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Everything posted by usaRichard

  1. That was very good IMHO Kinda reminds me of Joe Satriani who I have the pleasure to see and meet. Richard http://i350.photobucket.com/albums/q408/ltbadd/joe.jpg
  2. Wow, let's argue about arguing, I think the past two years of presidential campaigns has us all freaking out, I know I am. Dave you are sharp as a razor, but a razor makes a narrow cut. Richard can't we all just get along?
  3. Congradulations to you both My wife also sometimes mixes genders Also don't forget the definitive list on what to do before she arrives http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=4673 Richard
  4. It seems so. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_f_p0CgPeyA Richard
  5. I agree, I'm just trying to keep a good perspective... Dow jumps over 450 points as investors bet the worst is over. http://money.cnn.com/2008/10/13/markets/markets_newyork/
  6. Corbin Yes, these are troubling times for sure, maybe best to just make the right decisions for yourself and try not to worry too much about what's out of your control. I'll be returning to my wife's arms for 3 weeks in November, so my thoughts are focused on that for now. Richard
  7. Darnell, I bow to your google prowess Richard
  8. Congratulations and thanks for the excellent analysis Richard
  9. Ha ha ha good one Dave, let me stop laughing so I can type. Maybe you mean McHale's Navy? Richard
  10. Hello Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennessee..... Richard
  11. you'll have to do better with your paraphrase before I can answer that one >>Perhaps your point is that some China merchants will attempt to sell products at a higher price to foreigners than they would to someone who appears to be Chinese?<< yes that is my point and I lived it last May in Beijing. But after reading your post I would say that the meaning here is about what you wrote >>"People are not out to cheat you all in the name for a little more profit."<< Of course they are, whether it is China, USA, or take your pick of any country, the human heart is the same no matter what race or country you are born in...without any moral guidence or conscience all sorts of...greed and lust breeds. It does not take a genius to know this, just observe human nature in yourself and others. I am not suggesting by saying "observe yourself " that you are such a person, but if you are able to see yourself and know the human condition then you know what I mean Richard
  12. This is a thread that has been debated before, and I would say the best airline depends on where in the US you are flying from and where in China you want to go. So there is no one single answer here. Just do your research on the internet and find the best deal based upon these two factors. I am in Florida and I fly to Beijing, the only real option for me is Continential to Newerk and then to Beijing. I did this in May and the flight was not only ontime but a little early, the service was very good, and I will do it again in November. Richard
  13. Being sold goods as a foreigner (in China) for more than a Chinese, does that qualify? Or do I miss understand your thought? Richard
  14. My first thought upon hearing the song was the skits that Benny Hill used to do. Go figure. Richard
  15. I agree This was a neutral statement I made, not directed at you Dave Richard
  16. I hope you wouldn't sit there for a given number years either. B) Richard was that bad?
  17. Nothing (or very few things) in this imperfect world is absolute, there are good people and very evil people, someone could be a good (insert whatever religion here) and not go to church, just as someone could go to church and commit heinous crimes. Going to church doesn't make anyone religious any more than walking into a barn makes you a cow. If you took your car to a mechanic and got ripped off, would you then condemn all mechanics? just my opinon Richard
  18. Maybe saying in this way would be available: To a Chinese, love is not only words but also action. To me, I want both of sweet words and practical action. Do I want too much? I guess orders from headquarters have been sent to me. I better shape up and get busy. Richard
  19. Leaving for China in November, thanks for...? Richard
  20. http://candleforlove.com/forums/index.php?...c=32180&hl= Richard
  21. I was a member of an online dating service looking for someone local, she contacted me and that was our beginning. She speaks good english, so communicating has not been a barrier in our relationship. I could not be happier being married to her, and our cultural differences have only brought us closer. Richard
  22. You're saying she had her interview and was not given an answer if she passed or not? Richard
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