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Is this normal?

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Last week I sent am email to NVC concerning my CR1 case status, they reply me within 2 days, informing me that my P3 has been sent out, my LG got a letter (3 day mail)addressing to me last night, same info as the email: my P3 has been sent out, I am wondering is it possible the p3 will be reached the agent later than the 3 day mail my LG got? Or does it mean my ps could be lost? :) kind of worried.

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Where are all those CR1's to answer this?

I would think it would be reasonable to give it a week or two for the mail.

I assume you are on the 01 forum as I see that "bluewind" recently posted a nice spreadsheet of at least 30 other CR1's with their time lines so you could consult that as well to see what is happening with others.

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Technically it's not really a P3 anymore. LG gets the I-864 and you should fill out the DS-230. He gets copies of everything. The I-864 only needs to have LG's signature on page 6 signed infront of notary public. The DS-230 lags behind a few weeks. (About 6 weeks behind the I864) They also sent me 2 letters, one telling me they haven't recieved my DS-230 yet and anouther telling me I need to turn in my I-864. (They already recieved my I-864 and didn't send my DS-230 yet.) I checked with a couple others about it a few weeks ago and they agreed. If your concerned or have a question send them the e-mail. Better safe than sorry. A 2 day response is typical. Your on track. Probably wouldn't hurt to verify they have your correct address listed in Pin Yin. They get your address from the G-325A form.

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Thanks for your replies.

I emailed NVC last week and they replied my within 2 days, telling me my DS-230 has been sent, and one week later, my LG got a snail mail from NVC saying the same thing: my DS-230 has been sent. In both situation they mentioned that pls allow 2-4 weeks for the DS-230 to reach the agent(my LG). Do I have to be patient to wait 2-4 weeks? Cause my LG turned in the IV fee on FEb 18th, now it is end of Feb, still no news. I am a little concerned about when I can get my P3(DS230). :unsure:

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You can call the NVC again if you like. And maybe it was DOS that we called, but if you are waiting on the DS-230 you are well along.


This will be part 1 of the Biographical Data form and I would assume you have already paid and sent back your affidavite of support?


At this point after NVC recieves both forms they start the name check.. if memory serves me right.. than off to GZ. Hmm it maybe at that point we were calling DOS.. to find out status of name check.


From what nooneufo says.. I'd check 001 as that is alot of CR1's! and Mengxin seems right on nthe ball and more current..


see :unsure: there will come a day when you can look back on all this and have forgotten most of it.. it's called OLD AGE!!! heheh


Mark and Bea and Elizabeth

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