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Guest blsqueaky
Do I have to do the I-864 all over again?


Should I also submit copies of the old one that I gave to NVC?

My opinion is that if NVC already approved everything and sent to GUZ and you have interview, I would say know, but to be on the safe side, if the one you did previously did not have this years tax forms, then maybe send this along to hubby to take to interview, just in case.


I have to admit one thing, your timeline really confuses me. If I understand, you are doing the K-3 and not CR-1 or the other way around.

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Guest blsqueaky
I am doing the CR-1

Okay, then I think that you should be okay, since NVC already approved, but I did not not see in your timeline anything about sending NVC the I-864, but since approved, you must have. I still think that sending this years tax forms just in case since you interview is soon, and they want the 3 previous years, just to be on the safe side.

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Do I have to do the I-864 all over again?


Should I also submit copies of the old one that I gave to NVC?

My opinion is that if NVC already approved everything and sent to GUZ and you have interview, I would say know, but to be on the safe side, if the one you did previously did not have this years tax forms, then maybe send this along to hubby to take to interview, just in case.


I have to admit one thing, your timeline really confuses me. If I understand, you are doing the K-3 and not CR-1 or the other way around.

Geez Squeak, come on, Starbucks man. The rest shall we say is... history???

ahhh Starbucks and cheetos, can't get much closer to heaven than that.


Harbin... so it must have been a frapichino, I'm guessing cafe moacha frapichino venti... or java chip, no whipped cream. I'm so lucky. I live only about 5 minutes away from one. Life support when you need it. Have hubby bring one for the VO, then you won't need to worry about bringing anything else.

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