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Everything posted by PJ

  1. Seafood, Well, I've been working on the tech side and trying to figure out a way we can create photo albums for this site and others. Yep, me too, need a break today, off to watch NFL games also. So, you have a favorite team? P.J.
  2. Mark, Great, thanks! I think the great thing about the concept of sharing server space and standards is that as long as everyone follows the same conventions, it can be as automated (ASP upload application, automatic storage of file, update XML file, front-end "photo album" application) or manual (everyone sends you pictures, you rename files and upload them by hand) as you wish. Thanks, P.J.
  3. Hi guys, Well, as you mentioned a while back, we're all in this together, and all of us are contributing our various skills and resources to resolving the visa delay problem in China. It occurred to me recently that there is a high demand for pictures in the group. However, as you know, server space is limited. I would have space to host quite a number of pictures, but since just like you I am not making any money running this site, I would not be able to buy additional server space to host everyone's pictures. Sooo, why don't we work together, those of us who own/rent server space? For those who would be interested in helping out, please reply and let me know, and I can start drafting an architecture. Okay, the following is for the software engineers and programmers in our group (WARNING ... computer nerd dialog beyond this sign): ========= I know that everyone uses different technologies (personally I am inclined toward JSPs/servlets and do not even know how to write an ASP), but we could define a set of standards. - all photos would exist under a certain directory and with a certain naming convention. The photos could exist under http://<hosting site>/images/families/ Each photo would have a filename of: Site Unique identifier + photo unique identifier + photo number + "extension" For example if I were the 10th person to upload a series of JPEGs to Candle, my photos would be named: CFL_10_001.jpg CFL_10_002.jpg We could allow people to add descriptions to their pictures by including in this directory some sort of meta descriptor or XML document. - all sites would be able to provide a photo album application by displaying not only the photos they host, but the photos on the other sites as well. The pictures would be there, the XML documents would be there, all your application would require is a list of servers on the team and it could link over to those photos. ========= Thanks, team! P.J.
  4. Hi All, Okay, I unpinned this topic and copied the phone numbers into "Links and Resources". Thanks, P.J.
  5. Eric, I agree 100%. Glad someone analytical put it into perspective. SO essentially by your formula: baseline = date P3 returned. hmm, seems like an easy enough theorem, but then again most good theorems usually are. I was always amazed in high school when I learned about the "Associative equality" theorem if a=b and b=c then a=c. Seems so simple ... I wish I would have come up with that first so I could have my name in the history books. Hehe Eric maybe you can become a famous immigration theorist and get that formula named after you. P.J.
  6. Instead of "back to the top" that places a thread at the top of the forum's list by replying, pinning keeps a thread in the first position of the forum regardless of when someone last responded to it. So I suppose if there was some extremely important piece of information, it could be pinned to be held in the #1 spot even if nobody responded to it for months. Personally, I think that would be silly to hold a piece of information in the #1 spot that long. It took me a long time to figure out what "pin" meant also and I promise not to abuse it, but I just wanted to give it a try. Thanks, P.J.
  7. Oh, yeah, thanks Mark, for the information and for giving me a good reason (ie excuse) to pin a topic.
  8. Stay at the top ... hehehehehehehehehehehehehehe Sorry, I couldn't resist. I figured out a new trick called "pinning" which will keep a topic "at the top" regardless of when the last post was made. Basically, the topic is "pinned" up top until a Moderator "unpins" it. Uhhh I'll unpin it tomorrow morning at the latest, I promise.
  9. Hi All, Anyone in Guangzhou receive the letter yet? Just thought I'd ask because my fiancee is in Guangzhou. Also, I figured that since the U.S. consulate is located in Guangzhou, perhaps the mail would arrive faster. Thanks, P.J.
  10. Don, Sometimes you make too much sense. You should be an efficiency expert! I wonder if we could suggest this, or if the consulate and DoS would take offense at our presumptuousness? Thanks, P.J.
  11. Yes, good job Robert! I hope you don't mind, I moved a copy of the response you received to the read-only "Announcements" forum, so that people won't miss seeing the response letter. P.J.
