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AOS questions

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Hey guys,


Wondering if I can ask for a little info, though I'm sure it's been asked before. I'm particularly interested in tywy99's input, if you would be so kind (or anyone else from Virginia who has gone through this).


My specific question was on order. Jun and I are married, and still waiting for our marriage certificate (should be able to pick up in a few days). My question was in what order do I file for what?


Do I file for SSN first, then AOS? The other way around? Or both at the same time? And does Jun need an SSN to get her learner's permit, or just her I-94?


Last question... Since Jun is changing her name (please save any debate on this issue for another thread) do we do that when we apply for the SSN, and should we use her new name on the AOS application, or the old? (I just want to avoid any issues of her green card and her SSN/Driver's license having different names).


Thanks! I know it's a big list.


Everything's going great by the way, I'll have pics and some stories later :lol:

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On the AOS put whatever name is on your marriage certificate. Do the SSN NOW!!! before the I=94 expires or you may have the same problem many of us have had--then you will have to wait for EAD or green card to get the SSN. If your marriage cert has her new name on it then that is the name her SSN will have.


Can't answer anything about Virginny DL. just plain don't know!~!


OH, congrats, it's about time.

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I would get the SSN before filing AOS. You can change her name on the application as long as you have a certified copy of the marriage license. Most states require a SSN for a drivers license. When you file AOS she can use her maiden name, her married name or a hypenated last name.

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Hi Jason,


Congratulations on all the good things with you and Jun so far.

I agree that get her SS card ASAP. As you know, ppl have ran into many different situations in dealing with the SSA. K-1 is entitled to a SSN regardless of what the local office might say, but, with any luck, you may not have a problem with them. I would print off a copy of that SSA memo of November 2000 and take it with you to the SS office just in case. I forget the number of the memo but it is posted here somewhere.

My wife is K-3 which is different than a K-1 in these matters. The DMV wanted proof of legal presence as authorized by the DHS. The EAD card is such proof. I don't know what you might run into at the DMV when you go.


Since you two are married now and she took your last name, that is now her legal name and you should use it on any and all forms from now on.


If Jun needs any vaccinations when the time comes, the civil surgeon listed on the CIS web for Roanoke is right there at Valley View mall somewhere. I forget his name but I just happend to see his office one day when cruising thru there. When the time comes for my wife, that is where I will take her.


Well, good luck to you two.

Filing AOS isn't bad at all...........it's just the damn wait!... :greenblob:

BTW, our area is under the Wash., D.C. jurisdiction located in Arlington. I just can't understand why we are not under the Norfolk's office! Not only is Norfolk a hundred miles closer, I grew up in that area and would feel much more comfortable to go there! I have never been to Arlington!...... :redblob:

I once asked a CIS rep could my wife's AOS case be transfered to Norfolk. She laughed..... :P

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I would get the SSN before filing AOS.  You can change her name on the application as long as you have a certified copy of the marriage license.  Most states require a SSN for a drivers license. When you file AOS she can use her maiden name, her married name or a hypenated last name.

hey Carl, he is already married so the marriage cert should have her new name. she can use that fo SSN and AOS-I did and it worked. It's easier than doing a name change later.

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Above is the link where you can print a copy of the memo, (EM-00154)

A valid I-94 is all that's needed for a K-1 but it might be a good idea to have this with you just in case you have to "freshen" their memory. The hyperlink is about 3/4 ways down the page.


And below is the Civil Surgeon's info.



Dr. Darrell F. Powledge, Dr. Powledge Occupational Medicine

5049 Valley View Boulevard, NW, Suite B

Roanoke, VA 24012

Tel: (540)362-9620

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I would get the SSN before filing AOS.  You can change her name on the application as long as you have a certified copy of the marriage license.  Most states require a SSN for a drivers license.   When you file AOS she can use her maiden name, her married name or a hypenated last name.

hey Carl, he is already married so the marriage cert should have her new name. she can use that fo SSN and AOS-I did and it worked. It's easier than doing a name change later.

It can vary from state to state. In Oregon for instance it is the marriage licence that holds weight. It is filled out in her maiden name. There is no box for married name. SSA is accustomed to it fortunately since all married couples who change the wifes name do the same.

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Yeah in VA you have to put maiden name only on the Marriage cert. Which makes me wonder... if the SSA needs to see "A document showing the new name" how the hell do I do that, since VA wouldn't let me put her married name on her Marriage cert? Am I in a catch 22?

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Yeah in VA you have to put maiden name only on the Marriage cert.  Which makes me wonder... if the SSA needs to see "A document showing the new name" how the hell do I do that, since VA wouldn't let me put her married name on her Marriage cert?  Am I in a catch 22?

