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Asian hair styles

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My fourteen-year-old stepdaughter wants to dye her asian hair. This idea has been going on for some time and my wife has been dead set against it, until now. My wife has finally given up the battle and relented. This has now put me right in the middle of it. I have done good staying out and away from their disagreements but I am in the thick of this thing now. My wife had me pick out the hair coloring! In my entire born days, I have never done anything like this! It reminds me of past situations in buying feminine pads, which I didn’t do too often but I have to admit, I have done it before.

Never walked down the hair coloring aisle, I now found myself trying to pick out a dye! What????...Me??? I spent an hour looking until I decided on one, and mind you, I didn't find a dye specifically for asians.

Anyways, I try to reason with my stepdaughter and told her it would be much better to have a professional hair stylist do this than trying to do this thing yourself. But she wouldn’t listen to reason. She wants to do it herself. She can be stubborn and at these teenage years, how so! I finally put reason aside and gave her the old line, “look girly, I’ve been 14…you’ve never been 44!” Yeah, that really worked.

I know, age 14,,,we all knew everything then, I remember. So, I let her be and let her proceed. I for one, can’t understand her passing up an opportunity of going to a hair stylist and being pampered and having her hair done professionally! I would think any young girl would jump on that chance.

Oh well, I can imagine the outcome!…All messed up! Hair in a mess. She won’t like it. Be yelling at her mother who will be yelling at me! But!….I do have one thing on my side!!….the age old line,,,”I TOLD YOU SO!”…and I won't be afraid or will I hesitate to use it!..............:unsure:

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:unsure: well you are well armed .. so venture forth!!


heheheh sounds like some good natured fun for everyone.. I for one would NEVER risk it by picking out a color for her.. no way , never , ain't going to happen, that YOU a mear adult and a male at that could EVEN understand what color to pick. :blink:


Let her have at it.. watch the fun and enjoy her new sense of an independent self. It will fade out in time and another newer cool thing will come over the horizen and off she will go.


For me I like the new..(? is there anything new?) fun, funny things the kids here in China are doing.. the cloths, hair color and cuts, music etc.They seem to have embraced the ideas and sense of self of the west but seem to still hold onto the friendship and youth and innocence. Good combo!


Mark and Bea and Elizabeth

14 huh.. just 2 more years to.. "Dad.. can I drive!!??

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I don't know what it is about hair color and some Chinese women. Jingwen, in a former life, was a beautician and is well versed in hair colors, styles, and dying. My step kids have tried just about every color. Even Jingwen's hair has a red tint to it. My step son went blond for a while. I bit my tongue. He went red for a while. I bit my tongue. His hair is black again at least for the time being. My step daughter seems to have settled on a dark brown with a little blond thrown in.


If you look at my avatar, you'll know that I'm not one for messing with mother nature's colors. But, I figure if the family wants to try a few colors, so be it. They can always dye it black if all else fails.


On a related subject: You know what's the difference between a good hair cut and a bad hair cut? About two weeks. :unsure:

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Mark and Bea and Elizabeth

14 huh.. just 2 more years to.. "Dad.. can I drive!!??

SHHHHHH! My stepdaughter Wang Fang will be sixteen in August. Her-her orange shaggy dog Chinese hairstyle and my Xterra all going down the street together. EEWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!


whatever happened to the traditional Chinese hairstyle for men?? You know the one that looked like Moe on the stooges?????

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SHHHHHH! My stepdaughter Wang Fang will be sixteen in August. Her-her orange shaggy dog Chinese hairstyle and my Xterra all going down the street together. EEWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!

Don't tell me she still has the hair style that Jingwen tried out on her. :unsure:

Ahhh, you are talking about the shaggy lion hairstyle. Nope, it grew longer. She now sports the 'strange style of the month' hairstyle. If is is shiney and has bling bling---Wang Fang likes it.

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Mark and Bea and Elizabeth

14 huh.. just 2 more years to.. "Dad.. can I drive!!??

SHHHHHH! My stepdaughter Wang Fang will be sixteen in August. Her-her orange shaggy dog Chinese hairstyle and my Xterra all going down the street together. EEWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!


whatever happened to the traditional Chinese hairstyle for men?? You know the one that looked like Moe on the stooges?????

don't worry Trigg!


Just get out your bell bottom jeans, a well worn workshirt, blue of course, a bandana and some cool, groovy, shades!! and a smoke of your choice and join the parade.. heheh retro?? hell no!! right on fashion come 05/65..:unsure:


As for Hair.. sure!!! crank up the ole 8 track and belt out a few tunes from the play in the pickup.. yeah!!


Let them skrim for a few minutes.. heheh:) it's fun being old and not being embarassed..


Mark and Bea nd Elizabeth

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Problem is my ole bell bottoms are 28 inch waist. I keep 'em thinkin' I'll be able to wear them again someday. Good thing I kept two pairs-Hmmm, wonder if wifey can sew 'em together for me

Hehe.. Fashion is a bitch, man! ;)


Mark and Bea and Elizabeth.. sporting the new... no hair on the back of her head style.. awwww poor baby :(

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Do you guys mean you are lucky enough to be avoiding the tattoo issue? I was very surprized last visit to see so many girls with shoulder and midriff tattoos in Liaoyang, Liaoning Sheng. It is a very conservative rural area that also just opened China's largest Buddhist temple.

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yup.. just yesterday while out shopping here in SZ ( at the wal mart too ).. I gentlely patted her butt as I announced.. "Plenty of room in the rear!"


That got her going the first couple of times but lost it's effect. When we got home she did mention that .. "Wow now I have a fanny and maybe for ever!" heheh one of the many side bennies of being a mom.


Mark and Bea and Elizabeth

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