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Can most denials be overcome if everything is in order, and there are no criminal records, violations, etc.? I'm in appeal and there's not much more evidence I can provide other than the already complete mound presented.


There are a few newer e-mails and phone bills. plus a copy of my so's receipt for her engagement ring added as part evidence for the appeal.


They said I had not provided sufficient evidence of a bona-fide relationship...what...what...do they want??? I also have visited my fiancee 2 times in 9 months!


Waiting in anguish.....

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Did your fiancee come up with the photo's of her ex with the daily paper and all the other "evidence" of her ex's where abouts? Sounds like your case is more a matter of proving the where abouts of your fiancee's ex-husband, than proof of a relationship between yourself and your fiancee. That's a shame on them.

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Yes, she provided the irrelevant photo to them...


In my opinion, their asking for it  was an intentional effort  have her fail...when she provided the photo, they came up with the whole "not enough proof of bonafide relationship" thing.

That was my silent worry.


I think that by *presenting* the photo, they can claim that she and her ex-husband are really still together, and just trying to use you to get to the US.


I know that it is *not* the case for the two of you, but I think that they offered you a proverbial rope to hang yourself with.


I am not sure however what I would have done, since not doing it could have provoked a rejection too.


Good luck, and please, be careful!

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I really feel your anger about this system that allows for no apparent checks or balances against incompetence, and outrageous demands that would be civil rights violations at the very least, here. I am angry.

While I hope I do not find myself in your situation, I know the kinds of thing I would do. I have done this before for various reasons when similar government incompetence happens. I have always gotten some result towards resolution. The key items I always do is try to write a one page letter with exhibits (it is critical to be concise). I try to quote specific law, not necessarily the text, but the number related to the situation (this means some one has to do work to be sure of what you are saying). I ask for their help in resolving it. I always send along a list of all the people I am writing to as an exhibit. ( this helps to get certain workers, to start working) I always send it registered mail. I have found that while some will answer back with the usual bs, once the ball gets rolling with about an average of 10 to 20 letters sent out ( preferably the same day), usually one agency or government official is under some kind of pressure to perform, for whatever reasons. I think it is mostly because of the registered mail, means that they can not toss aside my letter, but must do something, as it can come back to haunt them as to why they failed to deal with the situation. I usually follow it up with a second batch of letters within 30 days if I have not gotten resolution (again, registered mail). (For example, basically you are an accomplice to the situation if you fail to correct it, as it is your job). I would write a letter specifically targeted to the following people.

My congressman and senators of my state.

Any officials in the process, particularly those who have some kind of authority.

Demand accountability for the actions. Particularly for the denial and for accountability of the actions of the people involved.

And my personal favorite if you can work it in, your denial of due process. ( This definitely works on the second batch of letters if no competent action has occurred).This might be hard to get put in the letter this situation, but you are the petitioner, you are affected.

This process I call "stirring the ant nest", sent to enough people, for them, the easiest solution is resolution, which makes the problem, you, go away. Then the "nest" can get back to collecting their paychecks.

I hope the appeal works for you though, I really do. However, the ridiculousness of the situation might be enough to have the people you write to, consider the embarrassment factor for the actions they take. Bad publicity is good for actors, but not government workers.

PS. Of course this requires time and research. I really do hope your lawyer has this handled. I wish you well.

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Guest hakkamike

Vast Majority could be 51%?? I have been here and on a few other Chinese/ Asian Visa sites for over 3 years and have not heard of any at all that have never got their spouses or fianc¨¦es visas. There have been a few people(very few, around 4 or 5) that have posted on the boards that have gotten denied and have never been heard from again? Keep after it Alex and it will happen for you.

Later, Michael Perez

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Hello,Alex, My finace and i have been so sorry for hearing your unfortunately,i have been on 001 for almost 1 year and have read a few ladies posting what they got denial, most of them finally got visa after they submitted more evidence of love relationship,only a few of them were unfortunate and their case was sent back USCIS, and have never heard from them.


Being a lady got a white slip after her interview on CR1 visa,but she got a blue slip next day when she wanted to pick her visa up, why?becasue her fiance ever applied for a fiancee visa for her in 2001,but she got denial and her case was sent back to US, they don't know why? then her faince came to China and married her then applied for CR1 and K3 visa in 2003,she passed the tough interview in 2004, but next day she still got blue slip and was told that GuangZhou need more times to research her case.her husband and she were so sad ,their love had suffered for 4 years and they still could not be together.her husband did accompany her in the interview,then he was angry to argue with VOs.after few weeks later,they finally got the visa.


I have not read your fiancee posting on 001,I am sure if she got to 001, she also would get lots of good suggestions from ladies.


Good luck,we look forward to hearing good news from you soon.

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