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Interview Jan. 16th,still White Slip

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I was interviewd on Jan. 16th and no more than one minute the VO already gave me the white slip. I was soo annoyed and asked why was that, all he could tell me was sorry. I really want to know why they keep making new waitings... dumb...Now the only good news to me is that, I already knew this forums afew days before my interview, and now I was SO happy to finally join you guys... :blink: :rolleyes: :o

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Congrats Alyse! ;)


Sorry about the white slip.  :D


Seems GZ is intent on increasing the backlog as much as possible. :o  B)

the only logical explanation would be : Some clears name check before the interview.. Some did not..

Now the illogical thing.. Why schedule interview if name check has not cleared? reversely, why not schedule interview even though the namecheck has not cleared?

You figure this one out.. I gave up back in August...

Sounds like FAM is out of the window...

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Now the illogical thing.. Why schedule interview if name check has not cleared? reversely, why not schedule interview even though the namecheck has not cleared?

You figure this one out..

If they don't schedule interviews, GZ would not have any income. If the wait continues to be so lengthy, some fiances/fiancees will have second thought about marrying an American. :unsure:

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<snip>  If the wait continues to be so lengthy, some fiances/fiancees will have second thought about marrying an American. :(

that's true... I checked my gal email... I saw some hot correspondance from Guatemala in Spanish in her IN box ..... Should I be worried???


Juuuuuuuuuust kidding tianxin sweetheart !!!!!!!!!! :D :D

Trying to break the tension and NOT have my government run OUR lives..

Love ya ( in case you read this later )

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Thank you all for the congrats. :( :)


I do have doubt on the way they work. Like, they already approved my visa, yet actually my name is not cleared which means I might not be qualified to get the visa. That is definetely incompatible. And I do wonder if anyone with white slip in hand yet failed in the name check procedure? It really weird. :wacko: :o



Alyse counting fingers @ guangzhou

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