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I've been married for over a year

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I feel very lucky because Nicole and I were together for the last 3 years, and didn't suffer the seperation you all did/do. We still had our frustrations, and setbacks, and her term for the whole process was (&)*^ US visa, or )(*&)^ US consulate.


My heart goes out to you all suffering through this time of separation, I can feel your pain through the word on the screen. The wheels grind very slowly, and in this part of the world even more slowly than normal no matter what you do. But in the end, it seems cosmically, justice does prevail.



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It seems like no one really understands the difficulty of this process., not even my own family, they just can not fathom the hurt I feel. The smallest rememberance of my hubby (who is also from Heilongjiang) would make me cry.


I know we are getting closer to the day when we will be together forever. I know it. And I thank you so much for your words of encouragement. :unsure:


I just....(getting weepy at work)...hate this process. It is, by nature, degrading, and racist.  Keeping people apart for this long, and marking it to be a policy in interest of border security? I know I am ranting here but...I love my husband more than anyone in this world. He is humanity, love, kindness, and generousity.  I would give up life as I know it in America, to be with him. :)

I know how you feel. I have been married for nine months and I know that my wife will not be here for at least another 6 months. I don't think that we will be able to be together for our first anniversary (not sure yet). Its a long process but it will be worth it for sure.


By the way, I like the photo you post under 'love is in the air' very sweet.

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I feel in love with Meixiang the minute I saw her picture on July 17, 2003. I composed a long letter and sent it to her hoping that she would write me back. When she did I was so excited and happy. Over the next few weeks I realized I had found a rare and special woman and I knew I was falling in love. I planned a month long trip to Nanning and on September 8 I was on the plane. She met me at the airport and all the way to her home home in the cab I could not take my eyes of Meixiang. She later told me that during that cab ride she new I loved her deeply and truly. The next 30 days were the most wonderful and romantic days I have ever known. I cried like a baby the day I had to leave because I knew I had found the one true love of my life and it was tearing me apart to have to leave.


Now it has been 17 months and we have one more hoop to jump through before we can be together again. I believe that all this time we have endured has made our love stronger. I believe that we know and understand each other more because we have been forced communicate as we have waited so long. Our dreams of living together sharing our lives and growing old by each others side have given us the strength to endure.


I believe we all come to this place because we all share the same frustration and the same dreams.


Boba and Meixiang

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