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Ching Ming on 4/5

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I talked about this with wifey today (one of those rare occassions that she is speaking to me). She said her family buys paper replicas of many things throughout the year for Ching Ming day that they burn at the gravesight. Including paper cars and TV's and DVD's and even a cell phone--Modern western life merging with ancient Chinese culture.


What a fascinating culture they have. Hanging on to the old and embracing the new.

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1 billion fires at grave sites. Doesn't sound Kyoto protocol compliant. I've seen pictures of the cars they send to grand pappy. Some are full sized and very ornate. We'll have to see how we do on mixing this custom. Our's is to clean the grave and leave a pebble showing remembrance. Now will she try to burn the pebble or should I make paper ones?

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Dan R


Can you tell us the story behind the pebble? I don't think the Cathlics have any ritual regarding this.


I hadn't heard of the cars and things but do know of the money and golden papers that are burnt at the grave so that those who had passed have a good life.


Ritual is good and sad to say we may be seeing the installing of a new Pope soon.


Who was it here who's grandfather said "Any religion that makes a man do good has my vote." or somethig to that effect.. a very wise and simple man.


My favorite scene in the "Grapes of Wrath." is when they bury grandpa on the way to CA. Simple, respectful, loving and human.


Mark and Bea and Elizabeth

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Mark the plaque was on my Grandfather's desk next to his name plate. It was hand lettered on stiff paper. "Any religion which causes men to be good is worthy of respect - author unknown".


It is nice to know you remembered it. my Grandfather believed strongly in the importance of people treating each other with mutual respect no matter what their differences. He gave no less and expected the same in return. He actually went from a 6th grade education to being the World's most reknowned Art Auctioneer and enjoyed a career of 66 years.


The pebble is a Jewish tradition. Living flowers that will die are never brought to the grave site. A pebble is placed on the headstone since a pebble is as permanent as our love. It also remains there to show others this person is not forgotten.

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Thank you Dan. What a great guy your Grandfather sounds like. From modest beginnings to a wonderful life.


The pebble, again a simple, loving, respectful, rememberance., a gesture that says so much.


These touchstones, rituals and thoughts capture the full experience of life and pass from generation to generation an unshakable meaning and strength.


It's sad that those in power would ursurp this meaning and bring war death and destruction for... what??? possaible reason.


The soapbox is now open..



Mark and Bea and Elizabeth

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