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Tracking NVC shippments

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Our case was shipped from NVC on Feb.3 and Anne told me all three tracking number to GZ have cleared. She also seemed to find out that those 3 tracking numbers have been sorted and our case was not there. She can not tell me the specific tracking for the box that our case was in or the tracking number to the series of boxes shipped to GZ. I called DHL and the girl could only do a three day search so there was 128 tracking numbers (she wasn't going to sort to fit my description) from NVC on Feb. 3,4,5 to GZ. Im still waiting for that list so I can try to break it down.


Anybody know a way of getting the tracking number that is specific to you case?


Any way to confirm that all cases received and entered to GZ for the Feb.3 "NVC" shippment?




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Right, 3 of the 4 were for GZ and the 4th was for Beijing, that's what I'm being told. If there is a 4th box (tracking number) has not cleared to GZ there is a glimmer of hope that my case hasn't been lost.


What about these 128 tracking numbers I'm getting from DHL? Have you sorted them already?


All I get in responce fromo GZ is "don't worry" it takes 60-120 days to ship,clear,sort,enter cases into our system.


Thanks and good luck with the conspiracy, I think we are in the same box.

My spirit hasn't been broke yet but Anne is losing hers.

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I have heard many different stories as to how our packages are delivered to the Consulate in Guangzhou. Now I am wondering whats the story ... how do we find out if our packages have arrived and when we can estimate when the P3 packet will be sent to our SO.


As I understand, if you find out what day your packet was mailed from NVC, you can then call DHL to get a list of all the packages from NVC to Guangzhou that day. Then you input the tracking numbers and see what has been delivered. However some people say that the petitions are sent in a box with many other things and can take a month to clear customs. Whats the real story ... who knows ... but any information is better than no information.


Check out this other thread to see what I mean about the differing opinions of packet deliveries from NVC to GUZ


Another forum discussion on when a package gets delivered by DHL

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As I understand, if you find out what day your packet was mailed from NVC, you can then call DHL to get a list of all the packages from NVC to Guangzhou that day. Then you input the tracking numbers and see what has been delivered. However some people say that the petitions are sent in a box with many other things and can take a month to clear customs. Whats the real story ... who knows ... but any information is better than no information.

What I can tell you from monitoring this board for a year and having gone through the process myself is:


Once NVC gives you the day it was sent, you can get the tracking numbers from DHL BUT there is sometimes a day or two difference between the day they say it was shipped and the day it actually entered DHL's hands (or system).


Your petition will be in one of the heavier boxes in the 20 to 40 pound range.


After DHL says it was delivered, it WILL sit in "clearance delay" for 1 to 6 weeks until the consulate actually receives it.


About 2 weeks after ALL the packages have cleared the delay, they should be in the consulate system and DOS will verify that GZ has your packet and it is in the system.


This is as good as it gets!!! Good Luck!

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When I called DHL that list for my date+two additional days turned out to be 128 tracking numbers. Im trying to get that list so I can sort it.


So far I can not find an absolute way to confirm that my case shipped and what box it was shipped in.


I am trying to a tracking number that is specific to my case, but no manafest is created when the boxes are packaged, at least that I can get my hands on.


We are on week 6 from the NVC ship date and Im being told that all GZ tracking numbers from that day have cleared but I can't tell is that our case actually shipped on Feb.3. For Feb. 3,4,5 there are 128 tracking numbers and the lady from DHL was not going to give them to me, I have to call a local sales rep.


I hope we are not lost.

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I have never heard of anyone being able to track their specific package. If you track packages that were shipped from NVC the same day as your package was shipped, you can at least approximate the time it might take to reach the consulate in GZ. Estimating an approximate timeline for your package is the best that anyone can do, I think.


The package I tracked took 3 1/2 weeks to clear customs/DHL. We received P3 about 3 weeks after the package cleared customs and 6 1/2 weeks after it left NVC. I think my timeline is fairly typical.

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