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Guest dcwfn

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Thanks for that info! So far I have spoken to three different lawyers. As you might guess that means I have heard 3 different opinions. The more I read, the more I am inclined to prepare the I-601 and submit it ourselves. What I have learned from all three of them is that none of them went to the same schools....lol

Geez.....One American and two Lebanese lawyers. One in Guangzhou and the other two here in Richmond. Of course I know that there are no absolutes in life but if any of the three could give me some shred of hope to cling to I'd go with that one. All of this leaves me as I said with the inclination to prepare the form myself using the pieces derived from all three to put this puzzle together with the specific details that I am familiar with as well. Lastly for this post, I have learned that even if the first waiver is denied it doesn't mean that the battle would be over. That there are additional methods that could be used.

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The lawyer I talked to today is going to get the job. His fee is higher then two of the others put together but he has multiple ideas that neither of the others even thought about. Yes, file the I-601. But also, based on the circunstances that existed here at the time, he's gonna appeal to the immigration judge in Alexandria, VA to overturn the decision by them to instruct her to leave the USA. All I can think of to ad right now is, keep praying!

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I lived and taught in China for five years and can truthfully say it was the most rewarding and enjoyable work I have ever done. I loved being there and especially loved working with my students. Of course, being with Li was a major source of happiness and contentment as well.


I taught in the university setting and getting a job is not so difficult. Of course, I had a background in teaching English and journalism, so maybe it was easier for me. My advice is to first decide what part of China you want to be in, then search for possible jobs in that area. ESL Cafe is a good place to start as some have already mentioned.


Some schools are better than others. Try to get a feel for what the Foreign Affairs Officer at your school is like. The FAO has the power to make your stay heavenly or hellish. I was fortunate in that at both schools where I taught, the FAO was great.


Don't expect much pay. Some schools pay more than others but then sometimes the higher paying gigs are more of a pain in the keester if you know what I mean. Good luck and best wishes.

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If I do end up going after a job there, it'll hopefully be in GUangzhou because that's where Mei is right now. Thanks for the info! btw.....

I could also expose them to American football too. I coached 5-7 year olds in flag football for 2 years. Therefore, I darn sure know how to teach it's basics. Like Vince Lombardi said; "Gentleman, this is a football".

When I played in high school I was a place kicker/RB/DB. My step-son has been told (by my wife of course) that I know how to teach football american style. I think he sees people like Yoa MIng and then there's a female who got drafted by the WNBA also. He's thinking about the money he could earn kicking extra points/field goals.

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Ok..........here we go again!.....I swear these people reallu must take classes on how to keep a situation as confusing as possible. Todat I received via USPS another blank copy of the I-601 waiver form. The "glitch" is they also sent me an I-602 which is; "Application by Refugee for Waiver of Grounds of Excludability". This form has the options on it to write in the reason she is anadmissable, and also it has a place for her to write the reasons for which she is requestiong the waiver. In that section it actually gives 4 options. 1. For humanitarian reasons. 2. To assure family unity. 3. In the public interest and, 4. It has a blank space for her to write in the reason's for each one of the first three.

What do you all think?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well folks, all of the applicable papers are in the hands of the attorney over there right now. If I understood him correctly the waiver will be submitted if not today then most likely early next week. All I know to do now is wait. Wait and pray. That's all we have left. I would dearly like to have a mere 2 minutes with whoever it is that will evaluate the waiver. Just to ask one question; Mei is my wife and best friend. "How am I supposed to survive without her beside me"? :lol:

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Thanks guys.........I appreciate the moral support more than you know. Here's a quick synopsis of what I've endured so far. Just giving it to you all to help you to maybe better understand.

Mei is my third wife. The first wife died of heart failure at the ripe old age of 25. We were together for 6 years.

The second one had a fart in her brain and elected to throw away 18 years because she wanted to prove something to herself I suppose.

The first two were of course Americans. Cept sometimes I'd swear my ex is from another planet......lol

Mei is completely different. I'm addicted.........

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Guest dcwfn

After doing further searching on CFL yesterday I found out that the VO who spoke to Mei might be the same one who in other posts has been known to be a pain in the neck. A black female is all I know so far. I sent an e-mail to the consulate asking for that person's name and contact info along with the same information for her supervisor. We'l see if it works.

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Guest dcwfn

I submitted an e-mail to Guangzhou to ask for the name of the VO who spoke to Mei. Twice already I have received responses that dod not include that information. However, they did suggest that I contact Mr. Randy Townsend who is supposedly the head of the visa unit in Guangzhou. I was instructed to use the form to contact him. I have done so. I did not give any specific details on what it is that I wish to ask him but rather a simple message to ask him to verify that he actually received my attempt to communicate with him. I will indeed keep you all posted.

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After doing further searching on CFL yesterday I found out that the VO who spoke to Mei might be the same one who in other posts has been known to be a pain in the neck. A black female is all I know so far. I sent an e-mail to the consulate asking for that person's name and contact info along with the same information for her supervisor. We'l see if it works.

Ah yes.......the infamous 'BLACK PEARL.' She is well known not only on this website but also on 001. Ying has expressed hope that when the time comes for her interviewshe does not get this woman.

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Guest dcwfn

If I didn't know that it would get me in trouble, I'd prefer to use another adjective to describe her which would be a synonym for a female dog......lol

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