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USCIS- the toils and troubles

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At least I got a little bit of satisfaction by calling the number and then hitting 2-6-2-4 thereby "rudely" cutting off that annoying speaker bot!........ :lol:


CIS.....I can just pull my hair out! They are such an unhelpful and insensitive bunch of *%#$!, not knowing a thing!


After 40 mins. waiting to get thru, a rep comes on, she can't look my wife's case up because the damn receipt number doesn't work; the rep transfer my call to immigrations where I am put on hold for another 15 minutes! Then I'm getting the "run-a-round" until I am thoroughly confused, which I think that was their intention!


OK, that was this morning. I called back this afternoon. This time I only had to wait 20 mins.! Try explaining (again) to a different rep. She asked for the receipt number. I said, "I can give it to you but it's not going to work!" Knowing this because I have only been thru this a dozen times in as many months! The rep said, and this is the first I've heard of this, is that I, the sponser, has to fill out and send in form I-865, a sponser's change of address form. Geeeeezz! thanks lady! for not telling me this months ago when I inguired about the address change.........:o


Hell, I dont know. It all seems to have something to with us moving last summer, it sure threw a wrench into the works. But really, all should be okay. I sent in all the required paperwork, (except the I-865). I have a letter from the regional CIS office sent back in August acknowledging our change of address.


OH well, a day in the life of a frustrated petioner/sponser/husband dealing with USCIS! If you ever want to take out some frustration and relieve a little stress and strain from trying to talk with CIS, after dialing the number and hitting 1 for english,,,,,,,just hit that 2-6-2-4, call again and do it again!...do it again over and over!! it's good therapy!!...............:lol:


Damn, I'm glad I posted that number!..............:P



P.S.- anybody ever filled out a I-865?

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TYWY, I'm hearing you brother. I didn't even need to talk to anyone to get myself worked up. Just the 864 has me going in circles right now. I finally just said "ship it".


There are a handful of conflicting statements between the DOS and USCIS websites about what to do with the 864. They warn about paying attention and don't screw up, but never take a look at themselves. It's no wonder they get paperwork so screwed up that there is such a huge backlog.


Something as simple as the zip code to mail the 864 to NH is conflicting.

The cover letter says mail to zip 123456-3809, the envelope says to mail it to 123456-3801, fed-ex doesn't even include the last 4 digits of the zip when they send it off for over night.


The DS230 is still posted on the website with no notice to anybody THAT THEY CANT USE THIS FORM, ONLY THE ORIGINAL MAY BE USED. Like they wrote on thier letter for the 230 bill.



All the letters I have recieved for the 230 or 864 say when we get the check, we give you the app. No where does it say when we get the 864, we give you the 230. On the 213A (oh, that's also the 864, by the way.) it even says, to turn the 230 in along with the 864. Big bold letters across the top of the 864 reads 213A. Tiny letters at the bottom reads 864. Sure makes sense to me.


The 3032 to your wife to file choice of agent doesn't have a return adress on the document and they write in the letter to the agent, if she doesn't recieve the letter, then fax it to her, have her sign it and mail it back. If that's the case why can't she just print it off the DOS website and mail it in? Why put us and themselves through the hassle of such a meaningless document. We both have that information included in the 130 and 129F already. Add and extra box to the 130 and 129F forms if need be.



The new HLS chief really has his work cut out for him. I wish him the best of luck.


Whew!!! OK, I feel better now.... :P :P :o


TYWY, Jim and Jason, You guys know how to get me going. (....but not at you. :lol: :P :D :lol: )


Peace and Love....., Peace and Love....

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Case Status Search Page


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You must correct the following error(s) before proceeding:

Status for this Receipt Number cannot be found at this time in this automated system. Please check your case receipt number to see if it is correct. If you have questions or concerns about your case status, please contact the service center where you submitted your application.





~Welcome to "mY :P CiS"...............................;)

It's been this way since Dec. 17, 2003.

I now give great pleasure in confirming that............By the actions of the USCIS, (or lack thereof), I have become inexplicably "jaded.".................... :P

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