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  1. George, I suggest you call the INS office at the POE (Port Of Entry) where she will enter the US and get their answers to these questions. Their rules and guidelines change as the need for security changes. Good Luck, and congrats!
  2. Oh, you guys are soooo helpful! I wish I had seen this days ago. Actually Air China arrives in terminal 2 at LAX, not TBI. Additionally, the May 2 flight has been cancelled. Hopefully, Emery didn't already leave on that long drive or at least is aware of this... If anyone can contact him, please tell him to about the terminal 2 arrival. Air China flight info (310) 535-9965 Seems 001 isn't the only place bad rumors originate...
  3. Or perhaps even a much-deserved paycheck adjustment (to the unemployment level). Certain people simply don't have the attitude for working in CS.
  4. The only one I've had any experience with is the lady from the "Sacramento Bee" in the post :Christina from the Bee I'm waiting to read the article. The story line sounds more related to the effects of the SARS outbreak on the visa process, but it sounds like good exposure. If more stories like this one are written, our plight is sure to be made more public.
  5. I've seen a few other forums that have a specific section for those OT discussions we seem to migrate so easily to in here. Maybe one can be added here in Candle as well. It might alleviate the problems we seem to have from time to time. BTW, thanks for explaining what the OT means! I often wondered why so many people were working OT as much as I was>>> I didn't think there were as many busy people out there as were being reported. So how about it, admin's? Another room for those OT discussions?
  6. I don't think anyone here really knows the answer to your question. The visa's issued in the past few months have followed no particular pattern. It's difficult to determine what the deciding factor is, whether it is the interview date, or the namecheck submission date, or some other mysterious factor. Owen is correct in that all three of those items he listed must have been completed before the visa will be issued by the consulate. Since it seems you interviewed in December, the rest of his statement may not apply to you. If you can supply us a timeline, it might be easier to address your concern. Is the interview done? Has the namecheck been submitted? Was it approved? Was an EMS letter sent from the consulate? Each of these might be a factor in actually receiving the visa, but from my experiance NONE alone can be trusted to predict the date the visa will be issued.
  7. That's the Chinese spelling!!! Now, don't axe me any more questions! Oh, and CONGRATS Tony!!!!!
  8. Littlebear, If you are travelling to see the natures sights, no trip is complete without visiting the Huntington Library (Botanical Gardens and museum) Huntington Library Welcome to Southern California!!!
  9. Yes, the form in the packet seems to be automatically included. My situation is similar to yours, son, living with the ex, etc. We agreed very early in the relationship that he would not be going to the US, and I would not sponsor him. I, too, was surprised to see that line in the packet, but since we had already agreed, her son's name was not placed on the line for any others who would accompany the beneficiary. I can't comment on the official position of the "what if" scenrario. I suggest a call to DoS or the US Consulate in GZ would be in order for that one.
  10. Don, That sounds like a question you should ask "the Chinese wife" in question! I hope we're not talking about YOUR Chinese wife, because it's kinda late to be finding out the answer now. I think the answer may differ from person-to-person. Each situation is different, some families are larger than others, and customs differ from province to province. (just look at the differences in their New Years celebrations) China is a very big country, and it would be difficult to generalize the answer to that question. As always, communication with your (intended) spouse is paramount.
  11. My lady's interview was also in Dec. 2002 (23rd). I get the same response every time I call DoS or CA; "no result on the name-check, call back in a week". Obviously, nothing can be done to expedite the process, and they will make absolutely NO promises to the sponsor as to a completion date, after the debacle last year. It won't do the process any good to continue calling, but if it makes you feel like you are doing something proactive, then by all means, make that call next week. As noted above, the information flow is severly flawed, even if they (DoS) have "no results" yet, GZ may already be printing the EMS notice! And with no explanation for the disconnect. Be sure to ask questions when you call beyond the usual though. Find out the date of the latest submission by GZ, etc. It could uncover a big speedbump that they otherwise would not have noticed. Good luck!
  12. While it's not a major misspelling, just to be sure here's what I'd do: 1. Call the local number for the INS and ask them if it will cause any problem at the POA (Port Of Arrival) or later with the Work Authorization application process. 2. Call the local Social Security office to see if it will cause any problem with getting her SSN. 3. Think of any other government entity in the future process where that visa stamp will be used for ANY purpose, and follow up in advance with a phone call to them. If any one of these says that it "might" be a problem, I recommend she go back and insist they fix it before she leaves. After she leaves the counrty, it would ba a major episode to correct such a simple error as that. IMHO, it's beyond me why, with all those universities in the area, they can't seem to find hired help that is familiar with the spellings of American names. It's called "The US Consulate in Guangzhou" after all! she she
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