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Welcome aboard to CFL Luo Bin & Jialu!


My S.O. is from Zhanjiang also. Seems like we are growing in numbers. Trigg and Frank see what you started. Last one to leave Zhanjiang turn out the lights. :blink:  :o  :o

Ha Ha-yea John, the Zhanjiang connection. Frank started it, I just followed him. I know of a Texas Zhanjiang wife and one in Alaska-damned cold for a ZJ gal. Another in NC and one on the way to Alabama. Of course TN and GA with Frank and I. PA for you and now a CA SO. My wifes ex sister-in-law is in LA. Poor Chinese guys in Zhanjiang are gonna get lonely. I wonder if any one has the cheetos market tied up there yet??

Alaska is damn cold for anyone IMHO! At least most of the Zhanjiang girls are headed down south to Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina, and Texas. Trigg, I think your neck of the woods is closer to what they are use to in terms of the different seasons. Short winters, long summers.

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Not really John. TN is much colder than Zhanjiang. Their winters are 50 degrees on occasion (my wife makes me show her the zhanjaing weather every day). We occasionaly get down to zero and 50 is a nice winter day. I have seen it -10 in TN. about 15 years ago. Fang ling saw her first snow ever last April--Downtown White House TN.

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I thought Tennessee was warmer than that. Goes to show how much I know about the south. I heard Zhanjiang had a much colder than normal winter this year. I was there last year for the Chinese New Year and it was colder than I liked.  :rolleyes:

Last year was a record cold year in zhanjiang. This year look almost the same. TN is better than chicago but we have four seasons. It can get 70 any timein the winter but Dec 23rd we had an icestorm and 0 degrees F.



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Ah yes, the wonderful Southern lands of our great country...


Hey! I was wondering how you all sent your P3's back to GZ? Did you use USPS? or DHL?


I was also wondering if they send it to your SO or do they send it to us?


Yet another question I have is how do I change my address?


I will be closing on a new house in about 3 weeks or so....and this K-1 process takes long enough, I don't want to cause any further delay.


Thanks guys!!!

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Come on - Alaska isn't that bad. It was only -55F a week ago and was down to -44F last night. May get above 0 this weekend.

There are a lot of Asian's here, including women. I work with four Asian women and they complain way less about the cold than American women.

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I thought Tennessee was warmer than that. Goes to show how much I know about the south. I heard Zhanjiang had a much colder than normal winter this year. I was there last year for the Chinese New Year and it was colder than I liked.  :ph34r:

Last year was a record cold year in zhanjiang. This year look almost the same. TN is better than chicago but we have four seasons. It can get 70 any timein the winter but Dec 23rd we had an icestorm and 0 degrees F.



Trigg, You kill me man. :greenblob: :greenblob: :greenblob:

I'll be in Zhejang in a few hours to be with lao Po.

I went to schoul in Chi town. They don't call it da wundy cuty for nothing.

I'm in Soul Korea right now, It's darn stinkin hella cold here right now.

Lao Po couldn't visit me here :redblob: She tried the group business visa trip thing, but didn't have anuff notice ahead of time.


This thread is righ up my alley. I know I am not alone. that, and the thought of being with Lao Po in a few ticks gives me a warm fuzzy inside.


Can I get a group hug now? http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/mesg/emoticons6/6.gif


Freakin guys need to hurry the heck&*^$ up. shoot darn it... I mean to say.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Welcome aboard to CFL Luo Bin & Jialu!


My S.O. is from Zhanjiang also. Seems like we are growing in numbers. Trigg and Frank see what you started. Last one to leave Zhanjiang turn out the lights. :angry:  :angry:  :angry:

Ha Ha-yea John, the Zhanjiang connection. Frank started it, I just followed him. I know of a Texas Zhanjiang wife and one in Alaska-damned cold for a ZJ gal. Another in NC and one on the way to Alabama. Of course TN and GA with Frank and I. PA for you and now a CA SO. My wifes ex sister-in-law is in LA. Poor Chinese guys in Zhanjiang are gonna get lonely. I wonder if any one has the cheetos market tied up there yet??

Alaska is damn cold for anyone IMHO! At least most of the Zhanjiang girls are headed down south to Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina, and Texas. Trigg, I think your neck of the woods is closer to what they are use to in terms of the different seasons. Short winters, long summers.

Shoot, it's an invasion. Jingwen now has friends in Chicago and Phoenix as well.

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Ah yes, the wonderful Southern lands of our great country...


Hey! I was wondering how you all sent your P3's back to GZ? Did you use USPS? or DHL?


I was also wondering if they send it to your SO or do they send it to us?


Yet another question I have is how do I change my address?


I will be closing on a new house in about 3 weeks or so....and this K-1 process takes long enough, I don't want to cause any further delay.


Thanks guys!!!

Jingwen's P3 was sent directly to her in China, and she used EMS to send it back to GZ.


As far as changing an address, this is what the CSC website has to say:


Change of Address:

Customers with pending applications may report their change of address to the NCSC toll-free at 1 (800) 375-5283 instead of submitting the change in writing. (From http://uscis.gov/graphics/fieldoffices/cal...m#anchorCONTACT ) IMHO opinion, I would probably also write them a letter with all of the information.

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