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Jobs in China

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What other jobs are out there beside being a teacher, or do you need to start your own bussiness?

There are a LOT of jobs in China besides teaching.


Many require you to speak Chinese, but not all of them. During my time in Shanghai, it seemed to be the new cool thing to do for people to come to China to look for work after college -- and often people had no Chinese or China background at all.


You can just go there and look, but if you can secure something before you go, it's obviously nicer.


Take a look at listing in www.shanghaiexpat.com and www.amcham-shanghai.org for some possibilities in Shanghai. There are similar sites for other cities, but I'm more familiar with Shanghai. There are also some job specific China sites. Try a search on Google.

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The question is, what do you do in the states now? Teaching jobs in China tend to be on the lower end of the pay scale as far as expat salaries go. Do you have any other work expernience that would translate


I live in Guangdong province, and jobs in quality management, chemical processing, logistics management, merchandising, finance mangagement etc are the more plentiful and tend to be better paying. Think anything that would have to do with manufacturing except actual assembling the products themselves


Industries here computer parts, footwear, toys, furniture, leather goods, textiles and apparel, general consumer products amoung others.


There are opportunities not only working for the purchasing companies, that is the brand names that sell the goods made here, but on the supplier end such as raw materials, factory reps, etc.


For example, a lot of people I know work in the furniture industry, not only dealing with the furniture itself, but also wood finishing products, machine tools, leather and textile covernings, etc.


Any other questions, please feel free to ask.


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Too late for that Roger. Once China joined WTO the law schools overflowed and attorneys have relocated in droves. I am worried about the abulance chasers though for when I retire there. They probably will be monitoring my moves for an easy laowai mark. :D :D


Seiously any type of industry consultant is needed in China to help with development and trade. QA

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Ok lets see if I can do this right.


If you have QA or management experience in a field being developed or exported for China industry then you can apply for work as a consultant or quality auditor for Chinese and American companies. The demand is bif right now as China is rising to meet international standards.

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being an attorney!

I can only imagine the heartbreak a parent must feel when they hear those terrible words. To realize that their child has turned their back on becoming a respected and productive member of society. The parent must always wonder where they could have gone so wrong in raising this child to have them end up like this... :( :(

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Roger if there were no attorneys how could we run the government or find anyone to be a politician?


It not be the best job in town but someone has to do it. Gee, just imagine what things would be like without lawyers to run things.  :D  :(  :P

Ok I saw I left out "may" between "It not" above. What do you expect from a person who has dealt with CSIS for nearly a year? Hey maybe it isn't Trigg's influence. Maybe he could even spell and use correct grammar before starting the K-1. Hhhmmm this might be worth researching from his early posts. If the data looks good perhaps we can talk to a lawyer about a class action suite! :D :( Guess I've lived in California too long.

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