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Everything posted by JimS.

  1. Save my butt too, I'll pick something up at work tomorrow.
  2. Good info here, I don't think I have a copy of my first divorce. Guess I need to find out how to get a copy.
  3. No poverty line isn't a problem. Soon to be Ex is being civil at this point and I'm trying to keep it that way.
  4. It's just going thru the motions, if you do the civil government marriage registration (red book) like jim_julian said.
  5. Here are some sites to learn Chinese, clearchinese.com (also known as chinesepod.com) I downloaded to my ipod and listen to it when I have free time. The others I used for looking for a Phrase, word or want to write in simple CH. http://www.clearchinese.com/mp3-lessons/index.htm http://www.zapchinese.com/ http://www.ipl.org.ar/youth/hello/chinese.html
  6. 5. No I own a house in US near Atlanta, my mom with move there and help with my kids. 3. I'm well above the poverty rate, so no problem there. Glad to here #2 1. No I think she really wants the full wedding in China, but I will clarify with her next time we talk. I had already plan on 2 weddings anyway. thanks Jim hmm am I thanking you jim or myself...lol
  7. I know I must be divorced first before marrying again/and or filing. I just know from reading here that starting a relationship while still in the Divorce stage is a flag. I wasn't out looking for anyone when I meet Liangliang, I had been separated for 3 months or so and wasn't dating or out looking for any action. Flying to China is not a problem for me, I work for a small airline and we have 2 flights a week into China from were I work. And I can fly standby for the airline that hired us and they have several flights a week.
  8. OK I was going to go for the K1, but after much reading I'm having second thoughts or is it third now My Liangliang wants to get married in China and I can understand this. She doesn't say it but I know she wants her Mother there for the wedding. OK I have a couple of RED flags 1. I'm in the middle of a Divorce. I'm fighting for custody of my 2 kids (15 and 12). Not a red flag, but It's my time to take in my Mother. She has been living with my sister for the last 12 years and they fight all the time. My sister has became the mom..LOL I've been thinking of doing the DCF, my work right now is in Abu Dhabi, UAE (OK second RED flag, some will know what I'm talking about here) When I go back this time I'm getting a Resident visa for UAE( my work wants this), but again I know it'll be a red flag to file there. Unless someone know different, please let me know..pm, email or here..TIA Or since my work doesn't care were I live, I could move to China and go for the DCF there. I wonder if I can hold 2 resident visas?? UAE and China.. I'm really thinking that the DCF is a better choice for me because I spent most of my time overseas anyways. I've only been back in the states for 2 1/2 months this year. 1 month was due to someone quiting in the HQ office and me filling in until they hired someone.
  9. My Liangliang says she already knows how to drive..hmm doesn't know how to swim tho...and how did I find out she knows how to drive, because she doesn't like my driving..lol She looked at me one day while I was driving and said " My Mother only have one child, My Father only have one child. That child is ME, take care" I almost fell out of the car laughing..OK so I drive like local when I'm overseas
  10. Your posting was Crystal clear to me and you made some very valid points...dang it and I have NO PhD My Liangliang never got up early enough for breakfast (guess I shouldn't have kept her up so late). So she never fixed my breakfast, heck I normally don't eat breakfast, just coffee. Mostly because I don't sleep much (3-5 hours a night for weeks at a time before crashing hard) She did cook lunch and dinner. I did cook breakfast for her more than a few times, she liked pancakes, egg sandwiches best and eggs sunny side up (she would eat all around the yoke then suck the yoke out, dangest thing I've ever seen) .. . She like the pancakes so much that she had me show her how to made them, so when she went home she could cook for her mother. Now she would try anything that I made or ordered for her. Even if she didn't like what was in front of her she made a great effort to eat it and tell me she liked it(later I learned when she was just being nice). Now me, I'll eat almost anything that put in front of me..I just like food, I have eaten snake, dog, horse and somethings I have no clue what it was. There is one thing that I wouldn't be eating anytime soon...chicken feet..you just don't know were those things have been..
  11. Been busy downloading everyone's songs I use this web site to convert the files so I can play them on my ipod. I like because it's free http://media-convert.com/convert/index.php Ok back to converting files
  12. Not sure, find a site to upload them to or do a search on youtube to see if they are all ready there. Good song, have not heard that one for a while.
  13. Not really a love song http://youtube.com/watch?v=_TILCIRspO0 And for the metal fans http://youtube.com/watch?v=JgiGrXpOhYg
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