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My name is Sarah and I have been married to my husband ( his nickname here is Buzzy ) for one and a half years. He is living in Huaibei, Anhui Province with me and we are both teaching English in this small college.Also he got a Z visa and a residense card ( little green book). Right now we are planning to immigrate to America because we think the sooner we start over in America , the better the life would be. But as he mentioned, we sent everything to GUZ and no reply and we lost our $185. We found out two months later that we sent to the wrong place and since then we have been search for information for CR-1 DCF. But the consulate websites are so confusing while this website has been being a much greater help. So I was wondering anybody here could help me. As far as I know beijingjenny,BobandNicole and Lizziedannypie are DCF ,too. I have a few questions here and I hope anyone of you can help me. I hope I am not being a big pain here.

1. I know our I-130 petition should be sent to BJ, should I send it to BJ directly or I just send it to Shanghai? If I do, should I take it there in person or just mail it?

2. Do the documents we need include my husband's little green book?

3. I know we can download the form from internet and print it out, so my question is : Is A4 paper ok? Do they accept it?

4. After filling out the form, should we send the original form or copy them and send the copies? Do they just take original copies?

5. Should we send the money order together with the documents or just send it to them whenever they request it?

Ok, I just can think of these questions so far. I will really appriecate it if someone here could help us.

Thanks a lot!


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Hey Sarah1031, I am sorry you sent your money to the wrong place. For your qusetion:

1. I know our I-130 petition should be sent to BJ, should I send it to BJ directly or I just send it to Shanghai? If I do, should I take it there in person or just mail it?


You can NOT send those stuff to BJ,SH or GZ. Since you live in Anhui. The Shanghai consulate should be good for you. You need to go there with your stuff.


2. Do the documents we need include my husband's little green book?


Yes, we were required to submit the copy of his green book.


3. I know we can download the form from internet and print it out, so my question is : Is A4 paper ok? Do they accept it?


Yes. It's ok.


4. After filling out the form, should we send the original form or copy them and send the copies? Do they just take original copies?


Again, NO sending. For the G-325a and I-130, you need to submit the original one. But things like your passport, his passport and his green book, of course you can submit the copies.


5. Should we send the money order together with the documents or just send it to them whenever they request it?


Take your money and your stuff to the consulate together. No sending :lol:


Err, just found out donahso allready answered your questions :lol:

Good luck.



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Since we did our filing at GZ, it may work a little differently becaue I turned in the 1-130 etc direct to DHS.


Best to hand carry and have them look at the documention in case you're missing something. You do have the supporting docs like notarized translation of marraige cert, notarial birth certificate, tranlated copy of birth certificate or statement from local PSB saying an original doesn't exist? All that stuff? They are going to need it when you file the I-130 and such.


go to the GUZ website and under immigrant visa FAQ's you'll find some info. At the top they have info on DCF, and what number to call, just call the consulate and ask for DHS and they'll connect you through. Call after 3 in the afternoon, they seem to not answer the phone earlier than that.



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Thank you so much for the information. I feel so much better now! It is really a good thing to be in Candle for love!

By the way, right now i still have some more questions:

1. Should my husband go to the Shanghai Consulate alone, or can I go with him?

2. As far as I know, the petitioner's birth certificate is needed for form I-130. The beneficiary's birth certificate will be needed for P3 or P4, but not for form I-130, right?


Thank you!

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Hi Sarah


You can go to the consulate with him, but he has to do the filing. If it works like GUZ you don't really have to be there. If I remember correctly (it's been a while) need to have the benificiary's birth certificate to file the I-130, as well as the petitioner. That was the sticking point for Nicole and myself, difficulty in getting her original birth cerrtificate.



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Hi Bob,

Thank you so much! I already got my husband's birth certificate. As for my birth certificate, I think I can get a certified birth certificate from local Notary Office here in this city. I asked the head there last time when I was getting our marriage certificate translation certified about it. So will that be okay since my mom said she did not have my original birth certificate? I was not born in a hospital, but at home. I hope this makes sense. Again, thank you. Your help is sorely needed.



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Thank you for your advice. What you said is quite wise. I think I'll go ahead to get my birth certificate done anyway because I will definitely need that in the future even if I don't need it this time. As soon as it gets done I will go to Shanghai together with my husband. I hope everything goes will well there!



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