  12. Robert, Hehe, I finally gave in and after a bit of surfing the web, found myself an avatar. I feel like it fits me very well (cheerful and colorful, that is ... not fat and green). Unfortunately, I suppose I will have to find a new one after Christmas. Oh, well. Happy holidays, everyone!!! P.J.
  13. Robert, I have spoken with Victoria, and she definitely has said that she is still concerned about all of us and even told me she could continue helping to work on the press kit, should we choose to pursue that path. Of course she will be out of the country soon to pick up her fiance, but I really do not think we should count her out in any way. Thanks, P.J.
  14. Everyone, I am also very grateful for everything that Jim has done for all of us. He has been a wonderfully positive influence for this board ever since it started. Jim was the second person to register on the board, after myself, and I have often asked him for insight about how to keep the board positive and supportive. I am very happy to announce that Jim accepted a moderator role and I would like to state that he has 100% of my support and trust. Thanks, P.J.
  15. Bob, Thank you for your insightful post, I agree completely. I like your array of smileys across the bottom ... it does pretty much describe all the emotions felt in dealing with the immigration process doesn't it? Thanks, P.J.
  16. Mark, No problem, you didn't say anything wrong. I just felt that the thread was becoming extremely negative and filled with obscenities. I understand and empathize that everyone is frustrated. I know that it will happen from time to time that we get frustrated and upset, but I just hope that we can try to keep this a positive place where we support one another. Thanks, P.J.
  17. All, I do understand that everyone is frustrated, and probably needs to vent, which is why I have allowed this thread to go on this long and have not deleted any posts. However, I do ask everybody to please keep in mind ... If you wish to post obscene statements and attack others please understand that there are plenty of boards that condone and allow this. However, throughout this whole process, I have been hoping that we can have a positive and supportive environment. Please understand that I am also caught in the delay process and am just as frustrated as everyone else, but I would prefer to channel this frustration in a postitive manner and sincerely ask everyone else to do the same. Thanks, P.J.
  18. Victoria, I extracted your post from the thread about the CNN interview and am replying in a separate thread. My fiancee's security clearance has not come through, either. In terms of generating interest, it would be difficult if we are pushing for attention while the consulate is working to clear the backlog. After all, it is commonly understood that immigration is a slow process ... it was the outright stoppage and lack of information that allowed us to draw attention to our plight in the first place. My inclination is to continue putting together informative material, but take a passive approach until the dust settles and we have a better idea of what is going on. Sort of a "hope for the best and prepare for the worst" approach. This is just my thought on the matter, I am sure others will have insight as well. Thanks, P.J.
  19. Hi All, I tried calling today, in the morning around 11. Took a long time to get through, probably 20-30 minutes on hold. Still pending. Hope others are having more luck. Thanks, P.J.
  20. Hi All, Although I have been mostly silent in the discussion forum lately, I have been active behind the scenes in working out technical issues on the Candle for Love site and working on version 2.0. This has kept me extremely busy and occupied any and all of my waking hours outside the office. Even though I haven't been posting much, I have stayed current and read all the discussions. I would like to say that I am overjoyed by the progress, and extend my congratulations to those who have received notification about picking up their visas. I would also like to ask that all of us stay together and support those who are still caught up in the delays and those who are in any stage of the process. The atmosphere and camaraderie on this site has been absolutely wonderful. This board has really taken off in terms of users and traffic, but there is still the closeness of a small family. I think we have a great mix of focus and determination when it is needed, and playfulness when we need to bond and relieve stress. I wouldn't change it for anything. I thank all of you for creating this environment and hope that there is good news for us all in the near future. Thanks, P.J.
  21. Hi Everyone, Check out the poll inspired by Eric's top ten list ... Thanks, P.J.
  22. Hmmm ... It just occurred to me that many people have an avatar and I don't. I wanted to make my own ... I used to make animated GIFs, but I can't find the software I used before. By now I am sure it is out of date. Oh well, I'll probably just download one from a site.
  23. Hi All, I feel the same way. Personally, I look at it as a blessing for any family visa they issue, regardless of when the person's background check was submitted or when his/her interview took place. Thanks, P.J.
  24. Eric, I noticed your sharks keep getting more and more aggressive. This one's bearing some serious teeth! P.J.
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