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Everything posted by JimS.

  1. I thought it was already there and we were just trading worthless paper with the hope that it will really buy us something of value...... Actually the dollar is trading stronger against the EURO and the pound. That kind of surprises me with the way the market has taken a dive.
  2. CRAP I'm wrong, I just read the article. Yes they are talking about making the yuan/renminbi stonger. But it's going to be a tough call as they kind of pointed to in the article. Yes they would gain from a stronger yuan with what the US owes them, but for the last 2 years exports have been dropping. At the rate it's dropping it's going to cost alot of jobs in the next year. With exports holding most of the jobs and income for the nation, I don't think that they will let it move to much. So mothers house shouldn't cost me much more.
  3. I sure hope this is the case, it'll make Mothers house cheaper What it'll cost me now: 420,000RMB = $61,403 At 7.84 exchange it would be $53,571
  4. OK be myself..lol good thing she can't understand english. I've been working on the no bow thing, kind of hard since I still work with Japanese. Scared to Death...yep that's me
  5. We are both going home for visits soon. When Liangliang comes back at the end of Nov she is going to bring her mother for a 1 week visit. Her family doesn't know that she lives with me here. She is going to tell her mother that they will stay at my apartment because I have a 2 bedroom. I do not want to screw up this first meeting with her Mother. It's already going to be hard not to bow...She speaks no english and my chinese is poor to say the least. Liangliang doesn't seem to worried, but I am. TIA Jim
  6. I have to somewhat agree with the Chinese desire to prefer living at the city center... When we bought our place in Qionghai, Hainan (about as south as you can get)we first looked at houses out in the 'burbs at the hot springs. it was 8 km from there to the city and man there was NOTHING but hotels and hot springs pools. Now it made more sense to me to live in the city where we could walk to every kind of store, restaurant and market we wanted. So we can head out 8 km one way for a hot springs soak... or 15 km the other way to the beach... Now of course there is NO serious traffic in our city and the air is good everywhere and the prices were all the same... B) So all things being equal...give me DOWNTOWN... B) I can understand the desire to be with in a NASCAR taxi ride away from the city center. With in 1 block of my apartment here there are at least 4 grocery stores, 6 restaurants, 4 cleaners, 3 barber shops. There is one Mall 4 blocks away and another Mall only a short 15 minute NASCAR ride away. I'm not sure if parking is a premium as it is here but a 15-20 minute taxi ride is only about 3-4 dollars. There is no mass transit here, so that's out.
  7. So you were destined by fate?? Or was it luck that sent me to Fate that drove me to Destiny.
  8. You got pics and you're not sharing....for shame... I was informed last night that the house I'm buying for her Mother is also for us. I was trying to tell her that her mothers new house needed a oven. She looked at me puzzled for a minute than said "Jim, house is for You, Me and Mother. Not just for Mother"
  9. Some very good advise here..do not delay any more. Your daughter maybe in good hands in China, but she is still very young and feeling rejected. She has been rejected by her father, by the asshat of a VO and she will soon not have her Mother with her(another rejection). Change the ticket or eat the cost..it's never to late to stop your wife from coming back...She needs to be with her daughter during this time as well. Have your wife go to the consulate and raise hell over the interview and her being denied entry.
  10. Sep 28 2008, 08:48 AM Post #21| http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/bizchina/2008...ent_7066745.htm This article forecasts housing price drops of up to 50% over the next 10 years... for China's way overpriced large and mid-size cities... Sure glad we bought in small, cheap places... I've also seen a survey that over the next year only 19% of Chinese are planning on buying a house...The lowest level since 1999...Of course 19% of 1.3 billion is only around 250 million... I think there's no question that times are going to get tougher in the property market and for those of you sitting on the fence to buy a place you'll want to keep an eye out and your powder dry... This will work out well for me as I was planning on buying some small building in the next few years.
