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Posts posted by amanda1969

  1. Look closely at his passport, it should have an I-551 stamp, the stamp = green-card.


    The actual card can take up to a month or longer to get.

    Yes she knows that, she is just anxious to have the green card :blink:

    As long as the green card would not turn into a green hat(绿帽子), ha ha ha.

    By the way, who knows what a green hat means in Chinese?




    Amanda! I hope you don't get green hat! I will have to fly down and help Richard get over the shock! :unsure:



    BTW, Weiwei got her green card today!

    Congratulations for her getting green card!!!!

  2. Look closely at his passport, it should have an I-551 stamp, the stamp = green-card.


    The actual card can take up to a month or longer to get.

    Yes she knows that, she is just anxious to have the green card :unsure:

    As long as the green card would not turn into a green hat(ÂÌñ×Ó£©, ha ha ha.

    By the way, who knows what a green hat means in Chinese?




  3. Arrived home yesterday! We passed through Chicago POE Friday afternoon without any problems. After 3 weeks all over China and dozens of taxi's we were ripped off by the cab driver in Chicago who took us to the hotel and ran the meter to $35 for what turned out to be a ten dollar ride! Welcome back to the good old USA!!


  4. Hey Amanda - any Surprises in the Kitchen?

    Son complained about my cooking in China but it seems he enjoys my cooking in USA now.Lol.

    We found these foods are better in USA than in China:





    About every 2 days we eat pizza once.

    Everyday we drink coffee at morning and eat Chinese food for dinner. During work days I cook dinner but on weekends husband cooks but I would like to cook another Chinese dish even though he did well though.




  5. Wish you much happiness in USA and Clearwater FL. You are lucky to be in such a nice part of the USA but I think the weather will be quite different for you ... :lol:


    There are good and bad things about both countries. Too bad we cannot create a Chinglish country that took the best from both cultures/countries!

    Yes, you are correct. Clearwater, FL is a beautiful city but the weather is not hot as I expected. My parents told me today Harbin, my home town is as almost the same tempreture as in clearwater. The big challenge for son and me was when we were in GUZ, we felt much hotter. I like clearwater only feel a little bit quiet. As a newcomer, I have to be patience.

  6. What a small world. I just got off the phone with my wife and we were talking about what she is learning on 001 (all good application stuff, and she does not post, nor go into any section not pertaining CR-1 information). :lol: She truly is learning a lot over there and it's a GOOD experience for her.


    Well, some how I mentioned a woman from Harbin who posts on CFL and she asked me, did she just go to America on July 18? Long story short, I sent her the photo of you with the Yangs, who she knows also, and she sent me the photo of you sitting on your bed that I had seen before.


    The lil' rabbit laughed when she saw your photo and said, "same woman". Lil' rabbit read some of your posts and said you were a very smart and nice woman. :) Amanda, you have admirers in America and China. :)


    tsap seui

    Yes, small world. My husband complained about me once why I posted long on 001 but posted short on CFL about my real experiences of CR1+CR2,Lol.

  7. Great Story, Amanda.


    Welcome to the USA.


    Just want to say a few things, my wife is currently back in China, for her father's 80th BD, she called me shortly after arriving to let me know she safe and sound there. She said, it didn't feel like home and missed me, I said to her "you can take the girl out of China, but you cannot take China out of the girl" China will always be your home. Now you have two homes.


    If you get the chance look up Asian Supermarkets on the web and find one nearest to you, this will help balance what you might be missing from the veggie side of shopping.

    I have been to the Asian Supermarkets twice with my husband because husband told me I might buy something there instead of in Wal Mart. But after I bought something, when I went to Wal Mart later, I found some of them sold there too, Lol


    I had hoped differences before I came here. In a matter of fact, I start to like many differences.It is not which one is better, China or USA but just differences. I stiil miss my family who is in CHINA and I would like to make new friends in the U.S. With my English,I have no problems to conmmunicate with people but I stiil need to learn English. I saw some people who were happy to know I could speak English and this encouraged me to learn more. Anyway, I have more to learn and take time to adjust but I am very happy and excited that I have good start and enjoy life with my husband.






    3. I can find my home from the 2 stores nearby.

    One day Son and I went into WAL MART where we found cars. We knew they are for disabled people but we still wanted to have fun. But when an old lady told me cars only for disabled people, we felt so embarrassed. Son and I came out of the cars but we thought that other people how to think of us? the chinese woman and the chinese guy got quickly recovered ? ha ha ha, we had fun but other people might think we were weird.




    Welcome to the US!


    But you don't want to park in a handicapped slot - your car can be towed.

    I am sorry, it was a cart not real car.

  10. It has been one week since I arrived in USA. I am alike 3-year old child in front of a shop window. Most of things are brand new.With my husband love, I am feeling good and I love here more and more each day! Here are some lists:


    1. Blue sky,clean enviorment, beautiful sigts.

    I was impressed by clearwater beach so much. Husband's boss wife took son and me to go there and it was wonderful experience. Honestly, I have never seen such beautiful sights before. I was surprised to see white sands.


    2.High qulity vegetables and fruits.

    There are many vegetables and fruits which I saw in China but there are many others which I have never seen before.


    3. I can find my home from the 2 stores nearby.

    One day Son and I went into WAL MART where we found carts. We knew they are for disabled people but we still wanted to have fun. But when an old lady told me carts only for disabled people, we felt so embarrassed. Son and I came out of the carts but we thought that other people how to think of us? the chinese woman and the chinese guy got quickly recovered ? ha ha ha, we had fun but other people might think we were weird.


    4.People are friendly.

    I met my husabnd's boss wife and her 3 children in person. I was so glad to meet them and they are very good people.

