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Latest e-mail response

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I wanted to share this real quick. I had just sent an e-mail asking about when we might get sheduled for intervew and got back this responce.


"Based on our current schedule, it appears that Ms. Zhao's interview will occur in about 3 months."

Of course this is no p4, but the interesting thing is I got it within 5 minutes of actually sending the e-mail in the first place. :lol: Dare I thing that recent loud voices might have shaken some people up or am I just up far too late. :lol:

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They just sent my weekly inquiry back from when I sent it yesterday:


Dear Mr. xxxxxxx,

Ms. xxxxxx, xxxxxx's immigration application data in our records suggests

that her interview has not been scheduled.Once her interview is scheduled,

she will be expected to receive an appointment package from us.


No good news. I sure hope the batch wave is not over but it is looking more and more like the next wave won't happen for about 3 more weeks.

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I wish there is some rationale behind what these people are doing. I had put that canned question of when will I recieve my invitation" and then followed up with quick dialog about planning to be there and wanting a status. So they say interview in 3 months? :(

For me, that was pushing 1 am and that is way too late for a work night. :rolleyes: Wish it was almost dinner time because that would mean I was with my baby. :wub: I'm just a wittle kid, I need my sweep. :wub: Atleast I'm working up in Sacramento today, so I can just turn on the cruise control and take a nap. :wub:

I was really suprises with the responce. I had just sent it, got the notice of recieving it, decided to cruis cfl real guick, and it showed up. So yup, I agree with you squid, probably another 3 weeks now. :wub:

Come on GZ, prove me wrong. :huh:

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