I think you'll be okay showing her passport/I-94 and the marriage certificate. Take her birth certificate too.


-good luck and don't sweat it. You two are married now!!!............. :lol:

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Hey, can I insert a question here? How much time does a K-1 have to file the AOS after marrying? I've looked all over for this and can't find it anywhere.


We're planning to marry one week before the end of the I-94 expiration date. What happens to her status upon marrying? Are we automatically still in compliance when we get married? How long will we stay in compliance without filing the AOS? What happens if we don't?


Lowell and Jun

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Ahhhhh...AOS. I have found this is a bit of a challenge for K3 folks. I have to apply for the AOS, and employment authorization, before the bride can apply for a SS#... which she needs to get a drivers's license.


My problem seems to be convincing her what needs to be submitted with the AOS.

I made an appointment with the Civil Surgeon for today. They argued with me on the phone about what she needed from them. I said we need the "Injection supplement only". They said she needs a physical.

The bride says she doesn't need any of this.


Question: The instructions state "K1 does not need a physical, only the injection supplement" Is this true for K3 also, and how can the Civil Surgeon know what shots she has had, since the medical records are taken from her at the POE?

I would like to show the doctor's office something in writing that says she only needs the shot card, but so far all I have found is the K1 information.


I'm so glad I spent all that money on an attorney. He has been absolutely useless. :blush:

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The supplement has to be done for both K1 and K3. If you have a shot card. Call around for a civil sergon that will do the supplement. some wont to do the whole physical over again..I ran into this myself...

Take the shot card to the doc and they will give only the shots you need and then they will fill out the supplement. Cost me 25 bucks here in Portland Oregon.. If you do not have a record of shots---you will have to get them over again.. This runs a couple hundred bucks here..

I had my wife get shots near the GZ consulate and recorded in a little yellow book... She did not need any shots after she got here --but still needed the civil sergon to sign off on the supplement...

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Hey, can I insert a question here?  How much time does a K-1 have to file the AOS after marrying?  I've looked all over for this and can't find it anywhere.


We're planning to marry one week before the end of the I-94 expiration date.  What happens to her status upon marrying?  Are we automatically still in compliance when we get married?  How long will we stay in compliance without filing the AOS?  What happens if we don't?


Lowell and Jun

This comes from Matt Udall's website ( http://members.aol.com/MDUdall/fiancee.htm ) on the K visa process:


After your marriage ceremony takes place, you can begin the "second filing phase". In this phase, the international spouse files an application for permanent resident status with the required USCIS filing fees. Children with K-2 visas will also need to file permanent resident applications.


CAUTION: If the international spouse does not file his or her application for permanent resident status within 90 days of entry, the international spouse will begin to accrue unlawful presence in the U.S. If the international spouse accumulates 180 or more days of continuous unlawful presence, this would expose the international spouse to either a 3 or 10 year ban if s/he were to depart the United States (before they receive their conditional or regular permanent resident status) and should prevent the USCIS from issuing Advanced Parole to allow him or her to temporarily depart the United States while his or her application for permanent resident status is pending with the USCIS.

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The  supplement has to be done for both K1 and K3.  If you have a shot card. Call around for  a civil sergon that will do the supplement. some wont to do the whole physical over again..I ran into this myself...

Take the shot card to the doc and they will give only the shots you need and then they will fill out the supplement.  Cost me 25 bucks here in Portland Oregon.. If you do not have a record of shots---you will have to get them over again.. This runs a couple hundred bucks here..

I had my wife get shots near the GZ consulate and recorded in a little yellow book... She did not need any shots after she got here --but still needed the civil sergon to sign off on the supplement...

Thanks ghall20,


That answers most of the question. It's gonna cost me 195 bucks for the three shots, and I'll probably have to insist on just the shots. I asked the bride if she would get the shots while we were in GZ, but she was insistent that she didn't need them (still is). :D

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If the civil surgeon says she needs them, she does.

Agreed....Can you tell my wife please.


We got the shots (3) yesterday, and her arms are black and blue.

The experience sucked. They told me $185 on the phone and $235 at the payment window. The lady swore she told me there could be additional fees, and if she had I would have given her a hard time about it then. If you don't accept checks or half the credit cards available you should be very accurate about the fees so I can bring the right amount of cash!! :angry:

They also made us wait over an hour. This is not unusual at a doctors office, but to watch people who arrived after us get called in before us had me boiling even before they charged me more than they quoted on the phone. The girl said "it takes time to prepare the injections" BS!!!! :angry:


Oh well, that's over and I never have to go back there again. :rolleyes:

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