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Register Book Question

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I've been readings the posts from this site for a while, and many of the things have been very helpful for me and my fiance.


We are currently now waiting for our P3 package to arrive. I've already tracked and found that our documents have been send to the consulate.


One question we had, and I could not find it on this site, is if for the interview my fiance will need to also bring her register book? Is this typically asked for or not?


Thanks in advance

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I assume you are talking about the Household registration book. There was a thread a long time back where some one was asked for it. So I would say it is not typical. I applied the " kitchen sink method" for my wife and son's interveiw, although the kitchen sink being stainless steel was confiscated at the airport, we took everything imaginable to the interveiw. Including her Household registration book.

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