That would scare the crap out of me! And I have to say I wouldn't be too happy about it, especially if I didn't know where she was. I guess I have alot more to prepare for than I thought.
  6. I'd be interested to hear from you folks who've gotten your visas in the last few months. How often has the two day guideline been reliable? Not sure if this is the proper forum for this. A mod can move it if not.
  7. Are you sure DS-156 and DS-157 need to be done in both English AND Chinese? I don't see that requested anywhere on the forms? I DID see on GUZ's website (General Info/Visa Application Form) a request for "some" questions (DS-156: 6, 7, 8, 9, 15, 18, 20) and (DS-157: 5, 6, 7, 12, 17) to "ALSO" be answered in Chinese characters. Is this why you and some others have duplicated forms in Chinese? Was that in the packet instructions or should I explain to my SO? We originally only did the English versions but had read on CFL some of the hospitals want the Chinese versions too. Sure enough when my SO did her medical in Beijing they also wanted the Chinese versions. We had them prepared so it was no big deal. The Chinese versions should be in the packet or download from this site. Thanks Houston. That's what I remember reading as well. One question. Can the fillable forms be completed in Chinese by my SO in China or does she need to do them by hand?
  8. Yes, it make sense that the imbalance is more in the rural areas as many women/girls go to the larger cities looking for work. Plus, it's possible that the use of "selective birthing" may be more prevalent in the countryside where sons are needed to work the fields and daughters are seen as less desirable. While that practice may not be as widespread today as it once was, it's effects from times past are most likely being felt now and will be for at least the next 10 to 20 years.
  9. I'll ask the driver to slow down a little. I'm sure it'll be there soon. Hang in there.
  10. A bit of an over-generalization don't you think? Yes, some here have commented on things that they prefer in China over things here. But to say that MANY have said that EVERYTHING is better in China just isn't true. You may have more first hand experience with some of the problems with China's system and those experiences have obviously left a bitter, probably rightly so. But just because someone here makes positive statements about something in China compared to the US doesn't mean they're naive to think that everything in China is better. As far the subject of the OP and the women in China is concerned, I'm sure there are some women who are looking for the golden goose as you say. But couldn't that be said of some women here and every other country as well? And as far as the women knowing they have the upper hand and can be more choosey about a husband? I say more power to 'em! I'm sure they consider it a nice change over what they've had to deal with for centuries as far as which sex has had the upper hand. China's cultural history regarding the balance of power between the sexes is what it is. Other countries have had similar imbalances only to see them gradually worn away as the country and the population matured and became more enlightened about the male/female dynamic. Maybe this is the impetus that in some small,slow way starts that process in China.
  11. CONGRATULATIONS!! Our interview is 1 month from tomorrow so I'm happy to see all the pink results I can.
  12. Very sorry to hear about the blue slip Zachary. Your getting good advice here. Hopefully it is just a case of them wanting to make you wait a little longer. It sounds like it. All you can do is give them what they ask for. Our time between meeting and engagement was short as well so I hope that doesn't hurt us. Like you and Lychee we know our relationship is real and forever. The problem is convincing someone else who's only looked at a bunch of papers. Bestt of luck.
  13. Reduction? Hah! That is a good one. I'm serious!!! Many of the forms I downloaded had some inclusion of a Paperwork Reduction Act written along the bottom!! I kept thinking to myself, when they were going to "enact" this "act"? I would answer but it would probably be too political.
  14. Thanks Dan. The reason I asked about all the versions was because I read back through some old threads and there was some discussion about the fact that some of the medical personnel at some of the hospitals insisted on the Chinese versions and the hand-filled versions being included in the packet. Do you think this could still happen? Is it possible that we'd be SOL if we don't do the Chinese versions?
