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What do you miss the most while in China?

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Broccoli-- It's what's for breakfast!

Asparagus, did I miss it? or there is none in China?


Mix the broccoli in the pancake?

Broccoli any day of the week here- from May until now (even with the snow we had in Shanghai on the 30th.) Prices on veggies jumped!!!!


Asparagus- May thru August and then became spindley.


Pancake mix- City Supermarket. (next to Mrs. Fields and Tony Romas" :D ).


I'm missing burrito skins- finally found baking powder and will make some at home (Shanghai). We use for crispy chicken skin/ veggies Chinese style . I just wish I had an OVEN HERE!

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Just got back from NanNing...Yun asked me to cook. Ever try making spaghetti without tomato paste, sauce or stewed tomatoes?

Breakfast...French Toast...where do they hide the MAPLE SYRUP.

REAL COFFEE...has Starbucks or Deitrichs even thought about it?

Phil & Yun

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Wow guys, sorry, I owe you an apology- there's no Dunkin Donuts in Beijing though I seriously swear I saw one. Here is a list of their international locations:


International Locations


















New Zealand





Puerto Rico


Saudi Arabia




United States



Aruba? ARUBA?? And not in China??? I can't believe it.....



But now I'm super jealous over the Taco Bell in Shanghai.... :D

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I didn't miss much while I was in China with my fiancee. I enjoyed being with her and her family. The food was great. At times we just had meals at the little holes in the wall on the streets, and I thought it was cool.


I missed the convenience of an american style commode, when I'm outside the hotel and duty calls.


I also missed being able to drive. The taxis were convenient and didn't cost much, but I missed being able to jump in my own vehicle and driving around just to drive and look around.


I hope my fiancee doesn't miss too much of China when she gets here.

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When I'm in China I miss my house and my home town a little but I miss Shanghai a little too while back in the states. I miss my lao po a lot though and hope she will enjoy life in a small mid-west town. We definitely will be traveling though, its a good cure for small town blues. I'm sure she will get that after living in such a big city.

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My LG does not miss western food that much the way he miss Chinese food while he is in States.

The food that my LG keeps on mentioning over the telephone after he returns to States is bun, esp. the kind with stuffy rice in it, Shao-Mei(ÉÕÂô). Well, he will have a huge bunch of Shao-Mei pretty soon.

Just thinking about shao-mei makes my mouth water. I miss the Chinese dumplings with the pork, and the noodles too. I'm making myself hungry



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Most of the time when I was there, I didnt miss western food at all. I love Chinese food, and the more la jiaos, the better. But every once in a while I really crave a big fat juicy meduim rare burger with all the fixings. Sure, there is a McDonalds around every corner in alot of cities, but those burgers don't even come close.

Oh, another thing I crave is REAL beer. Chinese beer is ok, Budweiser and Heinekin are easy enough to find, but light beer isnt really my thing. The Chinese need to learn how to brew some reds and some stouts and some porters as well as the hundreds of light beers they have.

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