  11. This is something that you will have to discuss with her. Normality it is handle ny the 2 parents involved and setting on a price. Read some of the links provided to help you along with understanding the process. I DON'T trust my Mother, so I going to use my sister
  12. LOL, lots of folks agree with you. Just do a search for bride price and see. You will find some good history on it as well. And what ever you do don't buy her a mop.
  13. Good luck to you and hubbie. If you think it's hot and muggy there, come visit us..well it has cooled down to a nice 43C with only a 58% humidity during the day.
  14. Some good links in that thread that I have been reading and talking over with my Liangliang. Got some good information to start on plans...I have to carry her down 2 flights of stairs to the car...Don't trip
  15. Did you wear the Pink short pants??? We want to know
  16. That's just adding insult to injury, but that is a nicer way to say it. I hear..never mind, lets just say it's more blunt Wishing her the best
  17. Hmmm, I'm thinking that I going to have to Reexamine my choices. Liangliang will have her work card for Business Economics, Facility when she goes back home this time. Not really sure want that really is, I understand Economics but not with the facilities. We are all ready in the process of buying her Mother a new house and is being built. Of course she wants to have it paid off in 3 years. I want to keep Mothers old house for us, it's a small one bedroom from what she has told me...fine by me..OK I'm blabbing again..anyways when we get married she wants to come to the US and have a kid right away. After raising 3 kids in the US school system that really doesn't appeal to me now. I'm thinking that when it comes time for the lil one to go to school that we are going to move to china. With my work I can live anywhere I choose, so no problem there....hmmm have to do some heavy thinking on this.
  18. Rhoids can be cut out, I remember some of my dads friends having this done many years ago. Speedy recovery for your Loa po
  19. Good story, I think that I'll buy mine a tank now
  20. Wife I have seen and this could be trouble for you we will deal with this later.... But she also let me lose face where I frequently buy my lunch, I hope I will not be banned. Perhaps a generous tip is in order. wife take note you will reimburse me for that tip in USA $ not RMB Richard You are not the only one to make this mistake. Just by hearing her say it a couple of times answering the phone I picked it up..after all it's close to way, so easy for me. I only said it a couple of times to some of her friends..they giggled.
  21. I have 3 cats, 3 birds and a dog. I have talked to her about all expect the birds and shown her pics of them. She says "no problem" but what I hear is no problem for the dog..lol She also what's a small dog, what is up with that. She also leaves food out and uncovered expect for the rice. I started by putting lids on top of the dishes. Then I bought some containers for the food. I move some to the frig when she is busy with something else Hmm the money thing, Yes they have a goal and you better be on board for it. As many have already said, they will set aside love to meet their goal. My Liangliang's goal is to pay off her mothers house in 2 years. Then we have a place for us when we visit China she says. But it really is about taking care of mother. I know this and help her with her goal, after all she has drop everything to come be with me here in UAE and we aren't even married yet. We talked about this before she came over. I thought that I had allotted enough monies for this and for my goal of paying off some debits early as well. Nope I was wrong She said she loved me but she must pay off house in 2 years. if we couldn't agree on this then she would go back to China so she could work. This to her is the most important thing in her life right now, even tho she loves me, nothing will get in the way of this goal. I wanted to buy a few things for the apartment here. Some of them are cheap things, cordless phone, a better wireless router. But she says "no need" this means "you better not waste money on that"
  22. That's my plan..DCF, but I work mostly overseas so it works for me. I'm applying for my residence visa for were I'm at now. I plan on marrying her in China and 6 months and 1 day and I'll apply for my residence visa for there as well. Hmm I wonder how many citizenships I can rack up..lol Engagement party...guess I'll have to ask her about that. When we get back to the states I'll marry her again, most likely in Vegas. That's is were my mom & sis are at.
  23. I made a comment in one of my post about this, She will avoid the sun when ever she can. We wait until it's almost dark to go out shopping. She wouldn't use the pool because it's on the roof and in the sun. She has been wearing long sleeve shirts in the house because she went swimming with her mother and got a little bit of a tan. She said " I not yellow like before, I have color and not pretty". I keep telling her she is very beautiful. her reply is "because wuo ai ni and you not see".
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