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I am getting ready to mail my DS-230's back to NH, and I aksed myself, "why am I mailing 2 DS-230's back to the same office?".


I am mailing one back Attn:DR and another one back Attn:CMR. They both sent me the forms I needed, along with the barcode sheets.


Mr. CMR sent me the forms with a return envelope and a current 230 form expireing in 07'.


Mr. DR didn't mail me a return envelope, he even sent me an expired 230 form from 04'. He obviously didn't download it off the website.


Both were also kind enough to remind me that any goof ups will cause delays in the process. Geez... When will I remember on my own?

Goof-ups = more time ahhh, OK I got it now. I don't need to be reminded anymore. Thanks.


Anyone else seen this before? Or mailed in 2 DS-230 forms? I only paid for 1, and I got 2. Why am I not feeling like I got a lucky deal here?

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http://foia.state.gov/FORMS/visa.asp It's here.


In my I-864 paperwork, they emphasized not to use the downloaded DS-230 form from the website. However, neither the website or the paperwork that came with the actual DS-230 said anything about not using the form. I figured maybe they would send me a custom DS-230 form with my own barcode on it. Nope, It's exactly the same form as posted on the website. The only reason I can think of for not using the fillable form from the website is that the font is kind of small.


Curious that CMR and DR aren't even listed here.


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We also received two DS-230s. The first one (CMR) was the original mailing from the NVC after payment of the IV fee bill.


The second DS-230 (DR) was sent after my I-864 filing was successfully reviewed (completed). The NVC is nervous that our DS-230 was not at the NVC yet. It is my understanding that this is standard procedure.



I spoke with a NVC agent and she confirmed this. I ask how I could have returned my DS-230 if I only received it on 02/25/05 and my I-864 review was completed on 02/28/05. She says this happens frequently.


This is why my automated NVC message states there is "incomplete or missing information". My I-864 review is complete but the NVC does not have my DS-230. If the NVC would have of sent both forms at the same time, then I could have returned them at the same time.





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http://foia.state.gov/FORMS/visa.asp  It's here.


In my I-864 paperwork, they emphasized not to use the downloaded DS-230 form from the website. However, neither the website or the paperwork that came with the actual DS-230 said anything about not using the form. I figured maybe they would send me a custom DS-230 form with my own barcode on it. Nope, It's exactly the same form as posted on the website. The only reason I can think of for not using the fillable form from the website is that the font is kind of small.


Curious that CMR and DR aren't even listed here.


I think maybe they want to make sure you don't go ahead and send the DS-230 before it's asked for, and confuse everything?

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Thanks fella's. I figured that. Suprised I hadn't heard it before. I got exactly the same as you guys did. They made it sound like I forgot something, then didn't tell me what it was. Just a DS-230? Maybe they haven't got it, because it hasn't been mailed yet.


I take it that you both replied to CMR with Mr. CMR's barcode sheet, only 1 DS-230, P3 suppliment and photocopies of bio pages from yours and your Lao Po's passports.


1. Mr. CMR's barcode sheet only.

2. Only 1 DS-230.

3. P3 suppliment.

4. photocopies of bio pages from yours and your Lao Po's passports. (They only repeated the word "photocopies about 5 times.)

uhh , does that mean they want me to mail them my actual passport?http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons6/35.gif


xie xie ni


Yea James, I thought about that. (too much) Why don't they just make us have to notarize it then. Just curious how many people out there actually benifit from "jumping the gun." uhhh , then there's my lawyer that did that with my 129F. RIP 129F :D :D

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Actually I found that the downloaded DS-230 was in better shape than the one I paid $335.00 (NVC sent one) :D .


No decernible differences- short of an invisible microchip embedded in the paper?  :D

Nope , No watermarks either. hmmm Looks like a 230, smells like a 230 still tastes like chicken, but it must be a 230.


I agree about the quality of the form. What's up with that? Even the P3 suppliment looks like they have been copying over the same form year after year. If this is the pride and quality behind there paperwork, what's going on behind the scense but, we already know that answer too. Not much. You know I looked at the P3 and the paperwork with it. It never says (*anywhere that I saw.) who is responsible for completing the P3 suppliment. Sponsor or applicant? I saw from there own website, that thechnically it's not even called a P3 anymore to avoid confusion. So I can see where reciveing the P3 suppliment, would help. 2 DS-230's = helpful? yea helpful on a bingo night.


What drives me nuts is the reapeated "don't screw up or else." Then when looking closely at the service they are providing, it's so poor that they have almost made it impossible, not to screw up. If this wasn't a gov run business these guys would have been out of business years ago. They really ought to check themselves, before they wreck themselves.

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