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Everything posted by john90

  1. Thanks for the info and for all you timeline info., it has helped me feel a lot less stress during the final 2 weeks before the interview. Been so busy trying at work, and trying to still organize all of the paper work to bring to GZ.
  2. Thanks for all your help it has helped me feel a lot better now. Now I just get all the paper work organized.
  3. Hi, Ok my fiance's interview is coming up on June 17. and I read some posting on here that stated that hand written letters were needed. This is somewhat of a problem for me and its getting me somewhat worried. I think that one post even mentioned the VO wouldn't accept emails, and wanted hand written letters instead. Between my fiance and I, we have a total of about 12 hand written letters and post cards. We have about 1000 emails between us, and hard copies of telephone logs for the past 12 months. We have pictures, and we also have a receipt of the engagement ring that I purchased. I am planning to be out there with her in GZ for her interview, so I will also register at the US Consulate when I get there, and I will also give her my passport to show to the VO if the VO requests it. Will my lack of handwritten letters be a big problem? Thanks for any help.
  4. Congratulations! Thanks for giving the detials of the interview. Best of luck to both of you...
  5. Sorry to hear about your problems. Surely there must be a way to get an replacement K3 visa for your wife without have to go through the hassle of starting from square one again, wait another 10 months. Have you tried to contact your US congressman or better yet US Senator? I would try to gather up all the proof that you have that you two are married, and talk your US Senator's office or Congressman. Maybe they can call the DHS in GZ and if that fails have them contact the US Embassy in GZ to expedite the process. Good luck
  6. Great news! Best of luck at the interview.
  7. Thanks for sharing for your insight. The way I look at the visa interview, its kind of like going to a job interview in the US, being confident is very important. Congratulations! Best of luck to you and your fiance!
  8. Congratuations on getting the inteview date. I m also in the middle of tying up a lot of loose ends before my fiance's interview on June 17. Good luck
  9. Yea, my finace finally received her p4 package on 5/21/05.!!! Her interview date is 6/17/05. Thanks to all on here and for this great forum. We have received a lot of good advice on here! Will have more questions as we prepare for the interview.
  10. Hey, Congratulations! Thanks for the story, best of luck to you both.!
  11. http://aspe.hhs.gov/poverty/05poverty.shtml A small increase from the 2004 poverty guidelines.
  12. Thanks for your reply, but neither of us has been married, so that means she does not need any type of certificate regarding her marital status at the interview? I did a search for single certificate on here, but the issue still wasn't clear as to if she needed it at the interview. If so, where can she obtain one from? Thanks
  13. Hi, Can anyone tell me how my fiance can get the single certificate? Which office does she have to go to get one. Thanks in advance.
  14. Hi Felix, From what I understand, the paperwork has to clear customs in China, and that can take several weeks. From our own expericence, It took us about 6 weeks to finally get confirmation that it was in the system at GZ, so it can take a while. Also, people on here say to call the DOS visa center in Washington DC and speak to a visa representative. I have been call the center and have been having pretty good luck in getting through to a rep and finding out about my case. The DOS phone number is 202-663-1225. Dial 1- 0 - 0 when you hear the recording. That will get you into the que to speak with a live rep. Hope this helps.
  15. Thanks for all the help.... I just hope that they won't increase the poverty guideline requirements before my fiance's interview comes up.
  16. Hi, If you are filing a K1 visa, how do they determine if you meet the income requirements? Do they go by the tax returns or do they look at what your income is currently? Currently, my income is comfortably over the 125% poverty guideline. I am expecting my fiance's interview date sometime in June or July, so I am assuming they want to see my tax returns from last year (2004). I am in the process of preparing my taxes for 2004, and I am not sure if I would meet the minimum income requirement for 2004. Last year I was on unemployment for the first 5 months, and was receiving unemployment income. I did find a job, but money I made from the job till the end of 2004 doesn't meet the 125% above poverty guideline for 2004. But if I add my income from my unemployment checks, then it does barely meet the income requirement. But I don't know if they will count unemployment checks as income. Thanks for any help.
  17. Glad to hear that it worked out for you. Best of luck to both of you
  18. Congratulations ! Best of luck to both of you... !!!
  19. Hi, I used the email form to ask some questions for them, but I haven't received any reply back from them in over 10 days. Normally I receive an automated reply from the servers stating my email will be process 5 - 7 days, but I didn't even receive that reply. Previous to this last email, I sent a couple of emails and received a reply within 2 days, but I don't know what is causing the delay now. Are people having long delays with receiving email replies from GZ? Also, how many years of tax returns are needed along with the I134 for the interview. Thanks
  20. Hi, My finace emailed me and said she received her P3 yesterday. The NVC fowarded the package to GZ on 12/1/04. When do I have to send her my I 134 and tax form? I still have to get those organzied. I think I read some where that those the I 134 is required at the interview. Is this true or does she need to mail it before hand? She said that she will scan and email me what they sent her. What forms does she need to return to GZ from the P3 package? Thanks in advance.
  21. Thanks for all the help! We better get moving on obtaining this Certificate of Conduct from the Netherlands government fast.
  22. Hi, My petition was approved and fowarded to GZ on 12/1/04. I asked a question about Police Certificates the other day. My fiancee was in Holland for 3 years, and she is worried that it will take a long time to obtain Police certificates from Holland. She will get the police certificate from China. My question is if we don't bring in the police certificate from Holland to the interview, what will happen? Will they deny our K1 visa petition? We will have all our other required paper work with us and in addition we will have the emails, phone logs, several letters, etc... Also, since our case was forwarded to GZ on 12/1/04, roughly, how much more time would it be before we will have an interview date set? Thanks in advance.
  23. Hi all, Thanks for all the replies, and the nice welcome. I am really glad to have been told of this great site, and sure that I will be having a lot more questions until my sweetie comes to the US. Thanks again.
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