    I was introduced to one of our neighors daughter. She is very friendly.

    Today our door was knock and a guy came up for advertisement. My husband was hearing and I doing the same thing, but while he talking, he kept on watching me. Maybe he was thinking why an asian woman was in this house where it is a white people's residentisal quarter.


    I like to have more new experience in this country and make new friends!




  11. Husband, son and I flew from Harbin ---Beijing----Newark----Tampa on July 18.

    The flight arrived at 5:40 pm at Newark airport. Because of rush hour, the flight was waiting in line for arrival. We got off at about 6:00pm and husband led us to visitor's entry. There we submitted our visa packages and got photo shot and fingerprint. Husband submitted Customs Declaration form(CR1 does not need I-94) to the offical and we had to wait. In about one hour, we were called to the counter and signed both son's name and my name with right fingerprint on the ducument.Nither son nor me were asked any questions.

  12. Thank you CFLers, my husband and I are so grateful that we have got much help here. As husband posted something during my interview. It is my turn to post.

    On Jult 9, son and I were called to window NO. 23 where there was a handsome VO. He only asked me some easy questions without asking any questions to son. It took about 1 minute that he gave me pink.

    These questions were:

    VO:Good morning. How are you?

    ME:I am fine, and you?

    VO:I am good. Is this your son?


    VO:He can sit back to the seat.

    ME: Do you mean my son can sit back?

    VO:Yes.Where did you learn English?

    ME:I learned English at xxx where my major was English.

    VO:ha ha ha, so your major was English.


    VO:How did you meet?

    ME:We met over internet on a single's web site.

    VO:Which web site?


    VO:Your English is very good!

    ME:Thank you.

    VO:How many times has he met you in person?

    ME: 3 times.

    VO:When did you get married?


    VO:Where did he propose to you?

    ME:At Mutianyu GREAT WALL.That is really beautiful memory.

    VO:How many children does your husband have?

    ME:He does not have any children of his own.

    VO:Where does he live?



    Later I asked one question. It seemed that he did not expect Chinese woman would ask him a question.

    ME:By the way, could I ask you a question? Is there any further processing on my case after I get approved?

    VO:No, NO. Just wait for a couple of days.

  13. .... So after 34 hours from leaving home I arrived in GUZ very tired but excited to see wife and son.


    edit...the delay was because of rain



    Yes, it's now the rainy season. In any event, welcome to China and good luck to you guys.

    Thanks, I have finished ACH & ACS, it's up to her now :greenblob: Will have more later

    I am going to see sight-seeing though :redblob:

  14. He called me when he was at Tampa Airport,Newark Airport and at Beijing Airport. Right now he is waiting for his flight to GUZ at Beijing Airport but it is raining hard in Beijing therefore his flight is delayed.

    Hopefully he will be in GUZ as soon as possible. He is too tired.




  15. My interview will be soon. I would like to know if my documents are enough for the interview. My visa type is CR1+CR2.

    Any opinion or suggestion will be appreciated!


    Documents List


    Petitioner Part

    1. Original & Signed I-864 Affidavit of Support of CR1+CR2

    2.2008 W-2,Most Recent Tax Returns 2006, 2007 and 2008( 2008 Married filing jointly)

    3.employment letter

    4.pay stubs

    5.Divorce decree

    6.Phone records of 2007, 2008, 2009 (showing both petitioner & CR1 telephone numbers)

    7.Air tickets & boarding pass for 3 trips to China

    8.Letters, cards, birthday cards and anniversary cards

    9.Celebrating cards for marriage from the petitioner's family members

    10.Passport with Chinese visa and Entry/Exit stamps

    11.Two statement letters of relationship & previous marriage






    Is it necessary to notarize the 864??


  16. What does she give to your children? Does she take your children as her children, as you do to hers? Will your children feel hurt that this new woman comes to your home and takes everything worth money from you and leaves nothing worthy for them? Why her family offer this idea to her, if the excuse is her family ask her to do this? Do her family ever consider you and your children need to live comfortably too?


    If, say , once in a million, she divorced you after you transfer the appartment title to her daughter, what will you be left for your own life?



    you dont understand chinese woman or culture at at all do you



    Help us out, Jin...explain it for us. In Chinese culture, how is thinking about children from prior marriages mixed with children from this marriage? What is the pecking order in relation to "our" children vs. "my" children vs. "your" children?.

    Yes, it is Chinese tradition that parents leave apartments or other properties to their children. As Chinese parents, many of them are working hard to gather more money to get their children have better life. However, as my opinion, it is somehow not a better idea. Cannot you see children are raised with fortune that they do not have to make themselves or make efforts on their own? It is somehow problem to educate our kids in China that kids take for granted to get what their parents own. Many Chinese kids are too spoiled but do not have feeling to be thankful. Children should be educated that everything is not eazy to get but they should work out for themselves.How to get LAZY children? You have got your answer. :blink:

    I got my parents help(money) to buy my 2 apartments during my difficult previous time. I am so grateful for my parents. I am going to pay off them after I finally sell them.




  17. very good B)



    Pretty comprehensive but I doubt you will need 90% of it. But of course it's best to take all.


    Best of luck to you!!



    Yes very comprehensive..thanks for listing. This will be a big help for me.



    Amanda, that is a very comprehensive list.


    You should have no problem with your interview.


    Best wishes to you...oh, and that Richard guy. :D


    tsap seui



    Amanda, what was the date of Richards initial filing of your application to USCIS?


    Thanks, and again...good luck.


    tsap seui

    On July 22 2008 Richard Mailed our first package I-130's.


    Thanks guys. God, I suddenly felt a pang of old age when I thought about how we filled our application in 2006. :blink: Good luck to you both on the 9th.


    tsap seui


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