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Resubmitted on the 13th?

Guest David

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Guangzhou responded to an email I sent them last week.


Text of email I received today (Monday, Jan. 13th):


>Dear Mr. S:


>We'll resubmit eagle for Ms. C today.


>Immigrant Visa Unit


1) I thought they resubmitted everything on the 10th. Did they just send this email late, did they not finish on the 10th, or was my case lost untill I brought it to their attention?


2) Why does it say "eagle"?? This is a visa type... does it apply to my wife? They ARE talking about namechecks, right?



I hope something hasn't been screwed up.

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Hi David,


Visa Eagle is the type of namecheck required for K applicants from China. Here is part of a telegram that Powell sent to various consulates in September. Unfortunately most interesting parts of the telegram are still classified. I can send you what I have if you PM me.




II. Non-official travel


Visas Eagle name check requests

Visas Eagle telegrams must be submitted for the following


(1) K nonimmigrant visa applicants;

(2) immigrant visa applicants; and

(3) applicants for refugee status.


These cases may be brought to conclusion 10 working days

after submission of the Visas Eagle telegram unless

otherwise advised by the Department.


Visas Eagle Mantis

(applies to posts in China only)


A Visas Eagle Mantis telegram must be submitted on

Chinese applicants (only when applying at a China post) who

are coming to study (other than undergraduate students

under 30 years of age), teach, conduct research, engage in

commercial activity, participate in an exchange program,

attend meetings or conferences, or be temporarily employed

or trained in a scientific or technical field on the

Technology Alert List.


Visas Donkey Mantis (applies to all other posts)


A Visas Donkey Mantis telegram must be submitted on

Chinese applicants (when applying outside of China) who

are coming to study (other than undergraduate students

under 30 years of age), teach, conduct research, engage in

commercial activity, participate in an exchange program,

attend meetings or conferences, or be temporarily employed

or trained in a scientific or technical field on the

Technology Alert List. The Department's response is

required prior to issuance.

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Got it.. Eagle is a security clearance type. I still wonder why it was on the 13th?



I wish I could understand why spouses always have to be the slowest/last... well, a few days later than the rest of you is better than never!

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I am not sure why it says that they resubmitted on the 13th, but it does concern me. I was told that everyone needing it had been resubmitted when I called on the 10th. A couple of other e-mail replies from GZ have contained little references that have also concerned me.


It does sound like most of these e-mails are being written by the Chinese staff, judging by the grammer and word choice. (You get good at spotting that after you have taught here awhile) That could mean that they are not saying what they really mean because of the problems of communicating in a second language. It also could mean that they are saying what they think you want to hear. (A common cultural trait) What really worries me is that it could mean that they are as confused about the process as we are, or even worse.

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I am not sure why it says that they resubmitted on the 13th, but it does concern me.  I was told that everyone needing it had been resubmitted when I called on the 10th.  A couple of other e-mail replies from GZ have contained little references that have also concerned me. 


It does sound like most of these e-mails are being written by the Chinese staff, judging by the grammer and word choice.  (You get good at spotting that after you have taught here awhile)  That could mean that they are not saying what they really mean because of the problems of communicating in a second language.  It also could mean that they are saying what they think you want to hear.  (A common cultural trait)  What really worries me is that it could mean that they are as confused about the process as we are, or even worse.

FYI: I think the email states the correct resubmission date!!!

DOS computer shows my daughter's case was resubmitted on Jan 13 also by GZ staff. How do we make of that? Obviously, they did not finish as promised. From my conversation with Katherine at CA, I got the impression that they would work on some programming (working on it) to get all the necessary resubmittion done. I could be wrong, but they definitely did not finish by 1/10.

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Of course, as disorganized as they seem to be, they may have discovered some more that they had missed and entered them on the 13th.


When I first talked to Cabral on the 10th she said that my wife's case number did not show as resubmitted. But later when she e-mailed me, the e-mail said that her name had been resubmitted. Since she had told me that they expected to have all names resubmitted that day and that a resubmit by DOS might not show up in the computer, I just assumed that the name popped up on the computer a little later.


I am starting to get discouraged about GZ's abilities here again. I just hope that they are not screwing things up again.

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Gadzooks Batman! I think you're right Owen. Could be trouble in Gotham (GZ) again. :o


I sent them an e-mail ten days ago, asking for info about resubmission. As of yet, no reply. :( Hopefully we don't have to, as you recently put it, storm the ramparts. Just in case, keep your lance ready and your sword unsheathed. :)

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