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Everything posted by Stepbrow

  1. Well Sam, at least she let you make a post or two. B)
  2. Thanks for the update. Cute story about the shower.
  3. Stop worrying and fretting. Just work on communicating with her when she gets here. You both will be doing a lot of adapting. Well, maybe you will be doing a lot of adapting. At any rate, relax. Things will be great when she gets here. Together you two will figure things out. To those who talk about all the things she will give up when she gets here, I agree. But, let us not diminish what Bryon has accomplished. He has gone the extra mile to get that visa for her. That was no small task, and he deserves credit for that.
  4. It's also valentine's day but my wife has a hard time trying to pronounce the word because of the V in it. VVVVVVVV!!!........... B) Because of my teasing, she's not talking to me now. So a word to the wise; be careful about the "V"! Happy valentine's day everybody! .......................VVVVVVVVVV!!! Hey it's not Valentine's Day... It's Wallentine's Day
  5. So glad to hear the good news TK. This quick review and reaffirmation is unprecedented. Let us hope we are seeing new policies being put into place by USCIS.
  6. Yes, you are a worrier, Yes, you have a case of the nerves, No, your not a dumbass, Yes, things will be OK.
  7. Dan, you didn't know that the local dialect in Phoenix is Spanish?
  8. These are excellent points that Carl is making. You could file for the K-1 now, and in 6 months you could return for the interview. The visa process is quirky, so if you are denied (although I doubt you will be) you can marry and file a CR-1.
  9. Just a thought. She could take a direct flight to any major city, and you could meet her there. Then you could take a connecting flight back to Atlanta.
  10. I am glad that things worked out, and you didn't get stuck in a black hole.
  11. Any place where they get regular snow laughs at the reaction of DC and the east coast to the storms they have had. We have had lots of winter snow in the California mountains. Everybody just dug out and went to work. The Snowploughs put in some extra hours, and life went on. Can you believe that our US government, the grandest in the world, shut down for three days because of some snow? Ridiculous!
  12. Things are OK, there are always unexpected delays. Just be patient, and know that things will work out.
  13. That's good news. Now, just work on being patient. Don't let the waiting drive you nuts. If the petition gets stuck there are things to do to get it moving.
  14. If the weather is bad, it could be a disaster like last year. Remember that? Workers trying to return home were stranded in the train stations for many days. It was a bad scene. But, after looking at the weather report for Beijing, it looks like the weather will not be a problem. No snow in the forecast through Sunday.
  15. I think things will go well this time. When a white is issued, it is often a test of the relationship. If you follow through like you and your wife have, that is proof of the relationship.
  16. Enjoy your day off Sam, and your happy ending. You will feel less stressed afterward. I read your first post again, and I thought what was that clerk thinking? One on the things she said you could do was have a translation by the Chinese Consulate. Well that is the Chinese government. I guess she trusts them. Well, What does she think that the Notary Office is? It is the Chinese government! Tell her that, and print out the page from the Consulate website that a2784 posted.
  17. Sam, go back and tell the clerk that the white book is a certified translation. Also tell the clerk that the US government (USCIS) required a certified translation and that is what you provided. If you don't get approved, insist on talking to the supervisor. Don't accept the no that you were given.
  18. Tan Zuoren was given a 5 years sentence for subverting the state. He is an activist who investigated the shoddy construction of the destroyed buildings from the Sichuan Earthquake. Tan raised the possibility that the shoddy construction was due to local officials failing to enforce the building standards. Here is a quote from the story that I agree with: "The Chinese government doesn't seem to understand that criticism is not the same thing as incitement, and that criticism of individual officials or government agencies is not the same thing as calling for the overthrow of the government," said Joshua Rosenzweig, research manager for the U.S.-based Dui Hua Foundation. "This law is being used in a quite arbitrary and irresponsible way, simply as a tool to silence opinions that the government doesn't want to hear." You can read the entire article here: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100209/ap_on_...quake_dissident
  19. 2020 update - click here I hope they get the shotgun verdict too. It was just pure unadulterated greed. The original tainted milk was not destroyed, but was held back by the companies that made it, and that is the product that is back on the market. 170 tons worth. Makes you wonder why it was not confiscated and destroyed. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100208/ap_on_...na_tainted_milk
  20. One of the nice things about living in the US is that you can say things like this and not be sentenced to hard labor in prison for the rest of your life. Regarding this subject, I agree with the blog by Liz Economy of the Council on Foreign Relations. She says this: "Frankly, the potential for a full-blown deterioration in relations between our two countries has been grossly overblown. Again, the topic, "Why antagonize China." It's one thing to speak out about your own country, and another when there is an ongoing effort to undermine China with issues that have been spun, and respun for 60 years. In a sense, I agree with David's "buffoon" statement, because a large segment of the US public is much better educated and informed. These tactics worked when American citizens relied on newsreels at the movie theater to hear the news from weeks before. People speak out in China every single day, and none of them are being locked up for doing it. There is verbal dissent, and then there is dissent that takes a violent and disruptive form. When you say "undermine China." I assume that you mean the CCP. I say this because most everyone here, including my self, like and love China, its people and culture very much. The CCP would lead you to believe that any criticism of their policies is considered "undermining China," when in fact it is just a right of the people of China to freely express themselves. Freedom of speech is guaranteed by the Chinese Constitution except when it is "disruptive." "Disruptive" as defined by the CCP is any expression of disagreement with any CCP policy or act. Getting beyond the rhetoric this means that if you stand up and demand that the government abide by the Constitution you are considered "disruptive." and you will be put in prison like Liu Xiaobo. You can read what fineart thinks about him here: http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?...c=40480&hl= If you are an attorney and wish to defend some "disruptive" citizens you will end up like Gao Zhisheng. He disappeared about a year ago. http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/content/view/28529/ If you are a "disruptive" citizen, like a Tibetan or a Uighur, and you speak out or demonstrate against the CCP policies, you will be jailed. You do not have the right to disagree with the CCP. They know what is right, not the citizen. I could go on, but I think that this is enough. Getting back to the topic of "Why Antagonize China," I don't believe that it is the intent of the US to antagonize China. The US is simply providing defensive weapons to a long time ally. Taiwan, after all, asked for these weapons, the US did not force them upon them. Should we abandon our ally, Taiwan? What do yo think would happen to Taiwan if the US did not provide the weapons? I believe that the CCP hates and fears Taiwan for two reasons. The CCP hates Taiwan because of the civil war. Taiwan lost the war, but the CCP was unable to invade and subdue Taiwan, so they have a lingering hatred. Second, Taiwan represents a Chinese democratic society. This democratic society follows the rule of law, and gives its citizens civil rights. The CCP fears the example that Taiwan gives to the Chinese people. After all, what if the Chinese people decided that they wanted the rule of law, civil rights, and a democratically elected government?
  21. Michael, when you had the red book translated, they also listed the date of the marriage there. It will be the same as stated in the red book as tsap mentioned.
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