  15. I don't mean it that way, Dave. It's just like this; we're not supposed to be doing the political thing now, and I've really tried to give it up, but to see it continue makes it difficult. Know what I mean? This thread is about bashing China over economics; why does it end up with a criticism of OUR way of life? From what I see when I go over there, about 1.299 billion Chinese want to be more like us. Is it the best thing for them? I don't know; maybe maybe not, but there are SOME people in this world who see some value to our way of life. To top it, mods will slap us down if we get too political. What kind of example do we have here? If I'm out of line, so be it... Lao Po talked to her friend from Philadelphia last week. (Lao Po can pronounce "Philadelphia". I think that makes her bi-lingual!??!!). Her friend told her that she doesn't want to return to China for anything more than a short visit. She is AMERICAN now and wouldn't have it any other way. I'm impressed. She loves it in Philly???? Now THAT is the acid test. Best Regards I guess my point is that not ALL people see ALL aspects of our way of life to be more valuable. And I don't think it's out of bounds for someone to criticize something like our obvious over-indulgence in fast food when making a point about what China is bashed for. I don't see that as American bashing and I certainly don't see it as "political". Not all criticism of things in this country is about politics. It just seems like whenever anything negative is said about anything to do with the US, you get defensive and take it as a personal affront or a political attack. The fact is that SOME Americans are arrogant and SOME Americans have a dangerous addiction to fast-food and SOME Americans do all sorts of other bad things. Pointing out facts like these in this thread or others you've taken exception to doesn't make it political.
  16. Trying to get things organized for the interview. Tell me if I have it right about the documents we'll need. Along with the P4 Appointment letter, the OF-171 Information Sheet, the Cert. of Intent to Marry and the GIV-24, we also need: 2 English versions of the DS-156,hand-filled 2 Chinese versions of the DS-156,hand filled 2 electronic versions of the DS-156, (for the barcode) 2 English versions of the DS-156K,hand-filled 2 Chinese versions of the DS-156K,hand-filled 2 English versions of the DS-157,hand filled 2 Chinese versions of the DS-157,hand-filled For a grand total of 14 copies of the various DS documents? Is that about right? Do ALL these versions go into the sealed packet at the medical? Do they still require the GNI-2 supplemental form for K1? Or has it been eliminated? Thanks.
  17. I don't know which is worse. People who refuse to believe that this country can do ANYTHING wrong or people who say how tired they are of hearing others point out what IS wrong. It's not about politics, it's about culture! The minute someone even suggests that something Americans do could possibly be wrong, certain people jump down their throats like they just whizzed on the Washington Monument. Jeez!
  18. I don't blame them a bit for following our lead. Throwing around words like childish, cheating and lying as this guy does in the article is a perfect example of the "Ugly, arrogant" American attitude that we've come to be known for around the world. And I'll just add that I find the title of this thread insulting as well.
  19. Ducks?....I need to go out and get ducks now? Do we Acco clasp the feet or the heads? I think you fasten the heads to the feet.
  20. Thanks to all who sent good wishes. CFL is the best support group anyone could have. I really appreciate everyone. Sorry I'm just now responding but I had to go to a wedding yesterday right after I found out about the interview. I had to wait until I got home last night to even call Christine to give her the good news. Didn't want to scare her with a 2am phone call yesterday. I'm planning to go over on the 4th or 5th so I can make it to ACH on the 8th. Then if all goes well (fingers crossed) and we can pick up the visa on the 13th, we'll head back on the 15th or 16th. So we should be able to avoid most of the dreaded trade fair crowds. Of course this is all best-case planning. We'll be ready to punt if we need to. Thanks again to all. And best of luck to everyone else who's in the pipeline with us. I have a really good feeling about everyone's cases because of all the prep we've all done thanks to Candle. Best wishes to all. Dave
  21. LOL. Thanks Clayton. Get off my hump is right! This caught me way off guard. I've got alot to do in the next month. I was going to get the I-134 notarized and the employer letter done this month anyway so that's not a big deal. But now I've got to plan the wedding and reception much sooner than I anticipated. The pressure's on now. I'm sure you won't be far behind. It could come any day now. Best of luck to you too.
  22. Thanks Shenzhen. I'll defintately keep everyone posted as we move along. Yeah, we've got a pretty good contingent from Il. Not quite as large as the Texas one yet, but we're working on it. B) BTW, my SO lives in Shenzhen and Sycamore's not all that far from Plainfield, so we'' have to keep in touch. I'll PM you.
  23. After seeing I love Sunshine's post about their date, I decided since our P3s were only 2 days apart I probably should check on ours. So I called DOS and after a surprisingly short wait, I talked to a very nice lady who said an interview had been scheduled for October 11! Holy Crap!! I wasn't expecting one until end of Oct. or early Nov. A very pleasant surprise. I'm kinda glad we didn't get it as early as ILS cause that's a pretty short notice. As it is, we'll have a few less weeks that I thought. Not complaining though. B) Heads-up to Clayton,michaelt, Gordon and some others. Yours may come sooner than you expect as well. Good luck to all!!
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